1 Diabetes in the older person Terry Aspray Tuesday pm 2 Diabetes in the older person
Diabetes A future epidemic?
New drugs and old people
Old drugs and old people
Can we prevent complications?
3 A Future Epidemic? Old Age Population millions
Older population in UK growing
Projections year 2000-2051
Aged 65 to rise by 80
Aged 85 to rise by 255
Source Joseph Rowntree foundation 2005 http//www.jrf.Org.uk/knowledge/findings
65 85 Year 4 A Future Epidemic? Diabetes
In the UK
Of people with diabetes
50 aged 65
25 aged 75
Source Diabetes UK 2004 5 A Future Epidemic? Diabetes Death Melton Mowbray Survival- Aged 75 Yrs
Community study
Population aged 75
Diabetic subjects
Mortality x4.5
Survival () Croxson et al Diab Med. 1994 6 A Future Epidemic? Frailty Care Homes Cost billions Residents thousands
Frail population in UK growing
Care homes
450,000 residents
Cost 13 billion (2000)
1,130,000 residents
Cost 55 billion (2051)
Source Joseph Rowntree foundation 2005 Http//www.jrf.Org.uk/knowledge/findings 7 A Future Epidemic? Diabetes Care Homes
1630 Residents
1275 had blood tests
Diabetes in at least 19.9
105 new cases
186 already diagnosed
EMI Care
Undiagnosed Diabetes common
Aspray et al (2006) Diabetes Care Aspray et al (2006) Public Health 8 A Future Epidemic?
?Diabetes-all ages
Especially in the old
Frailty with diabetes
e.g. Nursing homes
9 A Future Epidemic?
Watch out for Diabetes in 2050
?Diabetes-all ages
Especially in the old
Frailty with diabetes
e.g. Nursing homes
10 Case Based Discussion 1.
Age 89 F. in a NH
Gliclazide 120mg
Metformin 1.5g
Pioglitazone 30mg
BP 152/72
HbA1c 5.3
Urea 7.5 creat 156
TC 5.5
Any concerns?
Would you change the treatments?
11 Case Based Discussion 1.
Age 89 F. In a NH
Weight 49 kg
Gliclazide 120mg
Metformin 1.5g
Pioglitazone 30mg
Bp 152/72
HbA1c 5.3
Urea 7.5 creat 156
TC 5.5
Hb 9.8g/dl
Low HbA1c
Any hypos?
Mild anaemia
Interpreting HbA1c
Renal impairment
Stop metformin?
Stop Pioglitazone?
Cut gliclazide dose?
12 Can We Prevent Complications? UKQOF Glucose Points Record of HbA1c in last 15months 3 HbA1c is 7.4 or less in the past 15 months 16 HbA1c is 10 or less in the past 15 months 11 BP HbA1c is 10 or less in the past 15 months 3 BP 145/85 or less in the past 15 months 17 Lipids Record of Cholesterol in last 15months 3 Cholesterol lt5mmol in the past 15 months 6 13 Can We Prevent Complications? QOF Glucose
Not just about bringing down glucose
No lower limit in QOF for HbA1c
Safety first?
Avoiding Osmotic symptoms and Hypos
Ensure regular and consistent meals.
Consider withdrawal of treatment!
Target HbA1c ??1 at 7.5-8.5
14 Hypoglycaemia Elderly
Unawareness in old
?counter-regulatory response
Take longer to recover.
Confusion ?cause.
Careful prescribing.
Ensure regular and consistent meals.
Consider withdrawal of treatment!
15 Benefits of Glucose Control 2008 trials
Intensive glucose control x3
Target HbA1c 6.0-6.4
Little CVS benefit?
Already diagnosed DM
Over age 60
Up to 6 years f.u.
?Risk severe hypos
?Risk Death (ACCORD)
Thanks to Gillian Hawthorne
BGS Spring Meeting 2009
16 Benefits of Glucose Control 2008 trials
Legacy Studies x2
Long Term benefit
New cases T2DM
Urine micro albumin
Despite moderate control in long term
HbA1c 8 at 10yrs
Intensive glucose control x3
Target HbA1c 6.0-6.4
Little CVS benefit?
Already diagnosed DM
Over age 60
Up to 6 years f.u.
?Risk severe hypos
?Risk Death (ACCORD)
17 Thiazolidinediones Old People
ADOPT (4351 subjects)
Also Pioglitazone (Takeda)
Hand, humerus, foot
NOT hip or spine
Other risks
Cardiovascular (Rosi)
Fluid retention/heart failure
women 18 Case based discussion 2.
79yrs T2DM 15 yrs
BP 188/90
Why is her BP poorly controlled?
What side effects do you think she suffers from?
What is the target BP?
19 Case based discussion 2.
79yrs T2DM 15 yrs
BP 188/90
Drug adherence
Side effects
Ca antagonist
Target BP
Evidence supports Rx at all ages but
20 Can We Prevent Complications? BP
BHS for Diabetes
start at gt140/90 target lt130/80 Achievable?
HOT 140/81
UKPDS. 144/82
PROGRESS Post stroke- 138/82- half normotensive
HYVET target lt150/80- achieved in 48
Side effects of treatment.
e.g. Orthostatic Hypotensionfalls!
21 Case Based Discussion 3.
88 year old with T2DM for 30 yrs
Living with daughter
Needs help feeding
No longer takes tablets as was getting hypos
Cholesterol 5.6mmol
How should you manage her?
Any risks to treatment?
22 Case Based Discussion 3.
88 year old with T2DM for 30 yrs
Living with daughter
Requires help with feeding
No longer takes tablets as was getting hypos
Cholesterol 5.6mmol
Risks benefits of treatment?
23 Can We Prevent Complications? Lipids
Should we give statin?
CVS events ?by 7-10 at 7 years in the old
Dementia no benefit
(Cochrane 2009)
5 reduction in 5yrs
24 Can We Prevent Complications? Lipids
Statin safety
1.5x MSK symptoms
Mosshammer D 2009
Only 10 monitor LFTs correctly
Leaver 2009
High dose Atorva is safe up to age 78
Koren MJ 2009
Dementia no benefit
(Cochrane 2009)
25 Case Based Discussion 4.
Age 72 F.
Diabetes for 7 years
Gaining weight
Gliclazide 320mg
Metformin 1.5g
Pioglitazone 45mg
BP 152/72
HbA1c 9.5
Urea 4.5 creat 111
How about insulin?
What if she refuses?
26 Case Based Discussion 4.
Age 71 F.
Diabetes for 7 years
Gliclazide 320mg
Metformin 1.5g
Pioglitazone 45mg
BP 152/72
HbA1c 9.5
Urea 4.5 creat 111
Once daily
Twice daily
Four times daily
With or without OHA
Newer Drugs?
27 New Drugs Incretins
Insulin release
Response to glucose
Orally gt I.V.
Secreted from small bowel
Stimulate beta cells to produce more insulin.
Incretin effect 28 New Drugs Incretins
Incretins new class of drugs
GLP-1 exenatide
Metabolised by DPP4
DPP4- inhibitors
Oral Gliptins
Range of effects
?Glucose dependent insulin secretion
?glucagon secretion
Slow gastric emptying
? Food intake
? ?-cell mass in rats
? Insulin sensitivity
? Glucose disposal
29 Incretins in older people
Exenatide NICE 3rd line
HbA1c ?1
Weight ? 1.5- 5.5kg
Insulin ?weight!
Gliptins NICE 2nd line
HbA1c ?1
Weight ? 1.5- 5.5kg
Incretins for older patients
Theoretically?ß cell mass less effect
Not licensed monotherapy
Benefit into 7th decade
Safe and well tolerated
Efficacy maintained Glycaemia and Weight
30 Case Based Discussion 4.
Age 66 M.
Diabetes for 21 years
Poor control for 5 years
BD mix insulin 40/30
Metformin 1.5g
Very irritable
Poor concentration
Nostalgic for the old days
Diabetes advice going nowhere
Could there be an underlying cause?
What do you do?
31 Case Based Discussion 4.
Age 66 M.
Diabetes for 21 years
Poor control for 5 years
BD mix insulin 40/30
Metformin 1.5g
Very irritable
Poor concentration
Nostalgic for the old days
Diabetes advice going nowhere
Could there be an underlying cause?
BM 9.2 then what?
32 Complications Dementia
Epidemiological Evidence
Risk with diabetes
Alzheimers Dementia x2-4
Vascular Dementia x3
Diabetes for gt15 yrs x3
Gregg (2000) Arch Int Med 160 174-180 Katzmann (1989) Ann Neurol 25 317-24 Leibson (1997) Am J Epidemiology 145 301-8 Yoshitake (1995) Neurology 451161-68 33 Can We Prevent Complications? Dementia
Index of suspicion
Is it hypoglycaemia?
MTS (10 item)
MMSE (30 item)
Clock drawing test
Draw a clock
Put in the numbers
Set hands at 10-to-3
34 Can We Prevent Complications? Dementia Age Adjusted Incidence of dementia /10,000 person yrs
HypOglycaemia associate with dementia
Kaiser Permanente
16,667 patients
Mean Age 65yrs
Hypo 8.8
Dementia 11
Hypo Dementia 17
Link has dose response
Whitmer et al. JAMA. 2009301(15)1565-1572 35 Can We Prevent Complications? Dementia
?HbA1c ?cognition
Digital skills substitution test (DSST)
Visuo-motor speed learning
Global screening test
Memory score (Rey)
Memorise/retrieve words
Executive skill response time
Plt0.0001 Plt0.0001 ACCORD-MIND Diabetes Care 2009 baseline data 36 Case Based Discussion 4.
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