Title: European uptake of successful implementation of Industrial SME LTA
1- European uptake of successful implementation of
Industrial SME LTAs as a part of Voluntary
Agreements - EU LTA Uptake
- September 2007- June 2009
2The Long Term Agreement (LTA) Toolkit
A result of cooperation between European
national Industrial (SME) associations and
European national public administrations
- Increasing energy prices
- Lack of confidence between government and (SME)
industry - Lack of experience and know how on LTAs
- Ambitious CO2 reduction targets
- Increasing regulatory burden and enforcement
- Makes LTAs interesting!!!!
4Objective Main Steps
- Objective A toolkit supporting partners who want
to agree upon an LTA on energy saving - Steps
- Assess present LTA experience
- Set up toolkit requirements
- Install an expert platform
- Start pilots
- Validate toolkit
- Disseminate results
6 Interested? please contact
Our Project Website www.ltauptake.eu or Our Project Website www.ltauptake.eu or Our Project Website www.ltauptake.eu or Our Project Website www.ltauptake.eu or Our Project Website www.ltauptake.eu or
The Netherlands Herman Gels Coordinator 31302147837 H.Gels_at_ senternovem.nl
Belgium Georges Liébecq 324349 5618 georges.liebecq_at_ econotec.be
Bulgaria Bozidar Ivanov 35929434909 ivanov_at_sofena.com
Czech Republic M. ten Donkelaar 420284007491 Michael.tendonkelaar_at_ enviros.cz
Finland Hille Hyytiä 358424281208 hille.hyytia_at_motiva.fi
Greece H. Andreosatos 302106603292 candreo_at_cres.gr
Poland M. Semczuk 48222345242 msemczuk_at_kape.gov.pl
Sweden Th. Björkman 46165442282 thomas.bjorkman_at_ energimyndigheten.se
Norway Hans E. Helgerud 4763806226 helgerud_at_nepas.no