Title: RASDS, RM-ODP and DoDAF
- Version 3
- April 21, 2006
- Takahiro Yamada (JAXA/ISAS)
- This document contains the result of an analysis
of the relationship between RASDS and RM-ODP
(including UML4ODP) and the relationship between
3Systems That RASDS Should Describe
- Systems that RASDS should describe are large,
complex systems with a large number of diverse
functions performed by different organizations at
various places using a variety of things
(hardware and software). - Organizations that should be described by RASDS
include space agencies, manufacturers, (tracking
and communications) service providers, users (of
data produced by spacecraft), etc. - Places that should be described by RASDS include
spacecraft (orbiting and landed), tracking
stations, control centers, science institutes,
etc. - Things (hardware and software) that should be
described by RASDS include computers, computer
programs, communications networks, radio
equipment, hardware elements (such as cameras and
robot arms), RF links, etc.
4Elements and Their Relationships
- In order to describe space data systems, it is
important to show what kinds of elements exist in
the system and what kinds of relationships exist
between elements. - In order to do this, we have defined classes of
basic elements and classes of basic relationships
between elements as shown on the next page. - Each RASDS viewpoint is used to show elements of
a few kinds and the relationships between these
elements. - Consistency between different viewpoints can be
maintained by using the basic relationships
between different kinds of elements shown on the
next page.
5RASDS Elements and Their Relationships
6RASDS vs. RM-ODP and UML4ODP (Consistency)
- In RM-ODP, there are only few rules to maintain
consistency between different viewpoints. - Consistency between viewpoints can be maintained
by correspondence between objects, but there are
only two explicit rules about correspondence
(i.e., between computational and engineering
objects, and between engineering and technology
objects). - There are no explicit rules on how the enterprise
or information viewpoint constrains or affects
the other three viewpoints. For example, it is
all up to the user to determine ways to describe
how the policies of enterprise objects are
implemented in the other viewpoints.
7RASDS vs. RM-ODP and UML4ODP(General Rules)
- There are only few general rules that are
applicable to all the viewpoints. - (Example) Although behaviors of objects are
mentioned in almost all viewpoints, there are no
general rules concerning how to describe
behaviors of objects across all the viewpoints. - (Example) Although the concept of roles played by
objects is used in the enterprise and
computational viewpoints (and possibly in other
viewpoints as well, because this concept must be
used for determining whether or not two objects
can interact with each other), it is discussed
only in the enterprise viewpoint.
8RASDS vs. RM-ODP and UML4ODP(Enterprise
- It would be useful if there were methods for
describing different types of enterprise objects
such as - Enterprise objects that are almost always used as
actors of actions (for example, organizations) - Enterprise objects that are almost always used as
artifacts in actions (for example, documents) - Enterprise objects that are almost always used as
resources in actions (for example, facilities) - It would be useful if there were methods for
describing basic relationships between different
types of enterprise objects (for example, an
organization owns resources).
9RASDS vs. RM-ODP and UML4ODP(Information
- We need to do some more analysis to determine
whether the RM-ODP Information Viewpoint is
sufficient for describing information produced by
spacecraft. - We also need to compare the CCSDS Information
Architecture Reference Model with the RM-ODP
Information Viewpoint.
10RASDS vs. DoDAF (General)
- Although we did not use DoDAF for developing
RASDS, we can define a close mapping between
RASDS elements and DoDAF elements and between
RASDS viewpoints and DoDAF views/products, as
shown on the next three pages. - A major difference between RASDS and DoDAF is
that the RASDS information object maps to both
the information element (OV-3) and the system
data (SV-6) of DoDAF. - RASDS does not have a standard way of describing
behaviors (OV-6 and SV-10), performance (SV-7),
evolution (SV-8), or forecast (SV-9 and TV-2).
11Correspondence Between RASDS and DoDAF Elements
DoDAF Elements RASDS Elements
Operational Nodes (OV-2) Enterprise Objects (EV)
Needlines (OV-2) Enterprise Interactions (EV)
Information Elements (OV-3) Information Objects (IV)
Operational Activities (OV-5) Enterprise Operations (EV)
Systems Nodes (SV-1) Nodes (CV)
Systems (SV-1) Sub-nodes (CV)
System Interfaces (SV-1) Links (CV)
Key Interface (SV-1) Cross-support interface (CV)
System Functions (SV-4) Functional Objects (FV)
System Data (SV-6) Information Objects (IV)
12Correspondence Between RASDS and DoDAF Views (1/2)
DODAF View and Product RASDS Viewpoint
Overview and Summary Information (AV-1) None
Integrated Dictionary (AV-2) None
High-Level Operational Concept Graphic (OV-1) None
Operational Node ConnectivityDescription (OV-2) Enterprise Viewpoint
Operational Information Exchange Matrix (OV-3) Information Viewpoint
Organizational Relationships Chart (OV-4) Enterprise Viewpoint
Operational Activity Model (OV-5) Enterprise Viewpoint
Operational Rules Model, etc (OV-6) None
Logical Data Model (OV-7) Information Viewpoint
Systems Interface Description (SV-1) Connectivity Viewpoint
Systems Communications Description (SV-2) Comm. Viewpoint
Systems-Systems Matrix (SV-3) None
13Correspondence Between RASDS and DoDAF Views (2/2)
DODAF View and Product RASDS View
Systems Functionality Description (SV-4) Functional Viewpoint
Operational Activity to Systems Functionality Traceability Matrix (SV-5) None
Systems Data Exchange Matrix (SV-6) Information Viewpoint
Systems Performance Parameters Matrix (SV-7) None
Systems Evolution Description (SV-8) None
Systems Technology Forecasts (SV-9) None
Systems Functionality and Timing Descriptions (SV-10) None
Physical Schema (SV-11) Information View
Technical Standards Profile (TV-1) (partially, Comm. Viewpoint)
Technical Standards Forecast (TV-2) None
14RASDS vs. DoDAF (Consistency)
- Consistency between different views in DoDAF can
be maintained in a similar way to RASDS. - In DoDAF, relationships between elements in
different views/products are clearly defined
(e.g., operational activities are implemented by
system functions at system nodes) and the users
must specify the relationships between instances
of different elements. - Although it is not shown in the DoDAF documents,
we can draw a diagram similar to the one on page
5 (see the next page).
15DoDAF Elements and Their Relationships(Partial
and not Exact)
Operational Node
Operational Activity
Is Implemented By
System Function
System Node
Generates or Consumes
Is Exchanged Between
System Data
16Things That Should (Hopefully) Be Done About
- Extract general rules that lie under RASDS,
RM-ODP and DoDAF, including - Rules for describing views,
- Rules for describing elements,
- Rules for describing relationships between
elements, - Rules for describing behaviors of elements,
- Rules for describing roles played by elements,
and - Rules for describing information and data
- Define a UML profile for the above rules.
- Is this too difficult or too late? I hope not!
- But, to do this, we have to answer some
theoretical questions (see the next page).
17Theoretical Questions
- Someone must prepare answers to the following
questions that can be used in any architectural
technique. - What are models?
- What is the relationship between models and
things that are modeled? - What are views?
- How should views be constructed?
- How should different views be related?
- How should consistency between views be
established and checked?
18ANSI/IEEE 1471-2000
- ANSI/IEEE 1471-2000 Recommended Practice for
Architectural Description of Software-Intensive
Systems provides answers to many of the
questions listed in the previous. - However, I think we need to check whether this
standard provides guidance necessary for
different groups to develop different views in a
consistent way. - If there is a need, we should consider expanding
this standard.
19How Should We Proceed?
- I think it would be very beneficial if we could
establish a forum to discuss the relationship
between different architecting/modeling
techniques in hope of finding common solutions.