Title: Additional frameworks for aspects: BBN and others
1Additional frameworks for aspects BBN and others
- Presented by Zakhar Borodin
- BBN, Cambridge
- Gary Duzan
- Joseph Loyall
- Richard Schantz
- Richard Shapiro
- John Zinky
- Supporters
- Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
- Air Force Research Lab
3Distributed Objects
- Remote and local objects have similar interface
- Remote and local objects behave in different
manner - Can require different amount of time to perform
the same actions - Can fail/succeed separately
4Quality of Service
- Need to examine the environment
- Tangling application and management logic
- Different logic for local and remote
- Breaks object-model concept
5QoS as an Aspect
- QoS logic is best inserted into middleware level
- Dynamic QoS management
- Aspects
- Can access application and environment
information - No need to modify the application/system code
6QuO Adaptation Model
- Regions
- Contracts
- Sysconds
- Callbacks
- Kernel
- Qosket
7QuO Adaptation Model - Regions
- Represents states of the system
- Represents criteria for transition
- May be nested
8QuO Adaptation Model - Contracts
- Defines a number of regions
- Can capture a set of static regions
- Level of service expected
- Can capture a set of reality regions
- Can be encountered at run time
- Defined using QuOs Contract Definition Language
9QuO Adaptation Model - sysconds
- System condition objects
- Monitor/Control system low-level details
- Used as variables in predicates by contracts
- Trigger a reevaluation of contracts
- Reevaluation of predicates
- Transition actions
10QuO Adaptation Model - Callbacks
- Side effects between state transitions
- Invoked by the contract
- Used to change attributes of the application
- Used to affect the system
11QuO Adaptation Model - Kernel
- Contains contracts and sysconds
- Can live in a separate process
12QuO Adaptation Model - Qosket
- A collection of contracts, sysconds, callbacks
and support code - Reusable
- Not bound to any particular application/interface
13QuO Aspect model - delegates
- ASL is compiled to delegate
- Acts as a proxy for calls
- Adds desired behavior to method invocation
- Support multiple interfaces
- Many ASL specifications can be woven into a
single delegate
14Advice model - Method
- Advice can be applied to a method/interface
- Common method signature format
- Allows language independency
- Simplifies implementation
- Can not cope with overloaded methods
15Advice model Join Points
16Advice model Join Points(2)
- Have default behavior
- Invoke a method
- Evaluate delegates contract
- Determine current region
- Return a value
17Advice model - Advice
- May be executed
- Uses simple language
- May be defined in native language
18Advice model Execution Environment
- Advice can access method arguments
- Advice can access variables defined in the ASL
- Variables may be bound to any object with a CORBA
interface - Remote object reference and the return value are
also variables
19Advice model ASL example
20Example Application
21Example Application - Scenario
- Server can be queried for document or image
- Network and CPU load can affect the QoS
- Strategy monitor CPU and Network
- Operate normally
- Enable compression
- If CPU is available
22Example Application - Contract
23Example Application Contract(2)
- Defined in Contract Definition Language
- Sysconds reflect the environment
- Regions define the policy
- Callback object sysop invoked upon entering
CriticalLoad region
24Example Application Aspect Definition
25Example Application Aspect Definition
- Qosket object provides services for delegates
- Ivar refers to allow_compression syscond in the
contract - Advice is associated with get_image method
- By method signature
26Example Application Aspect Definition(2)
- Rval references the return value of the server
- Can be controlled
- Inplaceof directive prevents contract evaluation
before the call - No need to check the contract on the client side
27Example Application Aspect Definition(3)
- Before directive used to modify query string by
qosket object - Add some compression criteria to the string
- Parameter q is bound to the modified string
- Call to the server is performed with a new string
28Example Application Aspect Definition(4)
- after METHODENTRY onclient receives the
compression requirements from qosket object - Requirements are stored in allow_compression
syscond - Will be used by server
29Example Application Aspect Definition(5)
30Example Application Aspect Definition(6)
- Regions matching
- If no matching found default behavior is
executed - If the contract is in NoCompress the exception
is thrown - If the contract is in Compress using qosket to
compress the return value and returning it
31Example Application Aspect Definition(7)
- Other aspects can be defined
- Defined in a separate ASL file
- Applied independently
- Using the same contract
32AO nature of QuO - Weaving
- Weaving
- Aspects into a delegate
- Oblivious
- Order may be defined per delegate
- Statically and dynamically quantified
- Delegates into the basic code
- Statically quantified for objects
33AO nature of QuO Cross-cutting
- Weaving is crosscutting
- Allows behaviors for multiple classes in a single
aspect - Quosket code is distributed to various points
- Cross-cutting
34AO nature of QuO Composition Filters
- Weaving by wrapping
- Intercepting messages
- Match method by name
- Weaving multiple ASL specifications
- More complex behaviors
- Use specified behaviors
35AO nature of QuO - AspectJ
- Join Points
- Can advice
- Before, inplaceof (around)..
- 5 static points on each method
- Client/server side
- Each JoinPoint of AspectJ related to method call
QuO gives 10 join points - Regions
- Dynamic join points
36Secure Application through AOP
- Functional and non-functional requirements
- Tangled code
- AOP provides modularization
37Secure Application through AOP
- Personal Management system
38Secure Application through AOP
- The owner (i.e., creator) of a PIMUnit can invoke
all operations on that unit. - Contacts are only accessible to their owner.
- All other accesses to PIMUnits are restricted to
just viewing.
39Secure Application through AOP
- OOP design
- PIMUnit must be associated with the owner
- Authentication mechanism must be added
- Authorization
- Most operations in the four unit classes must be
modified - PIMSystem class added
40Secure Application through AOP
- Redesigned system diagram
41Secure Application through AOP
- AspectJ design - OwnerManagement
- aspect OwnerManagement perthis(this(PIMUn
it)) - String owner
- after() execution(Appointment.schedule(..))
execution(Task.create(..)) - owner Authentication.getUser()
42Secure Application through AOP
- AspectJ design OwnerManagement
- Responsible for storage and initialization of
owners - An instance of the aspect per PIMUnit object
- Every unit has now owner attribute
- Initialized by the after advice
43Secure Application through AOP
- AspectJ design Authentication
- aspect Authentication()
- static String currentUser
- static String getUser()
- if(currentUser null)
- currentUser ltlogingt
- return currentUser
44Secure Application through AOP
- AspectJ design Authentication
- used to authenticate persons
- replaces the login() method
- represents the current user
45Secure Application through AOP
- AspectJ design Authorization
- aspect Authorization()
- pointcut restrictedAccess()
- execution( Appointment.move(..))
execution( Contact.view(..)) execution(
Task.setProgress(..)) execution(
46Secure Application through AOP
- AspectJ design Authorization
- implements the actual access control
- current user is identified through authentication
- restrictedAccess pointcut specifies the places
for enforcing the verification
47Secure Application through AOP
- void around() restrictedAccess()
- Object currentUnit thisJoinPoint.getThis()
- String unitOwner OwnerManagement.aspectOf(curren
tUnit).owner - String user Authentication.getUser()
- if(! unitOwner.equals(user))
System.out.println("Access Denied !") - else
- proceed()
48Secure Application through AOP
- System Evolution - OOP
- secretaries, managers, workers..
- original design needs to be changed
- sub classing Person with several classes
- secretaries may require full access to all
information of their managers - operations are dispersed among several classes
- PIMUnit, Appointment, Task, and Contact
49Secure Application through AOP
- System Evolution AOP
- the only required change is the modification of
the condition - if-statement within the Authorization advice
- changes are more localized
- flexibility, advanced modularization capabilities
50Secure Application through AOP
- ACL based security model with AOP
- allow the owner to define rules for the access
rights of each person - different information confidentiality levels
- public, confidential, and top-secret
- Capability-based model with AOP
- one can delegate access privileges to others
- Systems can be supported without requiring
invasive changes in the core application - No unwarranted changes in the aspect
- Developing Secure Applications Through
Aspect-Oriented Programming - By Tzilla Elrad, Mehmet Aksit, Siobhan Clarke,
Robert Filman. - http//www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p340
- Building adaptive distributed applications with
middleware and aspects - Gary Duzan  BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
- Joseph Loyall  BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
- Richard Schantz  BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
- Richard Shapiro  BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
- John Zinky  BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
- http//portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id976280