Title: Investment Management
1InvestmentManagement Hot Topics
- What would I expect to find in the way of Best
2Best Practices for Investment Managers
- Harvard v. Amory (1830)
- Prudent Man Rule
- Common Law
- ERISA (1974)
- Prudent Expert Rule
- Federal Law
- Uniform Prudent Investor Act (1994)
- Private Trusts
- State Law
- Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act
(2002) - Charitable Trusts
- State Law
4Definition of Prudence
- The fundamental principle for professional money
management, stated by Judge Samuel Putnum in 1830
- "Those with responsibility to invest money for
others should act with prudence, discretion,
intelligence, and regard for the safety of
capital as well as income."
- www.cfainstitute.org
- Trade Management Guidelines
- Soft Dollar Standards
- Research Objectivity Standards
- Global Investment Performance Standards
- Asset Manager Code of Conduct
- www.nccusl.org
- UPIA (1994)
- UMIFA (2002)
- www.sia.com
- Compensation Practices
- Firm Management
- Internal Firm Policies
- Relationships with Regulators
- Role of Compliance Professionals
- Investor Confirmations
- Registered Rep Supervision
- Investor Complaints
- Soft Dollars
- Sales Supervision
7Best Practices for Investment Managers
- Key decision-makers demonstrate expertise in
their field, and there is a clear succession plan
in place. - Qualitative Evaluation of Expertise
- Formal Succession Plan
- Compensation Practices
- Firm Management
8Best Practices for Investment Managers
- There are clear lines of authority and
accountability, and the mission, operations, and
resources operate in a coherent manner. - Strategic Plan
- Tactical Plan
- IT Plan
- Firm Management
9Best Practices for Investment Managers
- There are effective and appropriate external
management controls. - Audits
- Examinations
- Compliance Program
- Board Committee Oversight
10Best Practices for Investment Managers
- Mutual Funds, Hedge Funds Annuities associated
with the organization have suitable board
governance. - Performance
- Suitability
- Expenses
- Standards for Selection Retention
- Conflict Self-Dealing Addressed
11Best Practices for Investment Managers
- Remuneration of the Investment Manager/s and
compensation of key decision-makers are aligned
with client interests. - Performance Based
- Long-term Focus
- Fully-disclosed
- Compensation Practices
12Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The working atmosphere is conducive to attract,
retain, and motivate key employees. - Turnover
- Decision-making Process
- Creativity
- Opportunity
- Compensation Practices
- Formal Evaluation Process
- Internal Firm Policies
13Best Practices for Investment Managers
- There is a formal structure which supports
effective compliance. - Corporate Culture/Attitude
- Compliance Program
- Compliance Officer
- Control Self-assessments
- Role of Compliance Professionals
14Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The organization provides financial transparency
that demonstrates there is capital and
profitability to sustain operations and adequate
disclosures are made. - Financials
- Form ADV
- Fee Schedules
- Agreements
- Disclosure Documents
- Proxy Voting, Soft-dollar, Pricing Best
15Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The organization is committed to firm-wide
innovation and has established a competitive
position of strength. - Creativity
- Decision-making
- Best Practices
- Systems
- Personnel Development
16Best Practices for Investment Managers
- There is an effective process for allocating and
managing both internal and external resources and
vendors. - Soft-dollar
- Trade Allocations
- Research Objectivity
17Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The organization has a diverse client base, and
the capacity to service the same. - Concentrations by
- Fees
- Asset Class
- Security
- Client
- Product
18Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The organization is properly managing the
growth/decline of assets under management. - Growth/Decline Rates
- Fees
- Assets
- Accounts
19Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The investment system is clearly defined and
consistently adds value. - Investment Story
- Process
- Policies, Procedures Controls
- Exception Identification, Tracking Resolution
20Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The investment research process is defined,
focused, and documented. - Soft-dollar Budget
- Benefit Derived
- Off-list Securities
- Research Objectivity
21Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The portfolio management process for each
distinct strategy is clearly defined, focused,
and documented. - Benchmarks
- Asset Allocation
- Deviations from Policy
- Periodic Reviews
- Risk Return Differentiation
22Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The trade and execution process is defined,
focused, and documented. - Soft-dollars
- Best Execution
- Trade Allocation
23Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The organization has responsible and ethical
marketing and sales practices. - AIMR/CFA Compliant (Best Practices)
- Performance Reporting (GIPS)
- Return
- Risk
- Benchmarks
- Time-frame
- Classification
- Trade Management
- Research Objectivity
- Proxy Voting
24Best Practices for Investment Managers
- There is a defined process for the attribution
and reporting of costs, performance, and risk. - Performance Measurement
- Risk
- Return
- Benchmark
- Performance Attribution
- Classifications
- Cause Effect
- Fees Expenses Disclosed
25Best Practices for Investment Managers
- The investment system and portfolio management
processes are monitored and are consistent with
assigned mandates. - Performance Dispersion
- Off-list Securities
- Concentrations
- Exceptions to Min/Max Allocations
26Best Practices for Investment Managers
- There is an effective risk-management process to
evaluate both the organizations business and
investment risk. - Control Self-assessments
- Risk Management Plan
- Role of Compliance Professionals
27Best Practices for Investment Managers
- Control procedures are in place to periodically
review policies for - Best Execution,
- Soft Dollars,
- Pricing, and
- Proxy Voting.
28Best Practices for Investment Managers
- There is an effective process for identifying,
managing, and disclosing conflicts of interest. - Broker/Dealer
- Investment Managers
- Mutual Funds
- Insider Trading
- Front-running
- Pricing
- Asset Manager Code of Conduct
29Best Practices for Investment Managers
- There is a process to periodically review the
organizations effectiveness in meeting its
fiduciary responsibilities. - Annual Reviews
- Investment Policy Statements
- Investment Objectives
- Risk Return Levels
- Vendor Selection Usage
- Practice No. 1.1 Investments are managed in
accordance with applicable laws, trust documents,
and written investment policy statements - Practice No. 1.2 Fiduciaries are aware of their
duties and responsibilities - Practice No. 1.3 Fiduciaries and parties in
interest are not involved in self-dealing - Practice No. 1.4 Service agreements and contracts
are in writing, and do not contain provisions
that conflict with fiduciary standards of care - Practice No. 1.5 There is documentation to show
timing and distribution of cash flows, and the
payment of liabilities - Practice No. 1.6 Assets are within the
jurisdiction of U.S. courts, and are protected
from theft and embezzlement
- Practice No. 2.1 A risk level has been identified
- Practice No. 2.2 An expected, modeled return to
meet investment objectives has been identified - Practice No. 2.3 An investment time horizon has
been identified - Practice No. 2.4 Selected asset classes are
consistent with the identified risk, return, and
time horizon - Practice No. 2.5 The number of asset classes is
consistent with portfolio size
- Practice No. 3.1 There is detail to implement a
specific investment strategy - Practice No. 3.2 The investment policy statement
defines the duties and responsibilities of all
parties involved - Practice No. 3.3 The investment policy statement
defines diversification and rebalancing
guidelines - Practice No. 3.4 The investment policy statement
defines due diligence criteria for selecting
investment options
34FORMALIZE (continued)
- Practice No. 3.5 The investment policy statement
defines monitoring criteria for investment
options and service vendors - Practice No. 3.6 Investment policy statement
defines procedures for controlling and accounting
for investment expenses - Practice No. 3.7 Investment policy statement
defines appropriately structured, socially
responsible investment strategies
- Practice No. 4.1 The investment strategy is
implemented in compliance with the required level
of prudence - Practice No. 4.2 Fiduciary is following
applicable Safe Harbor provisions (when
elected) - Practice No. 4.3 Investment vehicles are
appropriate for the portfolio size - Practice No. 4.4 A due diligence process is
followed in selecting service providers,
including the custodian
- Practice No. 5.1 Periodic performance reports
compare the performance of money managers against
appropriate index, peer group, and IPS objectives - Practice No. 5.2 Periodic reviews are made of
qualitative and/or organizational changes to
money managers - Practice No. 5.3 Control procedures are in place
to periodically review a money managers policies
for best execution, soft dollars, and proxy
voting - Practice No. 5.4 Fees for investment management
are consistent with agreements and with the law - Practice No. 5.5 Finders fees, 12b-1 fees, or
other forms of compensation that have been paid
for asset placement are appropriately applied,
utilized, and documented