Title: On The Fast Track
1On The Fast Track
- Explore a two-track credentialing model using
QEW/ECHO as the implementation tool
Presented by Lisa Rothmuller
2Purpose of Fast-track Credentialing
- The purpose of expedited credentialing is
to streamline the approval process for applicants
to the staff who meet approved predefined
3JCAHO Standard Clarification 5/14/01
- Temporary privileges may be granted when the
applicant is waiting for a review and
recommendation by the medical staff executive
committee and approval by the governing body
4JCAHO Standard Clarification
- There is verification of licensure, relevant
training or experience, current competence,
ability to perform privileges requested and other
criteria required by medical staff bylaws. - NPDB query has been obtained and evaluated.
5JCAHO Standard Clarification cont.
- Applicant has a complete application, no
challenges to licensure or registration, not
subject to involuntary termination of membership
at any organization and not been subject to
involuntary limitation, reduction, denial or loss
of clinical privileges.
6What Helps Expedite Credentialing?
- Some conditions that should be met to fast-track
a physician through the credentialing process
include - The application is complete
- No actions against the practitioner at other
facilities - No disciplinary actions taken by any agencies and
no criminal convictions - No malpractice suits filed
7What May Prevent Expedited Credentialing?
- Some reasons for exclusions to the expedited
process include - The applicant submits an incomplete application
- There is a current challenge or a previously
successful challenge to the licensure or
registration - Actions have been taken against the practitioner
by other facilities - There has been a malpractice suit, judgment or
settlement against the applicant - Peer reference or affiliation indicate potential
problems - The applicant has held a substantial number of
medical licenses across the U.S.
8Ways to Have Your Physicians Help You Expedite
- Requesting information from your applicants
prior to processing their application can help
expedite the process. Items requested may
include - Copies of all current licenses, including State,
DEA, Controlled Substance - Copies of certificates from training programs
- Copy of Professional Liability Coverage
Certificate - Application fee
9MSLW/ECHO Is Here To Help You With The Process
10- Provides a method, using checklists, to track
whether the physician qualifies for fast-track
credentialing or not
11Sample Category 1 Checklist in Echo
12Sample Category 1 Checklist in a Physician Record
in Echo
13Sample Category 1 Checklist in MSLW
14Sample Category 2 Checklist in MSLW
15How MSLW/ECHO Can Help With The Process
- Provides a method, using checklists, to track
whether the physician qualifies for fast-track
credentialing or not - Provides opportunities to run reports on
fast-tracked physicians and non-fast-tracked
16Echo Filter Finding All Category 1 Physicians
17Application Process Status Report
18Filter to Find Category 2 Applicants
19Application Status Report Category 2
20How MSLW/ECHO Can Help With The Process
- Provides a method, using checklists, to track
whether the physician qualifies for fast-track
credentialing or not - Provides opportunities to run reports on
fast-tracked physicians and non-fast-tracked
physicians - Provides reporting capabilities to request
additional items from applicants and provide
status to applicants
21Sample Application Status Report Available Via
The Internet
22Sample Letter to PhysicianRequesting Information
23How MSLW/ECHO Can HelpWith The Process
- Provides a method, using checklists, to track
whether the physician qualifies for fast-track
credentialing or not - Provides opportunities to run reports on
fast-tracked physicians and non-fast-tracked
physicians - Provides reporting capabilities to request
additional items from applicants and provide
status to applicants - Provides methods for the physician to help you
help them through the process
24Ways to Have Your Physicians Help
- You may request that the applicant request
verifications be sent to you from their training
and education programs. Items may include - Verification of licensure in other states
- Medical school verification
- Letter of reference from training programs
- Letter of reference from current affiliations
25Management Reports
- Reports can be generated to show management
global information on fast-tracked and non
fast-tracked physicians
26Filter for Applications Completing Fast-track
27Checklist Span for Fast-tracked Applicants
28Screen Shot of Checklist Span Output
29Checklist Span for Non-expedited Applicants
30Listing Report Showing Category 2 Disciplinary
Action Cases
- Assistance from physicians during the application
process - Faster process time for those who do not have
issues - Reports to assist with status information
- Management reports showing timelines and issues