Accessible Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Accessible Design


Accessible Design Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Accessible Design

Accessible Design
  • Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities

Stacy Smith
  • Adaptive Technology Specialist
  • Disability Support Services
  • Kansas State University

Presentation Goals
  1. Provide background on accessibility for students
    with disabilities
  2. Discuss how students access eLearning content,
    and how you can experience this on your own
  3. Show sample strategies for creating accessible
    course content

What is meant by Accessibility?
Accessibility defined
  • A term used to describe the relative ease or
    difficulty in reaching a waterfall.

Accessibility defined
  • In the age of information technology,
    accessibility refers to the possibility for
    everyone, regardless of physical or technological
    readiness, such as people with disabilities, to
    access and use technology and information

Universal Design
  • Universal Design is the design of products and
    environments to be usable by all people, to the
    greatest extent possible, without the need for
    adaptation or specialized design.

Seven Principles
Principles of Universal Design
  • Equitable Use
  • The design is useful and marketable to people
    with diverse abilities

Principles of Universal Design
  • Perceptible Information
  • The design communicates necessary information
    effectively to the user, regardless of ambient
    conditions or the users sensory abilities.

Applying principles of Universal Design
  • Course Development Universal Design
  • Universal Access
  • Universal Access Accessible Design

Accessible Design defined
  • With respect to eLearning, Accessible Design
    refers to the planning, development and
    implementation of courses to be inherently
    accessible to students with a wide range of
    abilities, including students with disabilities.

Why consider accessibility?
  • Federal Law mandates equal access to
    education, employment, communication, technology,
    and other resources for persons with disabilities.

Disability law
  • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
  • Prohibits discrimination on the basis of
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments
    of 1973
  • Ensures that Federally funded institutions such
    as Universities provide equal access to students
    with disabilities
  • Section 508 of the the Rehabilitation Act
    Amendments of 1998
  • Requires electronic and information technology to
    be accessible to persons with disabilities

Legal conclusions for education
  • Universities must provide equal access to
    educational opportunities for otherwise qualified
  • An otherwise qualified student meets the
    academic and technical standards requisite to
    admission or participation.

When should courses be accessible?
  • The Department of Education, Office of Civil
    Rights states that accessibility must be
    considered at the beginning of course
  • Ad-hoc measures taken once the student enrolls
    are not enough.
  • The course-taking experience must be as similar
    as possible for all students.

The bottom line, legally
  • Accessibility is the right thing to do.
  • Entities that accept Federal funds must meet
    Federal regulations.
  • All States accept Federal funding.

Bonus points
  • Accessibility translates into usability
  • Usability benefits all students
  • English as a Second Language
  • Taps a variety of learning styles
  • Usability benefits instructors
  • Flexible courses and happier students
  • Content can be more easily repurposed
  • Usability is marketable
  • Better courses better reputation
  • Content deliverable using emergent technology,
    such as handheld devices

Accessible design benefits
What has to be accessible?
  1. Course management software (also called learning
    management software)
  2. Web pages that support the course
  3. All course content, such as presentations,
    documents, pdfs, graphics, images, video, etc.

Providing accessible eLearning . . .
  • How do I do that?

The good news
  • K-State Online is quite accessible
  • Navigation
  • Email and message boards
  • Variety of file types supported
  • Does not mean that every feature is accessible!
  • Axio team interested in accessibility
  • Request input, program that, repeat
  • Variety of tools already exist to assist with
  • Most of you arent responsible for Axio/K-State
    Online development

Instructors responsible for
  • Web Pages
  • Course Content

The bad news?
  • Cant use all these cool tools?
  • My course has to be boring and plain?
  • This will take a lot of work and effort?
  • The university has to spend lots of ?

The bad news?
  • Cant use all these cool tools?
  • My course has to be boring and plain?
  • This will take a lot of work and effort?
  • The university has to spend lots of ?

Use what you want . . .
  • . . . But plan for accessibility. Considering
    accessibility in delivering eLearning hinges on
    preparation. What have you done, as an
    instructor, to prepare for the eventuality of a
    student with a disability enrolling in your

Planning for accessibility
  • Remember that courses must take accessibility
    into account from the beginning
  • Learn how students with disabilities access
    eLearning content
  • Learn the standards or learn where to find good

How do students access eLearning?
  • Text-to-Speech screen readers
  • visual, cognitive, learning impairments
  • Screen enlargement
  • visual impairments
  • Speech-to-Text or voice recognition
  • mobility, cognitive, learning impairments
  • Sign Language Interpreters
  • hearing impairments
  • Transcripts
  • valuable to all

Put yourself in your students shoes
  • Disable images using your web browser
  • Do you see alt text?
  • Does the page convey information?
  • Can you navigate effectively?
  • Navigate using the keyboard
  • Do you navigate to important links first?
  • Can you access all links and information?
  • Common file types/components?
  • Listen to your documents using text-to speech
  • Bandage your fingers and participate in
    text-based chat
  • Close your eyes and listen to a visual lecture
    with visual aids

Screen readers how do they work?
  • Beneficial to students with visual, mobility, and
    cognitive impairments
  • Technology relies on
  • Coded document structure
  • Headings, body text, creation order of elements
  • Problems with frames, improperly used tables,
    matching questions
  • Cues, such as periods and commas
  • Instructs screen reader to pause helps with
  • Problems with online test questions that dont
    use punctuation

Free adaptive technology to try
  • Built-in accessibility
  • Adobe Reader
  • MicroSoft Office reader
  • Language bar for Office
  • Mozilla FireFox
  • Developer toolbar allows user to turn off images,
    CSS, linearize tables, etc
  • FireVox extension reads page content
  • ReadPlease
  • Web validation tools
  • W3C Validator http//
  • Cynthia Says http//
  • WAVE from WebAIM http//

Practical application
1 Accommodation
  • Extended time on exams
  • KSOL allows instructors to grant a timed
    exception to students

1 Word processor MicroSoft Word
  • Use styles for formatting
  • Format ? Styles and Formatting
  • Marks up document with header and body styles
    can be navigated by screen reader
  • Translates well to HTML
  • Saving the file
  • Save as Web Page, Filtered most accessible
  • HTML universally accessible
  • Filtered avoids much extraneous code
  • Offer at least two options .doc, .rtf, .txt
  • Many, but not all, students will have Word
  • .txt universal but loses formatting

1 Presentation method PowerPoint
  • Make good design choices
  • Slide background (cool may not be readable)
  • Font choice (once again, cool may not be
  • Sufficient but not too much contrast between
    background and text
  • Slides are cheap. Use multiple slides rather
    than cramming everything onto one
  • Use images only when they add or reinforce
  • Provide alt text for all images, graphs, etc

Poor design choices
  • Clutter things that dont convey necessary
  • Information overload too much information on
    one page
  • Unnecessary conservation some people load their
    slides with lots of text because they think
    PowerPoint slides are expensive and they cant
    use as many as theyd like. As a result the text
    gets smaller and smaller and the slide looks like
    its nothing but textunless youve been clever
    like me and youve put cool images of Santa on
    the page.

My title is here
  • My first bullet is here
  • My second bullet is here
  • My third bullet is here
  • My fourth bullet is here
  • My fifth bullet is here
  • Arent rainbows pretty?

Just because you CAN . . .
  • Doesnt mean you SHOULD.

Saving accessible PowerPoint
  • Making PowerPoint accessible for free
  • Dont use PowerPoint.
  • Student must have full version of PowerPoint or
    PowerPoint plug-in to view. JAWS, most popular
    screen reader, doesnt work well with plug-ins
  • Saving as Web page loses Alt text and uses Frames
    for page layout. Reading order may be off.
  • Making PowerPoint accessible for real
  • Best LecShare
  • Fully accessible in one document format many
  • Better Illinois Accessibility Wizard
  • Creates multiple documents
  • Good Adobe PDF, other software
  • Not good for screen readers

For all file types simple accommodations
benefit many
  • Creating a video?
  • Script it. Your presentation will be better (no
  • Record without an audience (no dead space during
  • Transcript can be repurposed for captions
  • Scanning documents?
  • Make sure to use Optical Character Recognition
    (OCR) to convert images into text.
  • Using images, graphs, charts?
  • Provide alternate text, whether its a word
    processing file, web page, .pdf, PowerPoint, etc

I cant plan for everythingcan I?
  • Include a statement in your syllabus encouraging
    students with disabilities to disclose
  • Exercise your flexibility and creativity
  • Offer alternative assignments if necessary
  • Rely on the expertise of others

Accessible design benefits everyone
  • Students with disabilities
  • Students with undocumented disabilities
  • Students with different learning styles
  • Non-native speakers (ESL)
  • People using older, slower technology
  • People using the smaller, portable technology
  • Benefits instructors, too!

Instructors benefit . . .
  • Well-organized, clean, and flexible courses
  • Improved student participation and feedback
  • Increased retention of students
  • Favorable student evaluations

Everyone wins
  • Questions?
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