Making a Difference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Making a Difference


... (Personality or ... it is important to use the words those of that group have agreed is most pleasing ... developing the skills needed for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Making a Difference

Making a Difference
  • What Attitudes, Skills And Knowledge Are The Keys
    To Making A Difference?

Making a Difference
  • With
  • Nora J. Baladerian, Ph.D.

Making a Difference
  • For the Online Conference
  • September 9, 2004

Purpose of Training
  • Expand knowledge and skills to more effectively
    intervene with children and adults with

  • Barriers to Effective Sensitive Interviewing of
    Individuals with Intellectual and/or Cognitive

  • Lack of information about mental retardation
    other (Developmental) Disabilities

  • Cultural and informational differences due to
  • Segregation
  • Exclusion, and
  • Disability

  • Unexamined myths and stereotypes that result in
    prejudice, fear and negative attitudes.

  • Devaluing
  • Dehumanizing
  • Distancing

  • Limited or lack of personal contact with
    individuals with similar backgrounds

  • Belief that individuals with mental illness or
    communication differences cannot be effectively
    or reliably interviewed.

  • Attitudes as Feelings
  • Attitudes as beliefs
  • Attitudes as myths
  • Beliefs as stereotypes
  • Translation of our thinking into action
  • Attitudes, beliefs feelings can change

Attitudes as Feelings
  • Our attitudes are built by observing then
    mimicking our teachers
  • Parents
  • Siblings
  • Neighbors
  • School teachers
  • Peers

Attitudes as Feelings
  • We internalize and externally demonstrate what we
    have been taught
  • To look down on others for their difference to
  • To group others and ourselves, then value one
    above the other.

Attitudes as Feelings
  • We learn to actually FEEL that one IS better than
    the other only because of values we have chosen
    to adopt from our disability-negative society.
  • We learn to actually BELIEVE that our feeling is
    accurate or right.
  • We are not told that we can develop our own
    personal set of values,

Attitudes as Feelings
  • We are not told that we can develop our own
    personal set of values.
  • We DISCOVER that we can develop our own personal
    set of values, such as, All people are
    important. It does not matter whether or not
    they have a disability, are of a particular
    gender, race, religion, ethnic heritage.

Feelings Drive our Behavior
  • How we feel, regardless of our awareness of the
    feeling, drives our behavior.

Feelings Drive our Behavior
  • We may unthinkingly use words of facial
    expressions (looks) that are painful to the
    individual with a disability.
  • For example, talking ABOUT the person with their
    family or assistants instead of talking TO the

Feelings Drive our Behavior
  • We may fail to do as much or equal service to
    our clients who have disabilities.
  • For example, not offer them a brochure or reading
    material under the assumption that they will not
    be able to benefit from having it.

Attitudes Us and Them
  • We have developed a strongly ist
    societynegative valuing and feelings about
  • Sexist
  • Racist
  • Able-ist

Attitudes Measuring Value
  • Those who are valued most in our society are
  • Men or women?
  • Tall or short?
  • With or without a disability
  • UNLESS balanced by
  • Great wealth
  • Great intellect

Attitudes Pygmalion
  • Our culture highly values fluency of speech,
    clear speech production, and a good vocabulary.
  • This is then quickly translated into perceived
    intellection prowess.

Attitudes Pygmalion
  • If such prowess is lacking, there often occurs a
    lesser valuing of the individual.
  • Those who have mental retardation or other
    disabilities that effect their speech or language
    skills cannot meet these standards.
  • Yet, they certainly are able to effectively
    describe what has happened to them.

Attitudes As Beliefs
  • Attitudes ARE beliefs, reinforced over time by
    repetition, along with feelings.

Attitudes As Beliefs
  • Attitudes can be negative or positive.
  • Attitudes, built on false information, demean
    both the holder of the attitude and the person(s)
    toward whom the negative attitude is directed.

Attitudes As Beliefs
  • Translation to Crime Victims with Disabilities.
  • They take too much timewe cant allocate THAT
    MUCH time to JUST ONE victim
  • They need too many resourceswe cannot afford an

Attitudes As Beliefs
  • Translation to Crime Victims with Disabilities.
  • They need more than we can providewe dont have
    an accessible room for the interview.
  • They create too much troublewe cant make our
    facility ADA accessible just for a few people!

Attitudes As Beliefs
  • Translation to Crime Victims with Disabilities.
  • We cant train all of our staff to use the TDD
    for Deaf or Hard of Hearing crime victimsor
    those with Speech impairments.
  • We cant take the time to learn all the rules
    about Relay services or Speech-to-Speech options.

Examples from Children
  • These attitudes are more obvious, perhaps, in
    watching kids who have learned these
    disability-negative attitudes.

Examples from Children
  • Taunting, teasing making fun of other kids
    because of their disability
  • Physically attacking and killing kids with
  • Using epithets such as you retard or You spaz

Examples from Children
  • These behaviors contribute to the attacked child
    beginning to feel unworthy, unwanted and less
    than those who attack
  • Not to mention unsafe.

Beliefs as Myths
  • There are ideas that we have been taught, or as a
    society casually create, that through repetition
    and absence of a balancing discussion on the
    other side of the coin, become part of our belief
  • Here are some that may have a negative impact on
    our effectiveness.

Beliefs as Myths about People with Disabilities
  • Cannot remember
  • Make up stories to get attention
  • Will never be a credible witness

Beliefs as Myths about People with Disabilities
  • Cannot understand enough
  • Cannot be understood by the interviewer
  • Are not really necessary as a witness

Beliefs as Myths about People with Disabilities
  • They are just going to change their story later,
    and therefore are unreliablethey were lying then
    or they are lying now.
  • They just cannot distinguish the truth from a lie.

Beliefs as Myths about People with Disabilities
  • They cannot understand the consequences for
  • They dont have a sufficient or correct
    vocabulary to describe the abuse.

Beliefs as Myths about People with Disabilities
  • Alternative methods of communication cannot be
    usedthey are not reliable.
  • The individual is just plain not bright enough to
    repeat their story.

Crazy Thinking
  • This describes the process by which negative
    attitudes in combination with belief in myths and
    stereotypes can create an action plan that is
    completely without merit in resolving a problem
    AND would never be considered for a similar
    individual or circumstance but for the disability.

Crazy Thinking
  • Just add the word disability to any discussion
    and things change in a hurry.
  • Examples
  • My boss is really a terrific guy. Fun, funny,
    creative, intelligentAND available for a
    keynote. By the way, he has Cerebral Palsy
    uses FC. Would that make a difference?

Crazy Thinking
  • Example
  • Questions are asked about consent to sex for a
    victim of a violent rape that was so vicious that
    surgery was required to repair wounds inflicted
    upon her.

Crazy Thinking
  • Example
  • A suggestion that an adult with mental
    retardation receive treatment at a Childrens
    Advocacy Center for the sexual assault she
    suffered after all, shes just a big kid since
    she has a mental age of 7.

Crazy Thinking
  • Example
  • A suggestion that an adult with mental
    retardation receive Sex Education (instead of
    psychotherapy) as treatment for the gang rape
    he experienced.

Crazy Thinking
  • Example
  • Parent of a teenager, along with the professional
    case management team, had him sterilized because
    they feared he may become gay.

Crazy Thinking
  • Example
  • Young teenager removed from his home, school and
    neighborhood for patting the clothed and diapered
    bottom of a 2 year old in full view of the
    parent. Sexual assault charges let to placing
    him in an institution for 2 years far from home,
    to learn appropriate sexual conduct.

Crazy Thinking
  • IT IS UNLIKELY that any of these plans would ever
    occur to anyone unless there was a severe mental
    disability. Certainly, they would not be

LanguageP.C. or Respect?
  • The language we usewords and phrasesshow our
    feelings and attitudes. To demonstrate respect
    and high regard for others, it is important to
    use the words those of that group have agreed
    is most pleasing to them.

LanguageP.C. or Respect?
  • Racially and ethnically, we have adapted to
    changes over the decades in preferred language to
    use such as Latinos or Hispanics, and Blacks or
    African-Americans, rather than terms that in the
    past had been preferred.
  • Likewise for people with disabilities, it is
    important to keep up as changes occur.

LanguageP.C. or Respect?
  • People HAVE disabilities, not ARE disabilities!
  • Thus one would say, the young man who HAS Down
  • One would say, Johnny, who has cerebral palsy
  • If there is no need to mention the

LanguageP.C. or Respect?
  • If the boss gets a cold, one would not say, The
    boss IS a cold, one would say, the boss HAS a

LanguageDos and Donts
  • Use People First language
  • Avoid any permutation of the word retarded
    except as a diagnosis
  • Dont say handicapped, cripples, lame, deaf
  • Say, people who have disabilities and people who
    are Deaf

LanguageDos and Donts
  • Use powerful images such as uses a wheelchair
    NOT wheelchair bound or the wheelchair guy.
  • Dont GROUP people with disabilities. There are
    probably more differences among those who have
    disabilities than compared to those who do not!

Why is this so important?
  • Negative attitudes towards people with
    disabilities has been identified as the most
    significant barrier for those with
    disabilitiesmuch more so than the disability

Why Training is Important
  • So similarities and differences wont get
  • To improve the experience of crime and abuse
    victims with Disabilities.
  • To expand skills, knowledge and cultural
    understanding of members of this population.

  • C - Compassion
  • R - Respect
  • E - Empathy
  • D - Dignity
  • O - Open to needs of the victim

Overview of Disabilities
  • In the United States, the Department of Labor
    estimates that there are 54 million individuals
    with disabilities, representing
  • 20 of the population
  • 10 of these have significant disabilities that
    impact their participation in normal activities
    of daily life.

Overview of Disabilities
  • Characteristics of Disability
  • Congenital OR Adventitious
  • Hidden OR Overt
  • Chronic OR Temporary
  • Progressive Degenerative OR Static
  • May have episodes of presence OR remission.

Overview of Disabilities
  • Sensory
  • Communication
  • Mobility Impairment
  • Intellectual
  • Social (Personality or Autism Spectrum)
  • Psychiatric (Bio-Medical, thought disorders)
  • Medical such as Neurological, Endocrine etc.
  • Orthopedic
  • Respiratory

Overview of Disabilities
  • Having a condition in one category does not mean
    the person has a disability in another category
  • One MAY have conditions from several categories
    or within a category
  • Each individual may express the symptoms of the
    disabilities differently

Asking the Right Questions
  • In our desire to do a good job , it is of
    critical importance to recognize when we are
    entering an area that is outside our knowledge
    and/or skill or expertise.

Asking the Right Questions
  • Having the personal and professional integrity to
    recognize when additional resources are needed,
    in the form of information or professional
    consultation can assure an excellent effort was
    made EVEN THOUGH the outcome may not be what one
    would have wished.

To summarize

  • Those beliefs and feelings about individuals with
    disabilities should be cleared of old negative
    cobwebs and replaced with positive feelings and
    an open mind about the individuals abilities,
    hopes, dreams, hobbies, skills, attitudes and
    daily life.

  • With our understanding that the biggest negative
    in working with children and adults with
    disabilities is our cultures negative attitude,
    your skill in demonstrating CREDO throughout your
    contact with crime victims with disabilities
    supersedes any knowledge gap that may arise.

  • Your knowledge that there are several categories
    of disability,
  • That a disability may express differently in each
    individual and even sometimes differently within
    the individual

  • Helps to guide one in asking the questions of
    those knowledgeable about the disability AND how
    this affects the individual
  • To be prepared for proceeding with managing the

  • Learning more about myths and stereotypes
  • Learning more about disabilities
  • Finding people resources to be on your team or
    to be available for consultation when needed

Thank You
  • We will take your questions now.
  • We will be sending an evaluation to you to
    complete 5 minutes before the end of the hour.
  • We will notify you of the live Chats to delve
    more deeply into this subject
  • You will be automatically placed on the forum for
    classroom discussion.
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