Lesson Five: Twelve Angry Men ( Part One ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lesson Five: Twelve Angry Men ( Part One )


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lesson Five: Twelve Angry Men ( Part One )

Lesson Five Twelve Angry Men ( Part
One )
  • About the author
  • background / works / note
  • About the text
  • figures of speech / word study /
    sentence paraphrase / exercise
  • In-class discussion
  • Homework

Twelve Angry Men
  • Reginald Rose (1920- ) is a native New Yorker,
    best known as a writer for television. The Twelve
    Angry Men was written in 1954 based on his
    experience as a juror. The play was turned into a
    movie, with much abridgement. What distinguished
    Roses teleplays was their direct preoccupation
    with social and political issues.
  • Rose is one of the outstanding television
    playwrights to emerge from the "Golden Age" of
    television drama anthology series. Rose takes a
    place in history at the top of the craft of
    television writing.
  • In addition to other accolades, Rose was
    nominated for six Emmy awards during his career,
    and won three.

  • TELEVISION SERIES (various episodes)
  • 1951 Out There 1954-57 Studio One 1955
    Elgin Hour 1955 Philco Television
    Playhouse-Goodyear Playhouse 1956 Alcoa
    Hour-Goodyear Playhouse 1959 Playhouse 90 1960
    Sunday Showcase 1961-65 The Defenders (creator
    and writer) 1967 CBS Playhouse 1975 The Zoo
    Gang (creator and writer)1977 The Four of Us
  • 1979 Studs Lonigan1987 Escape From
  • 1982 The Rules of Marriage1986 My Two
    Loves (with Rita Mae Brown

  • 1. In comprehension, two things should be paid
    attention to (1) the tone of certain remarks.
    Ironical tone is commonly used when making some
    points. (2) the context since it is a play, it
    is important to link each statement with what is
    said before .

  • 2. Brief Introduction to U.S Judicial System
  • In America, there is a principle guiding a
    criminal court the accused is convicted beyond
    reasonable doubt. In other words, innocent until
    proven guilty.

  • The jury consists of 12 jurors, selected at
    random, who will give an unanimous verdict of
    guilty or not guilty through discussion.
  • unanimous all agreeing completely
  • verdict an official decision made by a jury
    about whether someone is guilty or not guilty of
    a crime

  • If the verdict is guilty, then the judge will
    give the sentence. If the verdict is not guilty,
    then the judge will have to acquit the accused.
  • acquit to give a decision that someone is not
    guilty of a crime

Figures of Speech
  • Observe these sentences and find out the
    grammatical function of each of the italicized
    gerund phrase.
  • 1. They are the jury for the trial of a boy
    charged with murdering his father.
  • 2. Hes been arrested for muffing, picked up for
  • 3. Lets stop being so sensitive.
  • 4. so I was used to wrenching myself away from
  • 5. Keeping to myself was my way of not forming
    attachments that I would only have to abandon the
    next time was moved.

  • The gerund has exactly the same form as the
    present participle. However, while the latter has
    the function of the adjective or the adverb, the
    former always functions as a noun. Gerunds denote
    activities in a general way. They cannot be used
    with numbers and such determiners as this and
  • prepositional object------1
  • prepositional object------2 (knife-fighting part
    of a compound word which is used as prepositional

  • objects of verbs-----3
  • prepositional object-----4
  • Subject-----5 (keeping to myself)
  • prepositional object-----5 (not forming

Word Study
  • court criminal a court dealing with criminal
    cases involving crimescf civil court a court
    dealing with cases involving private legal matters

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
any way --------- anyway
  • any way by any method in any manner
  • anyway in spite of the problem involved in
    any case.
  • He may not like to see me, but Im going _____.
  • You can do it ______ you want. I dont care. I
    just want the result.

  • first-degree murder the most serious kind of
    murder in which the murderer deliberately kills
  • manslaughter the crime of killing somebody
    illegally but not intentionally

  • juror a member of a jury.
  • foreman the leader of a jury.
  • jury a group of up to 12 people, called jurors
    whose duty is to listen to the evidence given in
    a court trial and decide whether the accused is
    guilty or not guilty.

I think its a customary to take a preliminary
  • preliminary happening before sth. that is more
    important, often in order to prepare for it
  • e.g.
  • The congress will start preliminary hearing soon.
  • They will have a preliminary discussion of this
    problem before the Board meeting.
  • After a few preliminary remarks, he brought up
    this important question.

You know, born in a slum, his mother dead since
he was 9, lived a year and a half in orphanage
when his father was serving a jail term for
  • to serve a jail term to spend time in prison as
    a punishment (also to serve a sentence to
    serve time)
  • In spoken English, elliptical sentences are
    common. Writing in full, the above sentence would
    be You know, he was born in a slum, his mother
    was dead when he was 9, and he lived a year and a
    half in an orphanage when his father was serving
    a jail term for forgery.

the boys story was flimsy.
  • flimsy thin,weak feeble as in flimsy dress,
    flimsy cloth, flimsy building, flimsy
    evidence, flimsy argument, flimsy excuse
  • the boys argument was unconvincing his
    argument was weak.

  • listening while the evidence spilled out.
  • to spill out to come out in a large
  • plain stupid
  • (infml) simply, completely stupid
  • Look, there was one alleged eyewitness to this
    killingsomeone else claimed that
  • alleged supposed to be true although
    there is no proof
  • to claim to state as a fact even though
    it has not been proved

  • I kept putting myself in the kids place. If I
    was on trial for my life, Id want my lawyer to
    tear the prosecutors evidence to shreds.
  • to put oneself in sbs place to imagine
    myself to be in sbs position
  • to tear sth to shreds to tear sth to
  • Lets get to the point.
  • Lets get to the point Lets talk about
    the most important part of the problem.

Sentence Paraphrase
  • Maybe we can all get out of here.
  • No.7 means that if everyone agrees that the
    boy is guilty, then they can take the verdict to
    the court and get the whole thing over and done
    right away. He is eager to get out of this jury
    room because it is hot and besides he has a
    ticket for a football game for that evening which
    he does not want to miss. These interesting
    details have been cut out with great reluctance
    because the text is too long for our purpose.

  • weve got to send him to the chair.
  • weve got to send him to the electric chair
    (to be electrocuted )
  • Now we know where we are.
  • Now we know what everybodys attitude is.

  • Thats old enough.
  • The boy is old enough to be held legally
    responsible for his actions. He has reached the
    legal age for which the law can punish him for
    his crimes.
  • I just think we owe him a few words.
  • The society has not treated the boy very
    well. Therefore we should at least talk a little
    bit before we send him to the chair. The boy has
    a right to that. We should do it for him.

  • What do you think that trial cost?
  • According to the U. S. law, any citizen
    has a right to a proper trial, and if he cant
    pay, the trial will be paid by the government.
    Thats why No.10 here reminds N0.8 angrily that
    the boy has cost a lot of public money.
  • Youre not going to tell me that were supposed
    to believe this kid, knowing what he is!
  • Dont tell me (because that will be useless
    and stupid if you do ) we should believe this kid
    since we know what sort of person he is.

  • Since when is dishonesty a group characteristic?
  • Im surprised to hear you say that as if
    dishonesty has ever been a group characteristic.
    This is a retort to No.10s remark from No.9 who
    is opposed to stereotyped opinions about the poor
    people. Some individuals are dishonest. They
    might be rich or poor. It has nothing to do with
    the social group they belong to. To condemn a
    whole group of people as immoral or inferior is
    the common attitude of racists and other bigots.

  • Now look here
  • Now listen to me
  • This is used to call sbs attention, esp
    when you are annoyed.
  • we might be able to show him where hes mixed
  • we might be able to show him where he is
  • just a quick idea
  • Its just an idea that came to my mind. I
    havent thought it out very carefully.

  • Its hard to put into words. I just think hes
    guilty. I mean nobody proved otherwise.
  • Its hard to express my views. I just
    think hes guilty. I mean nobody proved him
    innocent. No.2 obviously doesnt know the
    principle that the boy is innocent until proven
    guilty. His use of the word think shows that he
    is not basing his judgement on facts but his

  • Innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof
    in on the prosecution.
  • The American legal system is based on the
    confrontation principle with the prosecutor
    trying his utmost to prove the accused guilty and
    the defense lawyer trying his best to prove his
    client not guilty. When all the facts are out,
    then the jury makes a decision.

  • Youre a pretty smart fellow, arent you?
  • Notice that when No.10 says this, he is
    wild with anger because No.8 has made him appear
  • Its just part of the picture.
  • Its just part of the whole case. It is
    somehow related to the whole matter.
  • Notice that the speaker cannot explain the
    logical connection. His tone is uncertain.

  • Im just ad sentimental as the next fellow. I
    know hes only eighteen.
  • Im just as tender-hearted as the other
    people. Im not callous or unfeeling.
  • Notice that No.3 is being sarcastic by
    using the word sentimental because he considers
    himself a tough-minded man who will not allow
    feelings to interfere with his judgement like old

  • If her testimony dont prove hes guilty, the
    nothing does.
  • I think her testimony is strong enough to
    prove hes guilty.
  • Notice the use of dont instead of
    doesnt showing No.10s educational background.
  • You dont believe the boys story. How come you
    believe the womans? Shes one of THEM, too,
    isnt she?
  • No.8 is pointing out a flaw in No.10s
    logic. No.10 first says that you cant believe
    those slum people, then he begins to quote one of
    those peoples testimony, but he is not aware of
    his self-contradiction.

  • violence is practically a normal state of
    affairs with him. I just cant see two slaps in
    the face would have provoked him into committing
  • violence is so common in his life, he is
    quite used to it. I just dont understand how two
    slaps in the face would have made him so angry as
    to commit murder.

  • It may have been two too many. Everyone has a
    breaking point.
  • These two slaps may have been beyond his
    limit of endurance. The boy has been kicked
    around so often that he may have been reaching
    the breaking point when the two slaps come.
  • Notice that No.4s reasoning is not wrong.

  • I. Translate.
  • 1. From English into Chinese.
  • to commit a grave error ?????
  • to handle the case ??????
  • to give testimony ????
  • to provide evidence ????
  • to identify the weapon ????
  • to wipe off the fingerprints ????

2). From Chinese into English.
  • to quote the Bible
  • to list all the reasons
  • to dial the phone number
  • to define a word
  • to serve a jail term
  • to owe sb. an apology
  1. ????
  2. ??????
  3. ????????
  4. ???????
  5. ?????
  6. ??????

Fill in the blanks.
  1. Did he give any reason why he turned ____ our
  2. Its getting late. Its time we turned ____.
  3. That sort of music did not turn me ____ . As a
    matter of fact, it turned me _____.
  • down
  • in
  • on off

In-class discussion
  • After learning the play, ask students to talk
    about the following questions in group work
  • What was the evidence against the boy? How did it
    fall piece by piece through the discussion?
  • Why is it so easy for people to go along with the
  • What lesson should we draw from this?
  • Then choose some students to express
    their views.

  • a. Read the play carefully, and act it out with
    your classmates.
  • b. Write a summary in your own words.
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