Title: Design by Contract
1Design by Contract
- Where Agile Meets Formal Methods
2What is Design by Contract?
- Motivation
- History
- Concept
- Integrate with Agile
- Example
- Reviews
- Current State
3What is Design by Contract?
- Motivation
- History
- Concept
- Integrate with Agile
- Example
- Reviews
- Current State
- Improve software quality and reliability
- Second NASA Formal Methods Symposium (April 13
15, 2010) - Verification and Validation of Flight-Critical
Systems - An Overview of Formal Methods at Intel
- Decision Engine for Software Analysis at
- What are Formal Methods?
- mathematically rigorous techniques and tools
for developing specification, design and
verification of software and hardware systems - -- Wikipedia
- Agile Are we building the right product?
- making sure clients get what they want
- wont waste resources unnecessarily
- Formal Are we building the product right?
- making sure code does exactly as specified
- separate process to determine right product
- Is there a common ground?
- Alloy (MIT)
- Object Constraint Language (IBM)
- Design by Contract (Effiel)
- Why should the Agile community care?
- Tests often insufficient to safeguard changes
- Documentations are poorly-written or outdated
- Collective code ownership ? misinterpretation
- Why should the FM community care?
- Overemphasized full formalization of design
- Few people understand formal notations
9What is Design by Contract?
- Motivation
- History
- Concept
- Integrate with Agile
- Example
- Reviews
- Current State
10Design by Contract History
- Bertrand Meyer developed DbC in 1986
- The quality factors on which we have
concentrated reusability, extendibility,
compatibility must not be attained at the
expense of reliability (correctness and
robustness). - -- Bertrand Meyer, Object Oriented Software
Construction - Correctness ? Assertions
- Robustness ? Exception Handling
11What is Design by Contract?
- Motivation
- History
- Concept
- Integrate with Agile
- Example
- Reviews
- Current State
12Design by Contract Concept
Example a contract between an airline and a
Obligations Benefits
Customer (client) (Must ensure precondition)Be at the Pearson airport at least 5 minutes before scheduled departure time. Bring only acceptable baggage. Pay ticket price. (May benefit from postcondition)Reach Chicago.
Airline (supplier) (Must ensure postcondition)Bring customer to Chicago. (May assume precondition)No need to carry passenger who is late, has unacceptable baggage, or has not paid ticket price.
13Design by Contract Concept
- Precondition
- an obligation for the client and a benefit for
the supplier - Postcondition
- a benefit for the client and an obligation for
the supplier
14Design by Contract Concept
Example a contract between an airline and a
Before Purchase After Purchase
Airline (supplier) (Must ensure invariant)Ensures plane has certain number of free seats (Must ensure invariant)Number of free seats decreases appropriately
- Class Invariant
- global property of the instances of a class,
which must be preserved by all routines
15Design by Contract Concept
Example a contract between an airline and a
Airline (General) Airline (Business)
Customer (client) Be at the Pearson airport at least 5 minutes before scheduled departure time. Bring only acceptable baggage. Pay ticket price. Be at the Pearson airport at least 30 minutes before scheduled departure time. Bring only acceptable baggage. Pay ticket price.
Airline (supplier) Bring customer to Chicago. Bring customer to OHare International Airport in Chicago.
16Design by Contract Concept
- Subcontract
- Precondition can be weaken
- Postcondition can be strengthen
17Design by Contract Concept
Example a contract between an airline and a
While Loading Baggage Handling
Airline (supplier) Detected a snake in Customer As baggage Ask Customer A to leave the plane along with his baggage
- Exception
- a run-time event that may cause a routine call to
18What is Design by Contract?
- Motivation
- History
- Concept
- Integrate with Agile
- Example
- Reviews
- Current State
19Design by Contract Integrate
- "We will derive tremendous benefits from writing
the assertions at the same time as we write the
software, or indeed before we write the
software." - -- Bertran Meyer, Object Oriented Software
Construction - Differ from TDD, DbC checks for all cases
- ESC/Java2 checks spec consistency at runtime
- JMLUnit auto-generates test cases
- JMLDoc embeds JML in JavaDoc
20What is Design by Contract?
- Motivation
- History
- Concept
- Integrate with Agile
- Example
- Reviews
- Current State
21What is Design by Contract?
- Motivation
- History
- Concept
- Integrate with Agile
- Example
- Reviews
- Current State
22Design by Contract Reviews
- I've tried to use DbC in a number of
enterprise application settings, and I've found
that in many situations it's as hard to write the
pre and post conditions as it is to write the
solution. - -- Martin Fowler
- Design by Contract practice lessened the
number of person-hours required to perform
software testing. - -- An Experience With Design by Contract
23What is Design by Contract?
- Motivation
- History
- Concept
- Integrate with Agile
- Example
- Reviews
- Current State
24Design by Contract Current State
- Effiel built into the language
- Java JCR305 submitted for JML
- Microsoft Spec and Boggie