Kamal singh - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kamal singh


Kamal singh Lecturer in Economics GCCBA-42 ,Chandigarh Email:kamalsingh84_at_gmail.com Meaning of Human Resources Theory of Demographic Transition Impact of Population ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kamal singh

Human resources and economic Development
  • Kamal singh
  • Lecturer in Economics
  • GCCBA-42 ,Chandigarh
  • Emailkamalsingh84_at_gmail.com

  • Meaning of Human Resources
  • Theory of Demographic Transition
  • Impact of Population on Economic Development
  • Impact of economic Development on Population

Human Resources
  • Human resources is a term used to describe the
    individuals who make up the workforce of an
  • Human Resource development includes training an in
    dividual after he/she is first hired, providing op
    portunities to learn new skills,
    distributing resources that are beneficial for
    the employee's tasks, and any other
    developmental activities.

Theory of Demographic Transition
  • The demographic transition (DT) is a model used
    to represent the transition from high birth and
    death rates to low birth and death rates as a
    country develops from a pre-industrial to an
    industrialized economic system. The theory is
    based on an interpretation of demographic history
    developed in 1929 by the American demographer
    Warren Thompson (18871973).

(No Transcript)
  • The transition involves four stages, or possibly
  • In stage one, pre-industrial society death rates
    and birth rates are high and roughly in balance.
  • In stage two, that of a developing country the
    death rates drop rapidly due to improvements in
    food supply and sanitation, which increase life
    spans and reduce disease. These changes usually
    come about due to improvements in farming
    techniques, access to technology, basic
    healthcare, and education. Without a
    corresponding fall in birth rates this produces
    an imbalance, and the countries in this stage
    experience a large increase in population.

  • In stage three, birth rates fall due to access to
    contraception increases in wages, urbanization, a
    reduction in subsistence agriculture, an increase
    in the status and education of women, a reduction
    in the value of children's work, an increase in
    parental investment in the education of children
    and other social changes.
  • During stage four there are both low birth rates
    and low death rates.

Positive impact of Human resources on Economic
  • Increase in Production
  • Increase in Labour supply
  • Increase in Demand
  • Increase in labour Productivity

Negative impact
  • Low per capita income
  • Low National Income
  • Reduces the rate of capital formation
  • Food problem
  • Unemployment

Causes of High Fertility Malthusian Population
Malthusian population model
  • Population tends to grow at a geometric rate,
    doubling every 30 to 40 years
  • Food supplies only expand at an arithmetic rate
    due to diminishing returns to land (fixed factor)
  • Malthusian population trap countries would be
    trapped in low per-capita incomes (per capita
    food), and population would stabilize at a
    subsistence level
  • 1. preventive checks 2. positive checks

  • Housing Problem
  • Poor Quality of HR
  • Poverty
  • Imbalanced Development
  • Adverse Impact on Environment

Impact of Economic development on Population
  • Increase in Living Standard of population
  • Increase in Number of working women
  • Nuclear families
  • Busyness and Long working hours
  • Increase in awarness
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