Title: Collaborative Teleoperation via the Internet
1Collaborative Teleoperation via the Internet
- Ken Goldberg, Billy Chen, Rory Solomon, Bob
Farzin, Derek Poon, Jacob Heitler, Steve Bui - UC Berkeley
2Jason an underwater robot
3Collaborative Robot Control
4Related Work
- R Goertz and R. Thompson, 1954.
- H. Linstone and M. Turoff. 1975.
- A. K. Bejczy. 1980.
- R. D. Ballard, 1986.
- T. Sheridan. 1992.
- R. and L. Carpenter. 1993.
- O. Khatib, et al. 1996.
- K. Goldberg, et al. 1995.
- E Paulos and J. Canny. 1996.
- B. Dalton and K. Taylor. 1998.
- Y. Akatsuka, S. Goldberg, G, Bekey. 1998.
- R. Siegwart. 1998.
5Delphi Method
- Developed at RAND Corporation in 1960s
- a method of iterated polling
- a group submits votes, views results, discusses
results and repeats - experimental results have shown that this method
converges very closely to the correct result when
the group is posed with a question
- Audience Members work collaboratively
- Everyone holds a red/green paddle
7How can multiple users control one robot?
User 1
User 2
User n
The resource (robot) must use a control model
which satisfies each user in a fair way.
8Batch Model
User 1
User 2
User n
User 1
User 2
User n
In the 1994 Mercury project, the users queued up
for 5 minute individual control sessions.
10Central Limit Theorem
Consider n noisy iid inputs Xi. As the number
of inputs increases, the noise in the aggregate
decreases with the square root of n.
11Collaborative Control aggregates user inputs
12Control methods
User 2
User n
User 1
User 2
User n
User 1
User 2
User n
13Application Ouija board
- A classic game
- One planchette
- Many players
14System Architecture
15Client Interface Java applet
- Top Window video applet
- Streaming live video of the robot
- Bottom Window planchette applet
16Planchette Motion Model
- Realistic motion
- Inertia
- Frictional drag
- Two PC servers one running Win98, one running
Linux - Adept 604-S Robot arm
- Panasonic CCD camera
- Serial connetion
- OS Linux vs. Windows
- streaming video server-push vs. Java applet
19To test collaborative performance we used a maze.
20Views with Noise
21Performance Tests
Time to complete maze (sec)
22New users per day
Currently 8000 registered players
- Introduction
- Coping with many noisy sensors
- Batch, Multitasking, and Collaborative control
models - Implementation
- User Interface and Motion Model
- Experimental Results and Conclusion
24Future Work
- Different control models
- Winner-take-all
- Input weighting based on prior performance
- Different test conditions
- Different time delays
- Different goals