Title: What is 360-degree Appraisal?
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2What is 360-degree Appraisal?
- Evaluation tool that utilizes opinions of
many different people that interact with the
employee on a routine basis.
3Objectives of 360-degree appraisal
- Providing insight into the strong and weak areas
of the candidate - Identification of developmental needs
- Generating data to serve as a more objective
basis for rewards and other personnel decisions. - Reinforcing other change management efforts and
organization effectiveness directed
interventions. - Aligning individual and group goals with
organizational vision, values and goals. - Culture building.
4Objectives of 360-degree appraisal 2
- Leadership development
- Potential appraisal and development
- Career planning and development
- Succession planning and development
- Team building
- Planning internal customer satisfaction
improvement measures. - Role clarity and increased accountability
5Prerequisites for participation in 360-degree
- The top management is committed to develop the
competencies of employees on a continuous basis. - There are a number of HRD systems operating in
the organization and they are being taken
seriously in implementation. - The top management is serious about creating
opportunities for employees to learn from each
other and learn from their mistakes - The top management is willing to invest their
time and effort in giving feedback to their own
subordinates. - The top management and senior managers take the
current appraisal system seriously and do all
that they are required to ensure its effective
implementation. - The top management and senior managers conduct
their performance review and counselling sessions
6Prerequisites for participation in 360-degree
- There is a good degree of teamwork being
emphasized in the organisation - The HRD department has a high level of
credibility. - Top management interventions are not looked at
with suspicion by the employees. - Managers are interested in learning about
themselves. - Softer issues of management like managing people,
professionalism, development etc. are emphasized
in the organisation. - Managers like their jobs seriously and learn.
- The organisation has a history of taking all
change management tools seriously and
implementing them till the end. - People in the organisation take feedback
seriously and try to benefit from the same.
7How to implement 360-degree appraisal
360-degree feedback
8360-degree appraisal-Methodology
- The questionnaire Dimensions measured in
questionnaires are - Leadership
- Team player
- Self-management
- Communication
- Vision
- Organizational skills
- Decision making
- Expertise
- Drive
- Adaptability
- Ratings
- Data processing
- Feedback
- Action
95 things to consider before you start 360 degree
- Purpose
- clarify why and what
- communicate to everyone.
- 2. Culture are you ready?
- Do you have a mature enough team dynamic?
- Are you open enough?
- Those involved need to feel comfortable
supported. -
- 3. Timing of introduction also link with the
planning cycle. - 4. Roll out champion?
- How to generate buy-in (commitment to achieving a
shared goal)? - Involve everyone early.
- 5. Confidentiality for appraisees and raters
10Benefits of 360-degree appraisal
Benefits to the Individual Process helps individuals understand how others perceive them
Benefits to the Individual Personal development needs are revealed
Benefits to the Individual Feedback is essential for learning
Benefits to the Individual Individuals can better manage their careers and performance
Benefits to the Team Increases communication between team members
Benefits to the Team Supports teamwork by involving team members in the development process
Benefits to the Company Better career development for employees
Benefits to the Company Promote from within
Benefits to the Company Improves customer service by having customers contribute to the training
Benefits to the Company Drives training
11Pros and Cons
- Pros
- Combined opinions more accurate
- Colleague comments tend to carry weight
- Some skills are best judged by peers and not
management - Increases motivation of employees
- Helps engender a more honest organizational
- Cons
- Administratively burdensome
- Results can be difficult to interpret
- Feedback can be damaging unless handled
appropriately - Can generate an environment of suspicion and
cynicism if not managed openly and honestly
12360 degree feedback in practice
- Automobile association(AA), UK Used 360-degree
feedback to stimulate and measure culture change. - Well-led, informed, motivated and trained
employees - Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), USA Used
360-degree feedback to build teamwork. - Cause of oil spill communication failure and
behaving in a routine way in a non-routine
situation. - Team View/360 window based software was used.