Title: The%20Creation%20of%20the%20Internet%20and%20its%20Development.
1The Creation of the Internet and its Development.
2Main Points
- When was the Internet created and why?
- What was ARPAnet?
- The need of TCP/IP
- FSFnet
- The End of ARPAnet?
3When was the Internet created and Why?
1962 the year of Cuban Missle crisis. 1964 Paul
Baran of RAND Corporation proposed a
decentralized system
4When was the Internet created and Why?
- Lawrence Robert improved Paul Barans design
into what we know today as Packet Switching
System. - 1969 ARPAnet was created.
5What was ARPAnet?
An Experimental network. A military
project. Foundation of the Internet.
6The First Node connected to ARPAnet.
- The first node was
installed at the University of California Los
Angeles on 01-09-1969
7The original ARPAnet.
01/10/1969 Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
01/12/1969 University of UTAH (UTAH)
01/09/1969 University of California Los Angeles
01/11/1969 University of California Santa Barbara
8More users connected to ARPAnet.
In 1972 ARPAnet made its first public appearance
during the International Conference on Computers
and Communication. More users were being
connected to ARPAnet.
9More users connected to ARPAnet.
Researchers realized that a new protocol was
needed, which was able to connect multiple
computer networks together.
10The TCP/IP was created.
Between 1973 and 1978 a group of researchers led
by Vinton Cerf of Stanford Research Institute and
Robert Kahn of DARPA created the TCP/IP or
Transmission Control Protocol. In 1983 TCP/IP
fully replaced NCP.
11ARPAnet was divided into 2.
MILnet an unclassified network reserved only
for military purposes. ARPAnet continued to be
a research and development network.
12The Last Days of ARPAnet.
In 1986 NSFnet was created and named for the
National Science Foundation. NSFnet offered
fastest connection when compared to ARPAnet In
1990 Arpanet was officially closed down.
13The World Wide Web
In 1991 the WWW was released by CERN The Internet
as we know it today was born.
Paul Baran was the first researcher to propose a
decentralized system. In 1969 ARPAnet was build
up. In 1983 TCP/IP fully replaced the NCP In 1986
NSFnet was created In 1990 ARPAnet was officially