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Distributed Systems


Distributed Systems Session 7: Naming and Trading Christos Kloukinas Dept. of Computing City University London 0.0 Last session TWO Practical Aspects to developing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Distributed Systems

Distributed Systems
  • Session 7 Naming and Trading
  • Christos Kloukinas
  • Dept. of Computing
  • City University London

0.0 Last session
  • TWO Practical Aspects to developing Applications
    in CORBA
  • Programming language bindings e.g JAVA/IDL
  • Why Standardisations of bindings is important
  • Facilitate Portability,
  • Decreases the learning curve of developers
  • CORBA Lifecycle Service
  • Introduced the problem distributed object
    lifecycle and noted that component creation is
    complicated in distributed systems
  • Talked about Factory objects, and how the create
    object and hence facilitate location transparency
  • Factory finders, and CORBA FactoryFinder interface

0.1 Last session Cont..
  • Costly to create Factory interface for each
    object type
  • Motivated the need for generic factory
  • CORBA GenericFactory to support object creation
  • LifecycleObject interface supports object
  • Duplication,Deletion, Migration
  • Noted that (Standard) Replication support is
    Missing in CORBA
  • Would be desirable for Load balancing and fault

  • 1 Location Transparency A reminder
  • 2 Naming
  • 3 Trading
  • 4 Summary

1 Location Transparency
  • The location transparency principle suggests to
    keep the physical location of components
    transparent for both, the component itself and
    all clients of the component. Only then can the
    component be migrated to other servers without
    having to change the components or its clients.
  • In the CORBA framework, location transparency is
    already supported by the fact that objects are
    identified by object references, which are
    independent of the objects location. Plus,
  • Naming supports the definition of external names
    for components.
  • Trading supports the definition of service
    characteristics for a component with a trader.

2 Naming
  • 1 Naming Service Examples
  • 2 Common Characteristics
  • 3 CORBA Naming Service
  • 4 Limitations

2.1 NFS Directories
2.1 NFS Directories (ctd.)
  • NFS is based on directories. Directories include
    a number of name bindings, each of which maps a
    name to a file or a subdirectory.
  • Names are unique within the scope of the
    directory and can be composed to path names by
    delimiting the name components using a '/'.
  • Every file or directory of the file system must
    have at least one entry in some directory. If the
    last binding is removed the file or the directory
    ceases to exist. NO NAME, NO LIFE!
  • A file or directory can have more than one name.
    An example is the directory that is shared by
    users ed and jam. In ed home directory that
    directory has the name 'web' while user jam has
    given it the name 'www'.
  • The naming scheme for files in the NFS supports
    location transparency because now files can be
    identified using pathnames rather than physical
    addresses (such as the hard-disk drive names C)
    or the IP address of the server machine to which
    a partition of the file system is connected.

2.1 X.500 Directory Service
X.500 Service (root)
Germany (country)
United Kingdom (country)
Greece (country)
British Airways Plc. (organization)
City University (organization)
SOI (organizationalUnit)
SOE (organizationalUnit)
CSR (organizationalUnit)
CS (organizationalUnit)
Michael Schroeder (person)
George Spanoudakis (person)
2.1 X.500 Directory Service
  • The X.500 Directory Service is an recommendation
    of the International Telecommunication Union
    (ITU) formerly known as CCITT.
  • X.500 defines a global name space and it is
    therefore the basis for component identification
    in wide area networks, while the network file
    system is merely used in local area network.
  • X.500 defines a directory tree and components can
    have only one name. Having a name is not
    existential for a component and there may well be
    subordinate components that are not named but can
    be identified otherwise.
  • X.500 directory service entries not only have a
    name, but also a role attribute, given in
    brackets. In file systems these roles are
    sometimes indicated informally by using file name
    extensions, such as '.cc' for a C file or
    '.doc' for a word processor document.

2.1 Internet Domain Name Service
ns.nasa.gov (root)
dns.germany.eu.net (de)
ns1.cs.ucl.ac.uk (ac.uk)
nameserv.city.ac.uk (city.ac.uk)
uni-paderborn.de (uni-paderborn.de)
2.1 Internet Domain Name Service
  • Another global name service that has become very
    prominent recently is the Internet Domain Name
    Service (DNS). The root of DNS is maintained by a
    machine called ns.nasa.gov that is operated by
    the US space agency NASA.
  • Each DNS node maintains a table with domains of
    which it knows the name servers. The root node,
    for instance would have entries identifying the
    domains '.de' and '.ac.uk' representing Germany
    and all academic sites in the UK.
  • A name lookup performed by a machine of Citys
    local network of a machine in the network of
    'uni-paderborn.de' would then first be performed
    by nameserv.city.ac.uk. If that name server could
    not resolve the binding, it would ask the next
    higher level name server and so on until it gets
    to the root.

2.2 Common Characteristics
  • All the naming services we looked at include the
    concept of external names that can be defined for
    distributed components, be they file names, names
    of organizations or Internet domain names.
  • All names are defined within the scope of
    hierarchically organised name spaces. These are
    directories in NFS or the X.500 directory tree or
    name servers in the Internet.
  • All naming services provide two fundamental
    operations to define and lookup names. The
    operation that defines a new name is usually
    referred to as 'bind', while the operation that
    searches for a component is commonly denoted as
  • Moreover, the name bindings are stored
    persistently by the name servers. Directory and
    file names are stored as part of the file system
    on disks. Directory entries in X.500 are stored
    persistently by the respective servers and the
    Internet domain name servers store name bindings
    persistently in configuration databases.

2.3 CORBA Naming Service
Application Objects
Object Request Broker
The CORBA Naming service was defined in 1993 as
the very first CORBA service. The purpose of
the CORBA Naming service is to provide a basic
mechanism by means of which external names can
be defined for CORBA objects references.
2.3 Introduction
  • Names are hierarchically organised in so called
    naming contexts. Name bindings have to be unique
    within the context (i.e., no other name binding
    with the same name occurs in the context) .
    However, one object can have different names in
    the same context or even the same name within
    different contexts.
  • Note, that it is not necessary to bind a name to
    every CORBA object, thus name bindings are not
    existential for CORBA objects (opposed to file
    names in NFS). Other ways how objects can be
    located include
  • Accesses of attributes whose type is a subtype of
  • Executing operations whose result is a subtype of
  • Using the CORBA Trading service.
  • Using CORBA Query or Relationship facilities.

2.3 Naming Contexts Leafsobject names,
non-leafscontext names
Cup Winners
2. Liga
1. Liga
Manchester United
South End United
Man United
1.FC Alaves
2.3. CORBA Names
  • Names in the CORBA naming service are sequences
    of simple names. They are composed in a similar
    way as path names in NFS, as sequences of a
    number of directory names and a file name.
  • A simple name is a (value, kind) tuple. (à la
  • Only the value component is used for resolving
    the name.
  • The kind attribute is used to store and provide
    additional information about the role that an
    object or naming context has.
  • A simple name in the above example would be
    ("Chelsea","Club") or ("England","League"), while
    the composite name identifying Athletic Bilbao
    within the context of the UEFA would consist of
    (Spain",1. Liga"),Bilbao","Club").

2.3. IDL Types for Names
  • module CosNaming
  • typedef string Istring
  • struct NameComponent
  • Istring id
  • Istring kind
  • typedef sequence ltNameComponentgt Name
  • ...

2.3. The IDL Interfaces
  • Naming Service is specified by two IDL
  • NamingContext defines operations to bind objects
    to names and resolve name bindings.
  • BindingInterator defines operations to iterate
    over a set of names defined in a naming context.
    An iterator is an object that can be used to
    enumerate over a collection of objects and visit
    single elements or chunks of these objects

2.3. Naming Context
  • interface NamingContext
  • void bind(in Name n, in Object obj)
  • raises (NotFound, ...)
  • Object resolve(in Name n)
  • raises (NotFound,CannotProceed,...)
  • void unbind (in Name n)
  • raises (NotFound, CannotProceed...)
  • NamingContext new_context()
  • NamingContext bind_new_context(in Name n)
  • raises (NotFound, ...)
  • void list(in unsigned long how_many,
  • out BindingList bl,
  • out BindingIterator bi)

2.3. Naming Context (ctd.)
  • Operation bind creates a name binding in the
    naming context identified by the naming context
    that executes the operation and all name
    components but the last included in the first
    parameter n. In that naming context bind inserts
    a name that equals the last name component and
    associates it to obj.
  • Operation resolve returns the object that is
    identified by the naming context by the executing
    naming context and the name n. If there is no
    such name binding in that context, exception
    NotFound will be raised.
  • Operation unbind deletes the name binding
    identified by the executing naming context and
    name n.
  • Operations new_context and bind_new_context
    create new naming context objects. the latter
    operation also creates a name binding as
    identified by the name n.
  • Operation list is used to obtain all name
    bindings in the naming context. Parameter
    how_many obtains an upper bound for the number of
    name bindings that are to be included in the out
    parameter bl. If there are more bindings than
    how_many in the naming context a binding iterator
    will be created and returned as out parameter bi.

2.3. Binding Iterator
  • interface BindingIterator
  • boolean next_one(out Binding b)
  • boolean next_n(in unsigned long how_many,
  • out BindingList bl)
  • void destroy()

2.3. Binding Iterator (ctd.)
  • Operations provided by BindingIterator will be
    used after list has been executed on a naming
    context. They will then provide successive
    bindings that were not included in the
    BindingList returned by list.
  • Operation next_one returns just one binding while
    operation next_n returns as many bindings as the
    client requests through the in parameter
  • Both operations have a return value that
    indicates whether there are further bindings
    available in the context that have not yet been

Client/Server Naming Scenario
2. Name Server
3. resolve(name)
1. bind(name,object_ref)
4. Invoke Service
Server Side Creating A Name Space
2.3 Naming Contexts Leafsobject names,
non-leafscontext names
Cup Winners
2. Liga
1. Liga
Manchester United
South End United
Man United
1.FC Alaves
Creating Name Space Scenario
1. Resolve_initial_references
2. Bind_new_context
3. Bind_new_context
4. Bind_new_context
5. Bind
Server Application
Name Server
2.3. Example Client Finding Objects
  • ORB ORB.init(args,null)
  • 1. org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef
  • CosNaming.NamingContext root
  • 2. CosNaming.NameComponent name
  • new NameComponent(UEFA,ORG),
  • new NameComponent(England,Country),
  • new NameComponent(Premier,League),
  • new NameComponent(Arsenal,Club)
  • 3. Team tTeamHelper.narrow(root.resolve(name))
  • 4. t.print()

Client Finding Objects Scenario
1. Resolve_initial_references
2. Create name
3. Resolve
Object Reference
4. Invoke method
Premier Server
Name Server
2.4 Limitations
  • Limitation of Naming Client always has to
    identify the server by name. White Pages
  • Inappropriate if client just wants to use a
    service at a certain quality but does not know
    from whom
  • Automatic cinema ticketing
  • Video on demand
  • Electronic commerce.

3 Trading
  • 1 Characteristics
  • 2 Example
  • 3 OMG/CORBA Trading Service

3.1 Trading Characteristics
  • The principle idea of a trading service Have a
    mediator that acts as a broker between clients
    and servers.
  • This broker enables a client to change its
    perspective when it tries to locate a server
    component from
  • locating individual server components (WHO is
    the server that you are interested in? i.e.,
    White Pages)
  • to the set of services the client is interested
    in (WHAT are the services that you need?
    i.e., Yellow Pages).
  • The broker then selects a suitable service
    provider on behalf of the client.
  • Other examples yellow pages, insurance stock

3.1 Trading Characteristics
  • Language for expressing types of services that
    both client and server understand.
  • Language expressive enough to define the
    different types and quality of services that a
    server offers or that a client may wish to use
  • performance, reliability or privacy.
  • The quality of service may be defined statically
    or dynamically.
  • A static definition is appropriate (because it is
    simpler) if the quality of service is independent
    of the state of the server.
  • This might be the case for qualities such as
    precision, privacy or reliability.
  • For qualities such as performance, however, the
    server may not be able to ensure a particular
    quality of service statically at the time it
    registers the service with the trader.
  • Then a dynamic definition of the quality would be
    used that would make the trading service inquire
    about the quality when a client needs to know it.

3.1 Trading Characteristics Steps
  • 1. SERVERS have to register the services they
    offer with the trader.
  • trader is then in a position to respond to
    service inquiries from clients.
  • 2. CLIENTS then use common language to ask the
    trader for a server that provides the type of
    service the client is interested in.
  • Clients may or may not include specifications of
    the quality of service that they expect the
    server to provide.
  • 3.a TRADER then reacts to such an inquiry of
    clients in different ways.
  • Service matching The trader may itself attempt
    to match the clients request with the best offer
    and just return the identification of a single
    server that provides the service with the
    intended quality.
  • 3.b TRADER may also compile a list of those
    servers that offer a service which matches the
    clients request.
  • Service shopping The trader returns the list to
    the client. Client selects the most appropriate

3.2 Example
  • Distributed system for video-on-demand

Video-on- demand provider
Lookup(matrix, 1024x768)
Register(Title, Qos)
Films of different formats, resolutions, size
3.3 CORBA Trading Service
Application Objects
Object Request Broker
3.3 OMG Trading Service
(2) Lookup
(2a) Monitor QoS
(1) Register
(3) Application
3.3 Properties
  • Specify qualities of service
  • typedef Istring PropertyName
  • typedef sequenceltPropertyNamegt PropertyNameSeq
  • typedef any PropertyValue
  • struct Property
  • PropertyName name
  • PropertyValue value
  • typedef sequenceltPropertygt PropertySeq
  • enum HowManyProps none, some, all
  • union SpecifiedProps switch (HowManyProps)
  • case some PropertyNameSeq prop_names

3.3 Properties (ctd.)
  • A property is a name value structure, where a
    property name is a string and a property value
    can be any type.
  • The type Property could be used to specify, for
    instance, response time by setting the name to
    the string response_time and the value to 0.1
  • As services usually have more than one property,
    the type PropertySeq can be used to declare all
    the properties that a service has.
  • Type SpecifiedProps is a variant record (union)
    that is used by clients to tell the trader about
    those properties they expect a service to have.
    If the discriminator of the variant is set to
    none the clients does not care about the
    properties a service has, if it is set to all the
    client expects the service to meet all properties
    and if it is set to some the component prop_names
    specifies a sequence of properties that the
    client is expecting.

3.3 Register
  • Trader interface for servers
  • interface Register
  • OfferId export(in Object reference,
  • in ServiceTypeName type,
  • in PropertySeq properties)
  • raises(...)
  • OfferId withdraw(in OfferId id) raises(...)
  • void modify(in OfferId id,
  • in PropertyNameSeq del_list,
  • in PropertySeq modify_list)
  • raises (...)

3.3 Register (ctd.)
  • The operation export is used by the server to
    make a new service known to the trader. As
    arguments it passes an object reference to the
    object that implements the service, a string
    denoting the service name and the properties
    defining the qualities of that service. The
    export operation returns a unique identifier for
    the offer which is used for referring to the
    offer in other operations.
  • By invoking operation withdraw a server deletes
    the service identified by the offer identifier.
  • Using operation modify, the server can
    dynamically change the qualities of service the
    trader advertises. Again the service is
    identified by the offer identifier passed as the
    first parameter. The properties named in the
    second parameter are deleted and the properties
    identified in the last parameter change their

3.3 Lookup
  • Trader interface for clients
  • interface Lookup
  • void query(in ServiceTypeName type,
  • in Constraint const,
  • in Preference pref,
  • in PolicySeq policies,
  • in SpecifiedProps desired_props,
  • in unsigned long how_many,
  • out OfferSeq offers,
  • out OfferIterator offer_itr,
  • out PolicyNameSeq Limits_applied)
  • raises (...)

3.3 Lookup (ctd.)
  • The most important parameter of the query
    operation is the name of the service the clients
    is interested in. Parameter pref identifies
    whether the clients want the trader to do service
    matching or whether the clients want to do
    service shopping for the servers implementing
    some service. Parameter desired_props identifies
    the qualities of service the client wants the
    server to guarantee. The usual iterator pattern
    is applied to pass the matching servers through
    the out parameter offers.

4 Summary
  • Location Transparency requires other forms of
    identification than physical addresses.
  • Naming services provide facilities to give
    external names to components.
  • Trading services match service types requested by
    clients to servers that can satisfy them.

  • Emmerich Chapter 8
  • CDK94 Chapter 9. Name Services.
  • OMG96a Object Management Group The Naming
  • OMG96b Object Management Group The Trading
    Object Service.
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