Title: Postprocedural, Injury
1Postprocedural, Injury PoisoningsChapters XIX
and XX
- HS317b - Coding Classification of Health Data
2Purpose of Chapter XIX XX
- To explain causes of injuries, poisonings and
certain other consequences of external causes. - Frostbites, burns, corrosions, complications of
trauma, complications of surgical and medical
care, sequelae of injuries - Code site and then type of injury.
3External Cause of Injury Code
- Mandatory to use with codes in the range of S00
T98 Injury, poisoning and certain other
consequences of external causes - U98. Place of occurrence mandatory with
- Codes in range of W00 Y34
- Exception
- Y06 Neglect abandonment
- Y07 Other maltreatment
- Transport accidents, legal interventions, acts of
war - Medical/surgical misadventures
4Post-admit Comorbidity
- Arises post-admission
- Satisfies comorbidity requirements
- Significantly affects the treatment received
- Requires treatment beyond maintenance of the
preexisting condition - Increases the length of stay by at least 24 hours
5 - Should a complication of care arise which is
clearly so serious - That it consumes majority of resources
- Is responsible for greatest LOS
- Assign it as both MRDx diagnosis type 2
- When is a Condition Classified as a
Post-Procedural Complication?
6Early Complication
- A condition arising within 96 hours of an
intervention is considered an early complication.
- Cause/effect relationship between the condition
and the intervention is assumed.
7Late Complication
- A condition arising after 96 completed hours of
the intervention and stated by the physician to
be due to the procedure is considered a late
complication. - Cause/effect relationship has been established
8Postprocedural condition
- A significant condition arising after 96 hours of
the intervention but before the end of the 15th
day post surgery with no documented evidence of
the condition arising as a result of the
intervention is considered a post-procedural
condition. - Cause/effect relationship has not been established
9Steps for determining post-procedural conditions
- Index look-up is the first step
- Folio lookup Obstruction intestine
postoperative K91.3 - Folio lookup postoperative wound infection
- Infection - postoperative wound T81.4
- Folio lookup Pneumothorax
- due to operative injury of chest wall or lung
J95.80 - accidental puncture or laceration T81.2
10If there is no lead term
- If there is no lead term for the condition, look
up all possible synonyms. - When a lead term for the condition cannot be
located or when there is no applicable
postoperative subterm proceed to the lead term
Complications. Look for a subterm for the
specific procedure or for the body system
11When there are two subterms T or body system
- When there are two subterms for a condition, one
directing the condition be coded to a T code and
the other directing that condition to a body
system, - Select the T code when the condition is an early
complication - Select the body system when the condition is a
late complication
12Functional Disturbance
- A disturbance of normal function of a body system
- i.e. arrhythmia is a functional heart
disturbance - i.e. malabsorption is a functional
gastrointestinal disturbance
13Sandwiching Codes
- When code title of postprocedural
condition/complication of surgery does not fully
describe the problem - An additional code to provide more detail
regarding the nature of the condition can be
assigned - This additional code would be assigned a
diagnosis type 3
14When to apply an external cause!
- Why?
- It connects the complication/condition to the
intervention - When?
- If it arises lt 96 hours postprocedurally
- If it involves the operative wound
- If it involves a mechanical failure
- If it involves a misadventure
- If it is documented by physician
- If it involves organ failure or rejections
lt 96 Hours Cause/Effect assumed External Cause gt96 Hours lt 15 Days Cause/effect must be documented by physician Yes then add External Cause If No just post-procedural code gt15 Days Cause/effect not assumed. If no documentation then code to condition.
16 Acute Renal Failure
- Patient develops acute renal failure within 96
hours of surgery - N99.0 postprocedural renal failure external
cause code - An early complication
- Occurs either in operating room or during
postoperative monitoring period of 96 hours. - Assume cause-effect relationship between surgery
performed complication - Assign external cause code
17 - Patient develops acute renal failure within 15
days of surgery documentation links the surgery
to the acute renal failure - N99.0 postprocedural renal failure external
cause code - A postprocedural/postoperative complication
- Occurs gt 96 hours following departure from O.R.
- Within 15 days.
- Physician documents it as postprocedural/postopera
tive complication - External cause required
18 - Patient develops acute renal failure within 15
days of surgery documentation does not link the
surgery to the acute renal failure - N99.0 Postprocedural renal failure
- Postprocedural condition
- Occurs gt 96 hours lt 15 days
- No documented evidence of condition arising as a
result of, or due to, intervention - No external cause required
19 - Patient develops acute renal failure after 15
days following surgery documentation links the
surgery to the acute renal failure - N99.0 Postprocedural renal failure external
cause code - A late Complication
- Occurs gt 15 days following surgery
- Documentation links the surgery to ARF
- External cause required
20 - Patient develops acute renal failure after 15
days following surgery with no documentation
linking the surgery to the acute renal failure - N17.9 Acute renal failure, unspecified
- Postprocedural condition
- gt 15 days
- No documentation to link surgery to ARF
- No external cause
- Not coded as postprocedural
21Post-Procedural Signs and Symptoms
- They should only be classified as postprocedural
conditions when the physicians documentation
indicates - They are still present on discharge
- They persist for at least 96 hours
- A more precise diagnosis has not been identified
as the cause of the sign or symptoms - That the symptom is due to or a direct result of
the procedure
22Patient experiences postoperative pain following
hip arthroplasty. No dislocation or displacement
noted on x-ray. Pain management specialist is
asked to follow up
- T85.8 (2) other complications of internal
prosthetic devices, implants grafts NEC - M25.55 (3) pain in joint, pelvic region thigh
- Y83.1 (9) Surgical operation with implant of
artificial internal device as the cause of
abnormal reaction of the patient
23Exceptions MI strokes
- If it occurs during postoperative monitoring
period of 96 hours code to I21. (2) external
cause code Y83 or Y84 - If it occurs gt 96 hours no longer assume it to be
related to procedure - Unless stated by physician
- I21. (2) with no external cause code
24 Stroke
- It is undetermined whether this is a complication
of a surgical procedure or a natural progression
of a disease process. - Do not code as postprocedural
- Code stroke as diagnosis type 2.
- If it occurs lt 96 hours include external cause
- If it occurs gt 96 hours no external cause needed.
25 - Adverse reaction
- versus
- Poisoning
26Adverse reaction/Toxicity may occur when
- Correct substance prescribed by physician was
administered appropriately - Code the adverse reaction i.e.
T88.7 Unspecified adverse effect of drug or
medicament - Code reaction/manifestation i.e. L27.0
(3) Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and
medicaments - Code External cause code from drug table
27Poisoning when
- Not prescribed by physician
- Dosage altered from prescription
- Non-medicinal substance
- Self-medication with non-prescription drug
- Any medication taken with alcohol
28Non Compliance
- When a condition is documented as due to
noncompliance with therapy or self-directed
discontinuance of a drug - It is neither a poisoning nor an adverse affect
- It is coded to the manifestation followed by
Z91.1 Personal history of noncompliance with
medical treatment and regimen.
29Code poisonings
- Folio lookup to drug table
- Code poisoning code
- Code manifestation as diagnosis type 3
- Code external cause code
- Code place of occurrence
30Standard for coding poisoning
- All drugs involved must be coded
- Presume it to be accident when not documented as
intentional/self harm - Illicit drug poisoning classified as accidental
unless documented to be suicidal or homicidal
- Code each injury to greatest degree of
specificity - With multiple injuries
- Code most severe/life threatening first
- When two or more injuries equal in severity
- Assign the injury receiving treatment that
consumes the largest portion of hospital
resources first.
32Current versus old injuries
- Has the repair been completed?
- Has it occurred within the past 365 days.
- Flow chart i.e. tendon injury
- lt 14 days old, code as current injury
- gt 14 days old treatment completed, code as old
injury - If initial treatment still underway, code as
current injury
33Intra-cranial injury Fx of skull
- Code first to intra-cranial injury
- Follow with code for fracture
- i.e. traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, with
closed fracture of base of skull. Patient
suffered a brief loss of consciousness - S06.610 Traumatic SAH
- S02.100 Fx base of skull
34Open wounds
- Include animal bites, cuts, lacerations, avulsion
of skin, puncture wounds with or without
penetrating foreign body - Complicated
- Delayed healing
- Delayed treatment
- Foreign body
- Major infection
35Open vs Closed fractures
- Documentation must support open fx.
- Bilateral injuries may be captured by using the
same code twice - Fractures due to crushing injuries
- Code Fx first
- Code crush injury as diagnosis type 3
- Applies to internal organ crushing injury also
36Burns Corrosions
- Occur in degrees that relate to thickness of the
burn - First degree erythema, superficial
- Second degree epidermal loss blistering,
partial thickness burn - Third degree full thickness skin loss and/or
deep necrosis of any underlying tissue
37Standard Coding for Burns
- Burns of one site that exhibit multiple degrees
- Code to more severe burn of that site
- Multiple site burns
- Most severe burn site is MRDx
- The larger body surface area takes precedence as
MRDx - Assign separate codes for burns of each site
whenever possible
38 - Mandatory to code
- Body surface area
- External cause
- Place of occurrence
- Admission for dressing change
- MRDx Z48.0 Attention to surgical dressings
- Code burn as diagnosis type 3.
- Mandatory to include external cause place of
occurrence -
39Classification based on MRDx
- MCC 21 Injury, Poisoning and Toxic Effects of
Drugs - CMG 811 Allergic Reactions
- CMG 813 Drug Reactions
- CMG 818 Complication of Treatment
40Classification based on MRDx
- MCC 22 Burns
- Factor in determining CMG assignment is extent of
burn. - Whether skin grafting or debridement done
- CMG 831 Extensive Burns without burn procedures
- CMG 830 Extensive burns with skin graft, wound
debridement or other burn procedures
41Classification based on MRDx
- MCC 25 SignificantTrauma
- Includes fractures of skull, open Fx, multiple
Fx, SDH, etc - Complexity not assigned (level 9)
- Anytime tracheostomy or gastrostomy procedure
done for Trauma assigned to CMG 650 Tracheostomy
and Gastrostomy Procedures for Trauma
42Classification based on MRDx
- Multiple or Bilateral injuries (joints) factor
into CMG assignment - Joint Replacement Procedures for Trauma
- Thoracoabdominal Procedure for Trauma
- If no was Wound debridement or lower extremity
procedure for Trauma done - If no - Multiple or Bilateral Joint Procedures
- If yes - CMG 350 Multiple or Bilateral Joint
Replacement - If no, then CMG 351 Joint replacement for Trauma
- CMG 350 CMG 351 located in MCC 8 Diseases and
Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System and
Connective tissue