Mapping Sabin Americana to Course Curricula - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mapping Sabin Americana to Course Curricula


Mapping Sabin Americana to Course Curricula American History & Culture Online: Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 Discover rich resources that bring American history to life ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mapping Sabin Americana to Course Curricula

Mapping Sabin Americana to Course Curricula
American History Culture OnlineSabin
Americana, 1500-1926
  • Discover rich resources that bring American
    history to life
  • Based on the well-known Biblioteca Americana A
    Dictionary of Books Relating to America from its
    Discovery to the Present Time by Joseph Sabin
    Offers a comprehensive, up-close glimpse of
    life in the Western Hemisphere from the arrival
    of Europeans in the late 15th century to the
    early decades of the 20th century.
  • More than 29,000 full-text primary source
  • Covers a span of 400 years in North, Central and
    South America, as well as the Caribbean
  • Offers comprehensive coverage of the following
  • Discovery and Exploration of the Americas
  • Reconstruction
  • Slavery
  • Immigration
  • Constitution
  • Politics
  • Civil War
  • Native Americans
  • Women in America
  • Colonization
  • Growth of cities and states
  • and more

American History Culture OnlineSabin
Americana, 1500-1926
Mapping Sabin to Anthropology Curriculum
  • EXAMPLE COURSE Anthropology Peoples and
    Cultures of Native Latin AmericaIntroduction to
    the ethnology of native Latin America outlining
    the history and lifeways of the indigenous
    peoples of the region. Indigenous culture, and
    change and resistance to European colonialism
    from the pre-Columbian through modern periods.
  • Your search (KeywordNew Spain and Indian)
    returned the following results 58.
  • Casas, Bartolomé de las. Popery truly displayd
    in its bloody colours, or, A faithful narrative
    of the horrid and unexampled massacres,
    butcheries, and all manner of ... London, 1689.
  • Ulloa, Antonio de. A voyage to South America
    describing at large, the Spanish cities, towns,
    provinces, c. on that extensive continent
    undertaken by command of ... 3rd ed. / to which
    are added, by Mr. John Adams... occasional notes
    and observations... Volume 1. London, 1772.
    506pp. 2 vols.
  • Clavigero, Francesco Saverio. The history of
    Mexico collected from Spanish and Mexican
    historians ... Volume 2. London, 1787. 466pp. 2

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American History Culture OnlineSabin
Americana, 1500-1926
Mapping Sabin to History Curriculum
  • EXAMPLE COURSE History African-American
    History to 1865History of blacks in America from
    their African origins to 1965. Emphasis on early
    African society, American slavery, and the
    development of black institutions and culture in
    the U.S.
  • Your search (Keywordslave life) returned the
    following results 34.
  • Conder, Josiah. Wages or the whip an essay on
    the comparative cost and productiveness of free
    and slave labour. London, 1833. 95pp.
  • Weld, Theodore Dwight. American slavery as it is
    testimony of a thousand witnesses. New York,
    1839. 224pp.
  • Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the life of
    Frederick Douglass, an American slave. Dublin,
    1845. 143pp.
  • Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Toms cabin. Volume
    1. Leipzig, 1852. 361pp. 2 vols.

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American History Culture OnlineSabin
Americana, 1500-1926
Mapping Sabin to Womens Studies Curriculum
  • EXAMPLE COURSE Womens Studies Saints,
    Witches, and MadwomenImage of the madwoman
    throughout European and American history.
    Emphasis on how women on the margins have been
    labeled in different periods as saintly, as
    witches, or as insane.
  • Your search (Keywordwitch) returned the
    following results 237.
  • Mather, Increase. Cases of conscience concerning
    evil spirits personating men, witchcrafts,
    infallible proofs of guilt in such as are accused
    with that crime all ... Boston, 1693. 81pp.
  • R. C. (Richard Chamberlayne). Lithobolia, or, The
    stone-throwing devil being an exact and true
    account (by way of journal) of the various
    actions of infernal spirits, or ... London, 1698.
  • Boulton, Richard. A compleat history of magick,
    sorcery, and witchcraft. London, 1715-1716.

Mather, Cotton. The wonders of the invisible
world being an account of the tryals of several
vvitches, lately excuted ! in New England and
of several ... Printed first, at Bostun ! in
New-England, 1693. 112pp.
American History Culture OnlineSabin
Americana, 1500-1926
Mapping Sabin to English Curriculum
  • EXAMPLE COURSE English Introduction to Early
    American LiteratureThis course is a
    chronological survey of literary works written in
    America that begins with the Native American
    origin and creation stories and concludes with
    some of the poetry of Walt Whitman. The
    intention is to provide a broad overview of what
    constitutes American literature from its origins
    to the end of the Civil War.
  • Your search (KeywordUncle Tom's Cabin) returned
    the following results 32.
  • Smith, W. L. G. (William L. G.). Life at the
    South, or, "Uncle Toms cabin" as it is being
    narratives, scenes and incidents in the real
    "Life of the lowly". Buffalo, 1852. 517pp.
  • Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Toms cabin, or,
    Life among the lowly. Volume 1. Boston Mass.
    (Boston), 1852. 311pp. 2 vols.
  • Stearns, Edward J. (Edward Josiah). Notes on
    Uncle Toms cabin being a logical answer to its
    allegations and inferences against slavery as an
    institution with a supplementary ...
    Philadelphia, 1853. 337pp.

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