Title: Real Time Information
1Real Time Information for RTI POI
2Chestatee Elementary Obstacles and Solutions for
- Does Not Meet AYP
- 2 new APs
- No accommodations for SWD
- Rethinking the SST Process ( Mandatory meeting on
each child a minimum of 3 times per year.)195 in
grades K-2, 275 in grades 3-5 SST - Data Driven Decisions using Buckledown other
assessments - 88 in grades K-2 , 136 in grades 3-5 SST
referrals for 2006-2007
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6IDEIA 2004-05 RegulationsDec. 3, 2004
- 300.307 Specific learning disabilities.
- General. A State must adopt criteria for
determining whether a child has a specific
learning disability.the criteria adopted by the
State- - (2) May not require the use of a severe
discrepancy between intellectual ability and
achievement for determining whether a child has a
specific learning disability as defined in
300.8 (Discrepancy Model) - (3) Must permit the use of a process that
determines if the child responds to scientific,
research-based intervention(RTI Model). - Note (bracketed comments added)
- The child with a specific learning disability
.must be directly related to a pervasive
processing deficit and to the childs response to
scientific, research-based interventions.This is
clearly documented by the childs response to
instruction as demonstrated by a review of the
progress monitoring in general education and
Student Support Team intervention plans. - Georgia Regulations
- (2) The child with a specific learning
disability .must be directly related to a
pervasive processing deficit and to the childs
response to scientific, research-based
interventions.This is clearly documented by the
childs response to instruction as demonstrated
by a review of the progress monitoring in general
education and Student Support Team intervention
7RTI Training
- Summer Team Training
- Reflection on Chestatee Process
- Leadership Retreat
- Set Goals
- How to present RTI to the Faculty
- Changes to the SST Process Volume
- Presentation to the Faculty
8Thinking Ahead
- Discussion Points
- Who will be our Leadership Team Representative
for next year? - How did our curriculum maps, map out? Revise?
What type of support do we need related to our
maps? - What were our biggest academic challenges this
year? - What specific topic(s) would we like to explore
during 07-08 staff development? - What worked well for us this year?
9Pyramid of Intervention Chestatee
Elementary 2007-2008
10SST Teams
- 3-5
K-2 - April McNaughton Jennifer Vanderbunt
- Shelly Otis Sonia Stewart
- Melton/Reynolds Melton/ Reynolds
- Lori Holbrooks Veronica Learned
- Classroom Teacher Classroom Teacher
- Case Manager Case Manager
11Pyramid of Interventions
Tier IV
5 (22 - 224 students)
Tier III
Response to Intervention
Tier II
100 1025 enrolled
Tier I
12RTI A familiar approach
13High leverage strategies
Standards-based instruction
Differentiated Instruction
Universal Screening and/or Benchmark Assessment
Small group instruction for all students
Tier I For ALL students
14AIMS Web http//www.aimsweb.com/
15Universal Screening
16Edusoft Data Management Program
17Tier II -Instructional Support Team
18 19Tier III - Student Support Team (SST)
20Tier IV -Special Education
216 Critical Components
-John McCook
- Universal screening administered to ALL students
3 times per year - Identify the problem areas in measurable terms
- Establish baseline data
226 Critical Components
-John McCook
- Develop an accountability plan
- Description of specific intervention
- The duration
- Schedule and setting of implementation
- Person responsible
- Measurable outcomes
- Progress Monitoring
- Schedule progress monitoring
- Evaluate the plan
- (Conducted in IST meetings and SST meetings)
23Focus Tier II
- Students with marked difficulties
- May include
- At or below 10th percentile on universal
screening - Level 1 on CRCT in Reading and/or Math
- DNM on Georgia Writing Assessment
- Retention
- Excessive discipline referrals
24Focus Tier III
- Students that have not responded to Tier II
efforts, i.e. - 3 or more data points show no improvement or less
than expected growth - Level 1 on CRCT
25RTI Spread Sheet
Josephi 43 17 25 27 19/1 9/2 15/6 6/89
Lesley 25 13 28 14 9/6 9/1 12/9 4/89
Adelina 6 13 5 13 7/5 0/0 0/0 5/89
Danny 39 24 19 28 18/2 12/0 18/5 4/89
Mitchell 59 26 46 31 26/0 16/0 20/8 18/89
Anna 50 35 50 24 21/0 9/1 30/13 3/89
Mauricio 15 15 24 15 17/0 8/2 5/13 9/89
Megan 64 29 19 54 21/2 12/3 30/9 9/89
Cindy 38 27 29 32 24/1 11/1 7/11 10/89
Cody 27 19 26 25 10/0 8/3 5/8 3/89
Lynda 24 65 24 82 19/3 10/3 40/15 11/89
Daisy 32 35 42 52 24/1 5/5 25/5 5/89
Matthew 39 27 35 49 20/1 0/5 9/10 3/89
Joseph 29 18 18 20 6/4 1/5 4/6 4/89
Randall 33 16 27 22 13/1 11/0 14/10 9/89
Trevor 51 33 20 24 24/3 9/1 13/9 0/89
Patrick 45 33 18 70 23/5 5/3 58/3 5/89
Britani 39 37 38 40 9/6 0/0 13/6 4/89
26Grade Level ______________ Date _____________ IST
Plan __________________________________________
_ ________________________________________________
____ _____________________________________________
_______ __________________________________________
__________ IST Log is ___ attached ____under
construction Children that our team needs
assistance with what tier to place
them. _________________________
________________________ _________________________
________________________ _____________________
____ ________________________ _________________
________ ________________________ Checklist of
things to accomplish today ____ Determine plan
for IST meeting ____ Discuss what you want your
IST log to look like ____ Look at data and
complete Tier activity For existing SST
folders ___ Place dark orange sticker in the
upper right hand corner of an SST folder IF the
child is staying in tier 3 (SST). ____ Place a
yellow sticker in the upper right hand corner of
an SST folder IF the student is a tier 2
(IST) ____ Place a green sticker in the upper
right hand corner of an SST folder IF the
student is a tier 1. (This will mean that the
folder will be closed )
27- How to
- make the
- tough decisions
28Programs MUST be conducted with FIDELITY
- Research based programs and/or interventions
- Examples
- Harcourt Trophies
- Saxon Phonics Spelling
- HM Expressions
- Research based programs and/or interventions
- Examples
- Orton-Gillingham
- Trans Math
- Language!
- Tier II
- Minimum of 30 minutes / day, 2 days per week in
addition to core instruction - Minimum of 6-12 weeks or based on the research
based program
- Tier III
- Minimum of 30 minutes / day, increase in days per
week in addition to core instruction - Minimum of 12 weeks or based on the research
based program
- K-2 Tier II Only
- 3-5 Tier II, Title, EIP
- Progress monitoring every 4 weeks as a minimum
- Tier III
- Progress monitoring every 2 weeks
31Team Discussions
- IST/SST Meeting Concerns
- Communication to stake holders
- Documentation of IST meetings
32IST Process
- Meetings are conducted at Grade Level Meetings.
- Students are updated on the IST Log located on
our Share Drive. - AP will attend all IST Meetings.
33SST Process
- The majority of SST meetings will take place on
Tuesday and Thursdays. - There will be 2 SST teams ( K-2) and (3-5)
- Each team will meet bi-weekly to determine the
SST Goals for all students. Follow-ups will
occur every 4-7 weeks according to the student
need. - Subs will be provided for classroom teacher and
the case manager. - 10-12 Student Meetings per day
34Intervention Examples
- Read Naturally
- 2nd Dose of Small Group Intervention
- Readers Theatre
- Paired Reading
- Peer Tutor Program http//www.interventioncentra
l.org - Touch Math
- Houghton Mifflin Expressions
- Math Manipulative Groups
- Use of Technology to review skills
- Orton Gillingham
- Language! 3rd Ed.
- TransMath
- Earobics
35Tier II Documentation SheetChestatee Elementary
- Student_______________________________________
Grade______________ - Teacher___________________________________________
__ - Date__________________ Case Manager______________
_______________ - Standards Based Concerns (Please be specific.)
- 1.________________________________________________
______________________ - _______________________________________________
_______________________ - 2.________________________________________________
______________________ - _______________________________________________
_______________________ - What data supports the existence of the
problem/concern? ________________________ - __________________________________________________
_____________________ - What is the goal to resolve this problem?
______________________________________ - __________________________________________________
_____________________ - Parent Contact No_________ Yes________ If so,
362nd Grade IST Student Information
Student _____________________ Todays
date ______________ Classroom teacher
______________ Case Manager
__________________ IST start date _________
Absences ___ / ____ CRCT scores- Reading
______ ELA ______ Math ______
STAR reading level beginning _____ current
Buckle Down Fall Winter Spring
Goals/ Interventions Standard Prior Achievement Date Current Achievement Date
Non-sense words Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 27/30
Non-sense words Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 27/30
Fluency WPM 51 (Qtr 1) 72 (Qtr 3)
Sight Words 190/220 (QTR 2)
Math Fact Fluency 40 (3 minutes)
37IST and SST Log
Student HR Teacher Intervention Frequency Person PM Progress Monitoring Goal Next Meeting Notes
38Chestatee Elementary IST/SST Documentation
Student Student Teacher Teacher Grade
Interventions Interventions Interventions Interventions Interventions
PM Tool Frequency Goal Goal Person Responsible Person Responsible
Intervention Start Date End Date End Date Review Meeting Date Review Meeting Date
Please sign and date verifying that you have received a copy. Please sign and date verifying that you have received a copy. Please sign and date verifying that you have received a copy.
Homeroom Teacher Title I / EIP Coach
39Professional Learning
- Aug. 29th RTI Overview and Data Meeting
- Sept. 26th - AIMS Web Report Training
- EIP/Title Teachers P.M. Training
- Oct. 9th Speech/ESOL collaborates with RTI
- Nov. 1st Behavior Interventions for RTI
- Nov. 14th Refresher on SST Data Collection and
Referral Process - January 7th Data Analysis
- Jan 30th Math Toolbox
- March 5th Double Dose Strategies for Effective
Intervention - April 30th - RTI Culmination- Planning Ahead for
40January 7, 2007Data Analysis Professional
Data Analysis Intervention Inventory RTI
Putting a face to the data
41 Green gt 65 on BuckleDown 3 on Standards
Based Report Card Yellow gt 51-65 on
BuckleDown 2 on Standards Based Report Card 50
NPR on ITBS Red lt 50 on BuckleDown 1 on
Standards Based Report Card lt 40 NPR on ITBS
Multiple Measures Reading ELA Math
42Reading ELA Math
Current Interventions
43What else can I do? Specialized Instructional
44January 7, 2007Data Analysis Professional
What resources have we not thought of?
Results of Professional Learning
- All teachers concluded the PL with a road map
to interventions for their class - 80 students receiving additional services
- 6 teachers volunteering for additional morning
or afternoon duties - 8 teachers taking on additional small group
instruction - Principal tracking attendance and data of small
groups to insure fidelity - APs conduction motivational groups weekly