1If you are completing a KIS make sure its a
good KIS
Paul Baughan, GP, Dollar Health Centre,
Clackmannanshire Steven Ebsworth, Practice
Manager, Dollar HC, Clackmannanshire
2Overview of session
- Share findings from audit about quality of KIS
- Explore what components of a KIS make it good or
bad - Suggest ways that you could improve the quality
of KISs within your practice
- 57 GP practices in NHS Forth Valley
- All use EMIS
- Started using KIS in June 2012, with all GP
practices using it by December 2012 - - now have 5800 patients (1.9 of FV population)
with a KIS
4Population 31000, therefore 1.9 now have a KIS
5Audit How good are our KISs
- In June 2013 we audited the quality of 174 KISs
- 2 GPs, 1 DN and 1 Hospital specialist nurse
assessed quality and usefulness of each of these
6Results of audit of 174 KISs
7Results of audit of 174 KISs
8If you are completing a KIS make sure its a
good KIS
9What makes a good KIS?
101. Look at the 6 KISs2. Rate them from most
useful to least useful.3. What makes the useful
ones useful?
11What makes a good KIS?
12Results of audit of 174 KISs
13Results of audit of 174 KISs
14Results of audit of 174 KISs
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19Results of audit of 174 KISs
Dr Paul Baughan September 2013
21Results of audit of 174 KISs
22Results of audit of 174 KISs
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27Results of audit of 174 KISs
28But big improvement on ePCS
29A suggested approach to improving the quality of
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31Questions in Thinking Ahead Document
At this time in your life what is it that makes
you happy or unhappy? Do you have any special
requests or preferences regarding your future
care? If your condition gets worse, where would
you most like to be cared for eg hospital,
hospice, home, nursing home? What thing (s)
would you like to avoid happening to you? What
are your wishes regarding resuscitation ie CPR?
Do you have any comments, wishes or concerns,
about any thing or any one, that you would like
others to know about? Is there anything that
you would like to know more about? eg benefit
advice Have we missed anything? I consent to
sharing a summary of the information in this
document with my GP practice and for it to be
made available to key medical professionals who
may need to care for me in an emergency (e.g. GP
out of hours service, NHS 24, Scottish Ambulance
32- Summary
- Not difficult to create KIS for patients
- Important to spend a little time thinking about
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