Title: Getinge Group
1Getinge Group
2Shaping Health Care of tomorrow
3Shaping Health Care of tomorrow
4Infection Control- Fact sheet 2004 numbers
Revenues 3,524 MSEKEBITA margin 15.2
5Extended Care Fact sheet 2004 Numbers
Revenues 2,701 MSEKEBITA margin 18.9
6Medical Systems Fact sheet 2004 Numbers
Revenues 4,620 MSEKEBITA margin 15.4
7Getinge Group Development
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9Our customers in the healthcare industry respond
to the changes by
Financial Targets
- Health care policy makers will increasingly look
for privatisation and market testing as tools to
achieve cost efficiency - Activity based reimbursements continue to drive
process efficiency - Focus on core competencies in medical processes
- Elective care will be provided in outpatient
10Positive Outcomes
A competent solution provider in well defined
niches of the health care industry offering
solutions that enhance customers productivity
over time
11Strategic Cornerstones
12Global leadership
We strive to be a global No 1 or No 2 in the
product areas focused.Market leadership will
help us attain cost leadership through scale
13Strategic Cornerstones
- Global leadership
- Innovative solutions
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19Results 1993 - 2004
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212004 Financials
22Getinge AB - Financials (MSEK)
2004 2003 Change 2004 2003 Change
 Q 4 Q 4  12 Mon 12 Mon Â
Orders received 2,981 2,675 11 10,812 9,154 18
Net sales 3,477 2,929 19 10,889 9,160 19
EBITA 682 544 25 1,757 1,449 21
EBITA 19.6 18.6 16.1 15.8
EBIT 621 477 30 1,505 1,257 20
EBIT 17.9 16.3 13.8 13.7
Profit before tax 574 432 33 1,309 1,095 20
23Getinge AB - Key figures (MSEK)
2004 2003 2004 2003
 Q 4 Q 4 12 Mon 12 Mon
Operating Cash Flow, MSEK 584 556 1,878 1,980
Net debt, MSEK 4,705 4,852
Equity / Assets ratio, 33.1 29.3
Net debt / Equity ratio, multiple 1.18 1.37
Interest cover, multiple 7.1 7.3
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