Gyan Sagar Science Foundation International Science Symposium, January - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gyan Sagar Science Foundation International Science Symposium, January


Gyan Sagar Science Foundation International Science Symposium, January 10 Cosmology Jainism & Scientism A Comparison Presented By Er. Piyush Jain – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gyan Sagar Science Foundation International Science Symposium, January

Gyan Sagar Science FoundationInternational
Science Symposium, January10
  • Cosmology Jainism Scientism
  • A Comparison
  • Presented By
  • Er. Piyush Jain

What is Universe?
What is Universe? Contd.
  • Both Jains Science agree that the lok or
    universe can be defined by the presence of
    mattereals (dravya) or matter/energy.

Creation of Universe
  • According to science, the universe was created
    with a big bang and is likely to end in a big
    crunch or big chill.
  • Owing to the momentum of bang, it is expanding
    into the infinite emptiness. However, according
    to science, universe is finite but with inflating
  • According to Jain belief, the universe (LOK) was
    never created, nor will it ever cease to exist.
  • LOK has a permanent finite boundary, well defined
    by the presence of two of the six
    mattereals(Dravyas) Dharmastikaya (Dynaons)
    and Adharmastikaya (Statons).

Constitution of Universe
  • Besides Dharmastikaya (Dynaons) and
    Adharmastikaya (Statons), other four mattereals
    existing in the universe are Space-time and
  • These four mattereals are dynamic by way of
    transportation and transformation, which is the
    very basis of life.
  • Beyond this finite LOK, is the infinite ALOK,
    devoid of all the six mattereals.
  • It is full of lightest elements, like hydrogen,
    helium and lithium. It has abundance of cold dark
    matter huge clouds of particles that are
    detectable by their gravitational effect only.
  • Empty space is not empty at all it is a seething
    cauldron of quantum field activities.
  • Beyond our own universe, existence of other
    universes is not ruled out.

Constitution of Universe Contd.
  • Six constituents of universe form three pairs
  • Dharmastikaya (Dynaons) Helps motion
  • Adharmastikaya (Statons) helps position
  • Akash Space (Defines extent)
  • Samay Time (Defines rate of change)
  • Jiva Sentience or Intelligence
  • Pudgal Energy(Sukshma) Matter (Sthula)
  • Constitution of the universe comprises of three
  • first layer of reality is the observable universe
    of material objects.
  • the second layer needs imagination. It is
    characterized by the ceaseless interplay of
    energy at microscopic level.
  • the third layer emanates from the fact that
    something keeps energy as energy and particle as
    particle. Some force or more appropriately some
    fields keep hold of objects as they are. Examples
    are gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear
    fields etc.

Extent of Universe
  • As per Jain literatures, the LOK is shaped like a
    man standing legs apart with arms resting on
    waist. Its dimensions are
  • Madhya Loka, at the centre of the universe
    consists of 900 yojans above and 900 yojans below
    the joint surface (plane).
  • The height and width of Upper Lower Lokas are 7
    rajjus (innumerate yojanas).
  • The depiction is only two-dimensional, the third
    dimension can be imagined as if the entire
    structure is rotated once along its vertical
  • Boundaries, extent and shape is not known to
    scientists as on today.
  • Universe is known to have a beginning around 14
    billion years back.
  • Universe is made up of billions of galaxies and
    each galaxy may have 400-500 billion stars.

Laws of Universe
  • Activities of LOK are so spontaneous that it is
    not created by anybody (GOD). LOK, therefore,
    possesses Default Intelligence and not Designed
  • Time is endless and beginingless. It is divided
    into cycles of Utsarpinis (Progressive Time
    Cycle) and Avsarpinis (Regressive Time Cycle).
  • God is left with nothing to do, as the
    disciplined Nature is governed by its own laws
    and principles - Science
  • Time began with the big bang. Even if time
    existed before the creation of universe, it is of
    no relevance in the realm of science.

Chronology of Cosmology
  • In the journey of millions of years by the
    mankind, the first milestone reached only in
    1514AD, when Copernicus proposed that it was
    earth which is circling around the sun and not
    the other way round.
  • In the year 1609, almost 100 years later, Galileo
    confirmed it. First fact was thus established -
  • the orbits of our solar system, were
    sun-centric and not geo-centric.

Chronology of Cosmology-Contd.
  • Around the year 1687, an idea was mooted by Sir
    Newton about having an infinite static universe.
    But his own theory of gravitation contradicted
    it. Owing to the gravitational force, the stars
    in static universe will fall into one another and
    the universe would have collapsed.
  • After another 100 years, in the middle of
    nineteenth century the idea of eternal universe
    was discarded by scientific fraternity. Had the
    stars around us were shinning since infinite
    time, rays from all the stars would have reached
    us by now and the earth would have received so
    much of energy that it would have been blown up
    by now. By the same argument all the other cosmic
    bodies too would be infinitely heated up. This
    established the second fact
  • the Universe had a beginning.

Chronology of Cosmology-Contd.
  • Next milestone in this journey came relatively
    faster in the year 1929. This only confirmed the
    fact that the universe had beginning. Edwin
    Hubble observed that the cosmos is expanding as
    the galaxies are rocketing away from each other.
    This established the third fact
  • the Universe is expanding.
  • The immediate conclusion was that these galaxies
    were near to each other sometime in past. In
    fact, so near to each other that the universe
    occupied near zero space and possessed near
    infinite density. This established the fourth
  • the Universe started with Big Bang.

Birth of Universe-The Big Bang
  • What Banged?
  • A Ball of fire having almost infinite temperature
    and which was a one hundred millionth of a
    billionth the size of a proton, which itself is
    one thousand billionth the size of a grain of

Nascent Universe
  • Within a fraction of a second, four fundamental
    forces gravity, electromagnetic, strong and
    weak nuclear forces were created.

Child Universe
  • By one second, the temp had fallen to ten billion
    degrees and universe became a giant thermonuclear
  • Within first few minutes, the light atomic
    elements H He were produced.

Adolescent Universe
  • For more than a million years, universe kept on
    expanding silently till the temperatures fell to
    a few thousand degrees.
  • At this point the electrons and nuclei had not
    enough energy to overcome the electromagnetic
    attraction. They thus started combining to form

Adult Universe
  • About 100 million years after the birth, the
    first star might have started shining.
  • Now, around 14 billion years later, the universe
    comprises uncountable stars, black holes, dark
    matter and dark energy.

Death of Universe - I
  • If the universe does not have enough matter
    within it, then the gravitation generated by
    matter would be too weak to stop the universe
    from growing. This would cause the universe to
    expand forever and the galaxies would get dimmer
    and dimmer. The stars would inevitably exhaust
    their nuclear fuel and their light would
    eventually extinguish. The universe would thus
    end up having no light and no heat -- the state
    of Big Chill.

Death of Universe - II
  • On the other hand, if the universe contains
    sufficient matter, the gravitational attraction
    of the matter would be strong enough to slow down
    the expansion until the universe began to shrink.
    The temperature and matter density would get
    higher and higher, just like the Big Bang in
    reverse. The universe would eventually end in a
    Big Crunch. Afterwards the universe might restart
    itself with another Big Bang.

Evidence-1 of the Big-Bang
  • 1929 Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe
    is not static but undergoing dynamic expansion.
    He used the Hooker Telescope for his
  • His conclusions are irrefutable as the red shift
    in the colour spectra of distant galaxies is
    established beyond doubt.
  • Farther the galaxy, faster is the rate of recede.

Evidence-2 of the Big-Bang
  • 1990 Hubbles Telescope - Installed in space,
    away from the disturbances of the earths
    atmospheric interferences, RFIs EMIs.
  • It established the presence of black holes and
    provided a solid evidence that the mass-energy of
    tens of billions of galaxies can be packed into a
    small space.
  • Extrapolating, it means that infinite energy can
    exist in a highly dense near zero space.

Evidence-3 of the Big-Bang
  • 1989 COBE Satellite Cosmic Background
  • The mission was meant to detect the after-glow
    left by the big-bang. Every hot body emanates
    radiations and so did the original fire-ball. It
    was presumed that this after-glow can be detected
    though it has cooled down significantly.
  • Data obtained so far match with the mathematical
    calculations and the temperature of Background
    radiation has been found to be around 2.7ºK above
    absolute zero.

Evidence-4 of the Big-Bang
  • 1960 Particle Accelerators have been able to
    generate near big-bang temperatures of trillions
    of degrees by accelerating electrons and other
    lighter particles to extremely high energies of
    up to 2GeV.
  • By 2020 it is expected that the linear
    accelerators up to 40km long will enable
    laboratory simulation of black-holes. Hadron
    Collider is already a step forward.

Cosmos of Science
  • To sum up the present cosmological picture
    painted by scientists is as follows
  • Age of the universe is around 14 billion years
    and it is by and large homogeneous.
  • It is full of lightest elements, like hydrogen,
    helium and lithium.
  • It has abundance of cold dark matter huge
    clouds of particles that are detectable by their
    gravitational effect only. (This finding is
    astonishingly close to Jain philosophy of
    Tamas-kaya Krishna-rajji.)
  • Within a fraction of a second, the universe
    inflated at a tremendously accelerated rate
    breaking the GUT (Great Unification Theory)
    symmetry, simultaneously releasing burst of
  • Soon after inflation, the regions of high density
    were acted upon by the cold dark matter to form
    the galaxies.

Unanswered Questions
  • What banged?
  • Why banged?
  • Where banged?
  • Where from it came?
  • Where is the centre of Universe?
  • What is the extent/boundary of Universe?
  • What before bang?

Big-Bang OR Big-Humbug
  • To the presenter, the entire idea of such a
    massive universe emanating out of an
    infinitesimally small ball of fire is
    preposterous. Based on the serious findings of
    some dedicated scientists, another group of
    scientists have prepared a commercial caricature
    named Big Bang.
  • There are some basic flaws in this theory which
    every advocate of Big-Bang is trying to hide
    under carpet -

Big-Bang OR A Big-Humbug
  1. The entire hypothesis began with the Hubbles
    discovery of galaxies moving apart. This still
    remains the strongest argument. They immediately
    extrapolated that the galaxies were closely bound
    at one point of time!
  2. Again, they found the radiation temperature to be
    around 3ºK, lo and behold, immediately some
    mathematicians came forward and calculated
    thousands of billions of temperature at the time
    of big-bang some 14 billion years back!
  3. In their enthusiasm of proving a glamorous
    thought right, they overlooked several other
    explanations which can be used by the physicists
    for the aforesaid observations -

Big-Bang OR Big-Humbug
  • What could then be the possible explanations?
    The presenter has a few suggestions
  • The accelerated recede of galaxies could be due
    to the pressure gradient existing between the
    matter of universe and void emptiness outside. It
    could be understood by an analogy of a balloon
    which can be inflated either by pumping air
    inside or creating vacuum outside.
  • The extent of universe is so vast, even the
    tangential movement cannot be distinguished from
    the radial movement.

Big-Bang OR Big-Humbug
  • The phenomenon of recede can be explained using
    an analogy of a cloud formation
  • The basic raw material, the water vapours are
    always present but when their concentration
    increases they form a cloud and the winds
    immediately start moving them.
  • A similar process is possible for galaxy
    formation also. The basic raw material, call it
    dark matter/energy or pudgal, is always
    available. Due to various high-energy activities
    like supernova, gamma-ray bursts or black-hole
    formation, favourable conditions are produced for
    galaxy formation. Such a formation immediately
    start moving owing to the underlying
    gravitational field.

Big-Bang OR Big-Humbug
  • Similarly, there are other possible explanations
    for COBE observations
  • As there are trillions of stars all around us, it
    is but natural that radiations received by us are
  • Also, a near 3ºK temperature of background
    radiation simply means that the entire material
    activities of the universe are not able to
    produce enough heat as compared to the vast
    volume involved. There is no need to go back in
    time and presume that a hot fire ball has gone

Logical Trends in Jainism
  • We have, so far, travelled a journey back in time
    riding on the scientific vehicle. Presenter,
    personally, has an intuition that this journey in
    scientific realm will soon change its course and
    incline towards the spiritual and philosophical
    ponderings of Jainism.
  • We shall now embark upon the journey on the road
    paved by Lord Mahavira and try to unravel the
    realities of micro and macrocosm.

Jain Cosmic Geography
  • The sidhha kshetra or moksha is situated at the
    symbolic forehead of the creation, where all the
    jivas having attained nirvana reside in a state
    of complete peace and eternal happiness.
  • The Dev- Lokas (Heavens) are situated at the
    symbolic chest part of the Creation, where all
    the Devas (demi gods) reside.
  • The narrow waist part acts as place of 'vicharan'
    (roaming) for humans, animals and plants. We are
    in the Bharat Kshetra of 'Jambu Dwip'.
  • Beneath the waist part are the seven Narka Lokas
    (Hells), each for a varying degree of suffering a
    jiva has to undergo to face the consequences of
    its pap-karma (sins).
  • Outside the symbolic figure of this creation
    nothing but void alok exists.

Jain - Time Cycle
Jain Kaal Chakra - Continuum
  1. Su?ama-su?ama (Blissful)
  2. Su?ama(Pleasurable)
  3. Su?ama-du??ama (Poignant)
  4. Du??ama-su?ama (Agonizing)
  5. Du??ama (Miserable)
  6. Du??ama- du??am (Distressing)

Jain Time scale
  • Smallest unit of time is one samay
  • Infinite samay constitute one avalika.
  • One lakh avalika constitute one second.
  • Time units builds to ghadi, paksha, rutus, yuga,
    century, purvaanga, purva, palyopama and
  • Entire time-cycle is supposed to be constituted
    of 20,000 trillion Sagaropama.

Time-Cycle (Suggestion)
  • The Jain canons state that the events repeat
    themselves. Therefore, scientifically, the time
    cycle should be depicted in the form of a
    pendulum trajectory in which the area covered
    retraces the space-time.
  • In circular depiction, space-time is different in
    Utsarpini and Avsarpani cycles.
  • This suggestion of the author needs careful
    investigations so that the anomalies, if any, in
    the interpretation can be removed.

Unanswered Questions
  • Why everything in finite LOK is infinite?
  • What makes Lok stand upright?
  • Why there is no mention of stars being balls of
    intense fire?
  • Why there is no mention of galaxies?
  • Why the earth (Jambu Dwip) is said to be like a
    saucer and not a sphere?

Grand Unification
  • The purpose of this exercise is to establish a
    link between Jainism science by studying the
    concept of cosmos and laws of nature.
  • In view of the author, who has undergone the
    rigours of Jainism and Science during the English
    translation of a book published under the title
    of Jain Studies Science Lord Mahavira was the
    greatest scientist whose laboratory was HIS mind
    and soul.
  • Though various tenets of Jainism are proved to be
    scientific, this particular context of cosmology
    provides the author a great opportunity of Grand
    Unification between science and Jainism. Their
    respective concurrent conclusions, in the
    authors view are

Meeting Grounds
  • Both state the finite extent of universe. Any
    infinite extent will reduce the density to zero.
  • Jainism and quantum physics agree that within the
    universe there is no empty space. While science
    says that the fields are all pervading, Jainism
    says that the dynons statons are omnipresent in
    the universe. Both agree that a seamless fabric
    is woven to support the entire gamut of
  • Science says that the energy and mass are
    mutually convertible. Jainism postulates that the
    energy is Shukshma Pudgal while mass is Sthula
    Pudgal, thereby implying that the both have same
    constituents differing only in magnitudes.
  • Last but not the least both agree that
  • GOD has not created the Nature but Nature is
    constantly working to create a GOD

  • Jainism says that the soul is eternal and it can
    attain its pristine form of being a GOD through
    the process of refinement.
  • Science says that the longevity of physical body
    can be enhanced. Medical science today is
    constantly endeavouring to make the life healthy,
    happy and hopefully eternal.
  • An astounding possibility thus arises to have
    an eternal soul residing in a body which lives
    healthy ever after, till it is liberated through
    right karmas.
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