Title: Radiation Effects in SiGe Devices
1Radiation Effects in SiGe Devices Akil
Sutton, Marco Bellini, Ryan Diestelhorst, Anuj
Madan, Tom Cheng, Bongim Jun, and John D.
Cressler MURI Review Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN June 14, 2007
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 777
Atlantic Drive, N.W., Georgia Institute of
Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0250
USA cressler_at_ece.gatech.edu Tel (404) 894-5161 /
- Some Updates from the SiGe World
- New Avenues for RHBD in Bulk SiGe HBTs
- Probing the TID Damage Physics of SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in Complementary SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in SiGe MODFETs
- Progress / Plans
3SiGe Strained Layer Epi
The Bright Idea!
Practice Bandgap Engineering
but do it in Silicon!
4The SiGe HBT
- Conventional Shallow and Deep Trench Isolation
CMOS BEOL - Unconditionally Stable, UHV/CVD SiGe Epitaxial
Base - 100 Si Manufacturing Compatibility
- SiGe HBT Si CMOS on wafer
50 nm
SiGe III-V Speed Si Manufacturing
5The SiGe Success Story
- Rapid Generational Evolution (full SiGe BiCMOS)
- Many DoD Opportunities!
- SiGe HBT Si CMOS (RF to mm-wave analog
digital for SoC / SoP)
gt 500 GHz Potential
Important Point 200-500 GHz _at_ 130 nm!
6SiGe mm-wave Comm
- Wireless 60 GHz (ISM band) Data Links (gt1.0
DARPA Funded
Courtesy of IBM
7SiGe Radar Systems
Single Chip X-band SiGe T/R (4x4 mm2)
MDA Funded
Begs For SiGe!
Paradigm Shifting Impact for DoD Phased Array
8Extreme Environments
- Cryogenic Temperatures (e.g., 77K -196C)
- High Temperatures (e.g., 200C)
- Radiation (e.g., Earth orbit)
Moon / Mars
9NASA ETDP Project
SiGe Integrated Electronics for Extreme
Develop and Demonstrate Extreme Environment
Electronic Components Required for Distributed
Architecture Lunar / Martian Robotic /
Vehicular Systems Using SiGe HBT BiCMOS
- Extreme Environment Requirements (e.g., Lunar)
- 120C (day) to -180C (night) cycling (main
focus) - radiation (TID SEU tolerant)
Major Project Goals / Approach - prove
SiGe BiCMOS technology for 120C to -180C
applications - develop mixed-signal electronics
with proven extreme T rad capability -
develop best-practice extreme T range circuit
design approaches - deliver compact modeling
tools for circuit design (design suite) -
deliver requisite mixed-signal circuit components
(component library) - deliver robust
packaging for these circuits (integrated
multi-chip module) - demonstrate device
circuit package reliability per NASA specs
- develop a robust maturation path for NASA
mission insertion (TRL-6)
Goal Be Ready for NASA
10Remote Electronics Unit
The ETDP Remote Electronics Unit, circa 2009
The X-33 Remote Health Unit, circa 1998
REU in connector housing!
Analog front end die
Digital control die
Conceptual integrated REU system-on-chip SiGe
BiCMOS die
- 5 wide by 3 high by 6.75 long 101 cubic
inches - 11 kg weight
- 17.2 Watts power dissipation
- -55oC to 125oC
- 1.5 high by 1.5 wide by 0.5 long 1.1 cubic
inches - lt 1 kg
- lt 2-3 Watts
- -180oC to 125oC, rad tolerant
Suite of REU Sensor Types Temperature, Strain,
Pressure, Acceleration, Vibration, Heat Flux,
Position, etc.
11Total-Dose Response
Multi-Mrad Total Dose Hardness (with no
intentional hardening!) - ionization
displacement damage very minimal no ELDRS
either! Radiation Hardness Due to Epitaxial
Base Structure (not Ge) - thin emitter-base
spacer heavily doped extrinsic base very thin
63 MeV Protons
63 MeV Protons
200 GHz SiGe HBT
63 MeV protons _at_ 5x1013 p/cm2 6.7 Mrad TID!
12Single Event Effects
Observed SEU Sensitivity in SiGe HBT Shift
Registers - low LET threshold high saturated
50 GHz SiGe HBTs
The Achilles Heel of SiGe and Space!
1.6 Gb/sec
P. Marshall et al., IEEE TNS, 47, p. 2669, 2000
13The Intuitive Picture
- Collector-substrate (n/p-) Junction Is a Problem
(SOI solves this) - Lightly Doped Substrate Definitely Doesnt Help!
Heavy Ion (GeV cosmic ray)
Very Efficient Charge Collection!
14SEU TCAD to Circuits
New RHBD SiGe Latch
TCAD Ion Strike
DARPA Georgia Tech, Auburn, Vanderbilt
Standard Master Slave Latch
SEU Soft
15SEU Tolerant Latches
- Reduce Tx-Tx Feedback Coupling Internal to the
Latch - Circuit Architecture Changes Transistor Layout
Limiting Cross-section (no errors!)
- Some Updates from the SiGe World
- New Avenues for RHBD in Bulk SiGe HBTs
- Probing the TID Damage Physics of SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in Complementary SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in SiGe MODFETs
- Progress / Plans
1777K Proton SEU Testing
A Fundamental Question How Does Temperature
Affect SEU?
Experiment (63 MeV protons at 300K 77K) -
16-bit Shift Registers ? Standard M/S latch vs.
RHBD variant - data rates of 2-5 Gbit/s at
normal incidence
and Vanderbilt DURIP (test equipment) Paul
Marshalls able assistance was key!
1877K SEU Cross-Section
- Nearly 3x Increase in Upset Cross-section at 77K
- - not totally unexpected increased mobility
lifetime - RHBD SR Outperforms Standard M/S by gt 10x at 77K
(4Gb/s) - In Qualitative Agreement with Vanderbilt TCAD
Need Better Setup For 77K Broadbeam Heavy
Ion Measurements (in progress)
19Layout-Based RHBD
- Transistor-Level Layout Variations for QCOLL
Reduction? - - alternate pn junction (n-ring) designed to
shunt electron charge away
Collaboration with Vanderbilt and Auburn Leverage
20Ion Microbeam Results
- Alternative Low Impedance Path Shunts Collected
Electrons - 20 25 Reduction in Peak and Integrated QCOLL
at 3µm Spacing
Integrated QCOLL inside DT (a) and outside DT (b)
Other Candidate Techniques to Be Measured Next
Week Stay Tuned!
21New RHBD Latches
- New Latch-Level Circuit Hardening Scheme
Introduced - Low Area / Power / Speed Overhead vs. Previous
RHBD Designs
Capable of gt 20 Gbps Operation with RHBD!
- Some Updates from the SiGe World
- New Avenues for RHBD in Bulk SiGe HBTs
- Probing the TID Damage Physics of SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in Complementary SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in SiGe MODFETs
- Progress / Plans
23Mixed-Mode Stress
Simultaneous High Current High Voltage Stress
(JE VCB) - very complex damage response 3
different mechanisms (at least) - damages both
EB spacer and STI edge (just like radiation) -
complex dependence on VCB, JE, area, temperature,
etc. Q Can Mixed-Mode Stress Shed Light on
Radiation Damage?
24Mixed-Mode Annealing
Certain Stress Conditions Can Remove Radiation
Damage - induced forward inverse mode base
leakage current is removed - high voltage
high current self-heating plays a role
- effect observed in multiple SiGe technology
platforms / nodes
- Some Updates from the SiGe World
- New Avenues for RHBD in Bulk SiGe HBTs
- Probing the TID Damage Physics of SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in Complementary SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in SiGe MODFETs
- Progress / Plans
26C-Si BJT Leverage
- Complementary (npn pnp) Si BJT Technology
(C-Si) - - very important in the core analog IC market
(C-Si BiCMOS) - - cost adder but still a huge win for this
high-value-add market - - enables a wide variety of best-of-breed
precision analog blocks - - enabling technology for many analog IC apps
- e.g., drivers, video amps, bus interfaces,
DAC/ADC, op amps, etc. - - enables better current sources
- - enables push-pull driver topologies
- - enables low voltage / low-power analog designs
- - enables low noise circuits (especially 1/f)
- - C-Si BJTs do not have to push the fT envelope
(higher BV) - - CMOS is not a natural fit as an analog device
(V scaling et al.)
27An Observation
Until Very Recently, SiGe HBT npn SiGe HBT
28npn vs pnp SiGe HBTs
- npn no impact of band offset on minority
carriers at low JC - pnp strong impact of band offset on minority
carriers at low JC
npn SiGe HBT
pnp SiGe HBT
29C-SiGe Technology 1
- Dual SiGe Epi Deposition (B doped for npn / AS
doped for pnp) - Thick Film SOI for Isolation
- Core Analog IC Design Platform for Texas
pnp SiGe HBT
npn SiGe HBT
PS Should be SEU Tolerant as Built!
npn SiGe HBT
30TIs BiCOM3X Platform
Irradiated with 63 MeV protons and 10 keV
X-rays Thick-film (1.25 mm) SOI Behavior
Similar to Bulk Devices Negligible dc and ac
degradation (300K)
We Will Be Starting Some Circuit Work in This
Platform Shortly
31Substrate Bias Effects
Substrate Bias (20 V) During Irradiation
Increases Inverse Gummel (STI) Degradation
(circuit impact?)
63 MeV Proton 10 keV X-rays
VS 20V
VS 20V
32C-SiGe Technology 2
- IHPs Complementary SiGe HBT Technology
- - low RC and CCS collector construction (no STI
between E and C) - - highly-tuned vertical doping profile
- - reduced phosphorus diffusion in the C-doped
pnp SiGe HBT
npn SiGe HBT
1 B. Heinemann, et al, IEDM, pp. 117-120, 2003
33IHP C-SiGe Technology
- Record Performance for a C-SiGe HBT Process
- - 170 GHz npn SiGe HBT 90 GHz pnp SiGe HBT!
34TID Effects in C-SiGe
- pnp SiGe HBTs Appear More Radiation Tolerant
Than npns - Q Are the Damage Mechanisms Fundamentally
- Some Updates from the SiGe World
- New Avenues for RHBD in Bulk SiGe HBTs
- Probing the TID Damage Physics of SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in Complementary SiGe HBTs
- Radiation Effects in SiGe MODFETs
- Progress / Plans
36SiGe n-MODFETs
Collaboration with S. Koester at IBM
37SiGe n-MODFETs
- Impact of Radiation-Induced Damage on RF
Characteristics - 10 keV X-ray irradiation degrades fmax but not fT
- degradation dependent on LSD rather than LG
(S/D Resistance)
We Now Have SiGe p-MODFETs in Hand Stay Tuned!
38Progress / Plans
- SiGe Offers Great Potential for Many DoD
- SiGe HBT Si CMOS (RF to mm-wave analog
digital for SoC / SoP)
- Many Issues in SiGe Still Need Attention
- - improved understanding of basic damage
mechanisms (TID SEE) - - understand the effects of temperature on
damage mechanisms / SEE - - need to assess SET in analog/mixed-signal SiGe
circuits - - explore other SiGe HBT variants (SiGe HBT on
SOI, C-SiGe, etc.) - - explore other (new) SiGe-based devices (SiGe
MODFETs, photonics, etc.) - - develop new RHBD approaches (device circuit)
for SEE mitigation - - need improved 3D TCAD for understanding SEE
(and TID)
- Lots of Leverage for SiGe Hardware / Testing
Activity - - many SiGe tapeouts (IBM, IHP, TI, Jazz, ST)
devices circuits - - DTRA / NASA-NEPP (Paul Marshall)
- - NASA SiGe ETDP Project (RHESE)
- - CFDRC SBIR (DTRA) for Improved TCAD for SEU /
Cryo-T, etc. - - excellent collaboration between Georgia Tech
and Vanderbilt teams
1 A. Madan, B. Jun, R.M. Diestelhorst, A.
Appaswamy, J.D. Cressler, R.D. Schrimpf, D.M.
Fleetwood, T. Isaacs-Smith, J.R. Williams, and
S.J. Koester, Radiation Tolerance of Si/SiGe
n-MODFETs, IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation
Effects Conference, paper PF-8, 2007. 2 M.
Bellini, B. Jun, A.C. Appaswamy, P. Cheng, J.D.
Cressler, P.W. Marshall, B. El-Kareh, S. Balster,
and H. Yasuda, The Effects of Proton
Irradiation on the DC and AC Performance of
Complementary (npn pnp) SiGe HBTs on Thick-Film
SOI, IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects
Conference, paper PF-7, 2007. 3 R.M.
Diestelhorst, S. Finn, B. Jun, A.K. Sutton, P.
Cheng, P.W. Marshall, J.D. Cressler, R.D.
Schrimpf, D.M. Fleetwood, H. Gustat, B.
Heinemann, G.G. Fischer, D. Knoll, and B.
Tillack, The Effects of X-Ray and Proton
Irradiation on a 200 GHz / 90 GHz Complementary
(npn pnp) SiGeC HBT Technology, IEEE Nuclear
and Space Radiation Effects Conference, paper
F-5, 2007. 4 L. Najafizadeh, B. Jun, J.D.
Cressler, A.P.G. Prakash, P.W. Marshall, and C.J.
Marshall, A Comparison of the Effects of X-Ray
and Proton Irradiation on the Performance of SiGe
Precision Voltage References, IEEE Nuclear and
Space Radiation Effects Conference, paper PF-6,
2007. 5 J.A. Pellish, R.A. Reed, R.A. Weller,
M.H. Mendenhall, P.W. Marshall, A.K. Sutton, R.
Krithivasan, J.D. Cressler, S.M. Currie,
R.D. Schrimpf, K.M. Warren, B.D. Sierawski, and
G. Niu, On-Orbit Event Rate Calculations for
SiGe HBT Shift Registers, IEEE Nuclear and
Space Radiation Effects Conference, paper H-3,
2007. 6 A.K. Sutton, J.P. Comeau, R.
Krithivasan, J.D. Cressler, J.A. Pellish, R.A.
Reed, P.W. Marshall, M. Varadharajaperumal, G.
Niu, and G. Vizkelethy, An Evaluation of
Transistor-Layout RHBD Techniques for SEE
Mitigation in SiGe HBTs, IEEE Nuclear and Space
Radiation Effects Conference, paper C-6,
2007. 7 P. Cheng, B. Jun, A.K. Sutton, C. Zhu,
A. Appaswamy, J.D. Cressler, R.D. Schrimpf, and
D.M. Fleetwood, Probing Radiation- and Hot
Electron-Induced Damage Processes in SiGe HBTs
Using Mixed-Mode Electrical Stress, IEEE Nuclear
and Space Radiation Effects Conference, paper
PA-4, 2007. 8 T.S. Mukherjee, K.T. Kornegay,
A.K. Sutton, R. Krithivasan, J.D. Cressler, G.
Niu, and P.W. Marshall, A Novel Circuit-Level
SEU-Hardening Technique For Low-Voltage,
Ultra-High-Speed SiGe HBT Logic Circuits, IEEE
Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference,
paper PC-6, 2007. 9 M. Varadharajaperumal, G.
Niu, X. Wei, J.D. Cressler, R.A. Reed, and P.W.
Marshall, 3-D Simulation of SEU Hardening of
SiGe HBTs Using Shared Dummy Collector, IEEE
Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference,
paper H-4, 2007.