Interactive Empiricism: The Philosopher in the Machine - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interactive Empiricism: The Philosopher in the Machine


Interactive Empiricism: The Philosopher in the Machine Ron Chrisley COGS/Informatics University of Sussex – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Interactive Empiricism: The Philosopher in the Machine

InteractiveEmpiricismThe Philosopher in the
  • Ron Chrisley
  • COGS/Informatics
  • University of Sussex

Take-home message
  • Philosophy Engineering A two-way interaction
  • Some philosophical breakthroughs may only come
    about through attempting to design and build
    working systems (engineering helps philosophy)
  • Building complex systems (e.g. an artificial
    consciousness) might require incorporating
    scientists and philosophers into the design,
  • How they affect the system dynamics
  • How they system dynamics affect them

Direction 1Engineering conceptual change
Conceptual problems
  • Not all limitations on our scientific
    understanding are a matter of insufficient data
  • E.g., consciousness
  • Naturalist intuition consciousness (like
    everything else) is at root a physical phenomenon
  • "Zombie hunch" It is possible for there to be a
    creature physically identical to you, but
    nobody's home

Conceptual change
  • Best diagnosis It is our concept of
    consciousness that is to blame
  • One solution change our concept of
    consciousness, so that we no longer suffer from
    the zombie hunch

Conceptual conceptual change?
  • But it seems unlikely that this conceptual change
    could itself come about purelyconceptually,
    merely by, e.g.
  • Acquiring more beliefs
  • Philosophical argumentation
  • Reading journal articles

Non-conceptualconceptual change
  • Rather, problems of consciousness seem to require
    a non-conceptual development in our concepts
  • (Bad) examples of non-conceptual change
  • Getting hit on the head
  • Undergoing neurosurgery
  • Taking drugs?!

Non-conceptualconceptual change
  • Better change that is non-conceptual, but still
  • Rational
  • Justified
  • Based on experience of the subject matter
  • What kind of change/learning could this be?

Concepts as skills
  • Wittgenstein What underlies being able to move
    between ways of seeing something (e.g.
    duck-rabbit) is the "mastery of a technique"
  • Then (some) concept acquisition is like skill
  • Just as one can't read/argue/theorize your way to
    knowing how to ride a bike
  • so also with some concepts one must experience
    the phenomenon to understand it

Interactive empiricism
  • But not just passive experience (normal
  • Rather, interaction mastery of how one's
    experiences of the subject change in the light of
    one's different interventions (interactive

Interaction is essential to
  • Perception (O'Regan and NoĆ« Sensory-motor
    contingency theory )
  • Consciousness (Hurley Consciousness In Action)
  • Cognition (Bickhard "Interactivism A
  • Mammalian visual development (Held and Hein)

Meta cognitive scienceTheorist as subject
  • A science of human cognition in general should
    apply to the cognition of cognitive scientists in
  • If the cognitive science is right that cognition
    is essentially interactive
  • then doing cognitive science (or AI) should be
    as well

Engineering as interaction
  • But what kind of interaction?
  • Perception of brain states (one's own and
    others') during manipulation (social, physical,
  • Limited
  • (compare doing something similar with a computer)
  • Better attempt to design and build cognitive
    systems, and observe them working (or failing
    to!) Engineering

An aside The Mary problem
  • Jackson's Knowledge Argument against a physical
    science of consciousness
  • Mary knows everything the physical sciences can
    tell us about colour, but has never seen red
  • Will she acquire some knowledge when she sees red
    for the first time?
  • Yes, she will learn what it is like to see red
  • So there is knowledge of consciousness the
    physical sciences cannot provide

Solving the Mary problem
  • But science is essentially interactive
  • So although Mary may have read every possible
    book about color vision
  • she doesn't have all the knowledge involved in
    doing color science
  • Or rather, if we assume that she has all such
    knowledge, then it is a contradicition to also
    assume that she has never interacted with redness
    (i.e., seen red)

Direction 2The philosopher in the machine
We are a part ofthe systems we build
  • Just as interaction can have a crucial,
    beneficial effect on the theorist/philosopher
  • so also can it have such an effect on the system
    being designed/built

We are a part ofthe systems we build
  • Q What has been the biggest engineering advance
    in AI in the last 20 years?
  • A Kismet's eyebrows (Breazeal et al)

Interacting with Kismet
  • Kismet could only learn to visually track objects
    if trained on suitable stimuli
  • This required a trainer to wave objects in front
    of Kismet at a certain speed, distance, etc.
  • How to ensure this efficiently?
  • Exploit affective responses in the trainer if
    trainer gets too close, Kismet jumps back, and
    raises eyebrows
  • Trainer readjusts without having to be
    instructed, understand physics of the system, etc.

Combining directions 1 and 2
  • If we are part of the system, then not only can
    we have a beneficial causal effect on the robot's
    performance, but vice versa
  • Thus, instead of trying to design an AI/machine
    consciousness in one step
  • why not instead design a system S1 so that it
    will prompt conceptual changes in us
  • that will enable us to design an S2 that will
    prompt changes in us
  • that will enable us to design an S3
  • and so on?

Frank Herbert's prescience
  • In the science fiction novel Destination Void,
    the author of Dune speculated that the best way
    to create a machine consciousness might be to
    design a situation in which
  • Carefully engineered people (clones)
  • In a carefully engineered technological
    environment (computers, spaceship, neural
  • Are manipulated and motivated to find a way to
    create machine consciousness (e.g., they will die
    if they don't!)
  • A crucial part of the project is for the
    challenges they face and the technology they
    build to play a role in them figuring out what
    consciousness is (conceptual change!)

From fiction to fact?
  • Perhaps it is not too far-fetched to suggest that
    something like this could be developing
  • Not just work like Kismet
  • But also, e.g., the search for creative
    technologies environments, document systems,
    brain wave induction devices etc. that facilitate
  • Synthetic phenomenology interactive familiarity
    with a robotic system as a way of developing a
    means of specifying linguistically inexpressible
    experiential content (e.g., Chrisley and

Thank you.
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