Title: Consistency And Replication
1Consistency And Replication
- Ömer Faruk SARAÇ
- 115112005
- Introduction
- Reasons for Replication
- Replication as Scaling Technique
- Data-Centric Consistency Models
- Continuous Consistency
- Consistent Ordering of Operations
- Client-Centric Consistency Models
- Eventual Consistency
- Monotonic Reads
- Monotonic Writes
- Read Your Writes
- Writes Follow Reads
- Replica Management
- Replica Server Placement
- Content Replication and Placement
- Content Distribution
- Consistency Protocols
3Reasons for Replication
- Enhance Reliability
- Improve Performance
- Scaling in numbers
- Scaling in geographical area
- Caching
4Replication as Scaling Technique
- Placing replicas(data) close to clients
- Network bandwidth issue
- Cache
- How to keep replicas consistent?
- Loosen constraints
5- Introduction
- Reasons for Replication
- Replication as Scaling Technique
- Data-Centric Consistency Models
- Continuous Consistency
- Consistent Ordering of Operations
- Client-Centric Consistency Models
- Eventual Consistency
- Monotonic Reads
- Monotonic Writes
- Read Your Writes
- Writes Follow Reads
- Replica Management
- Replica Server Placement
- Content Replication and Placement
- Content Distribution
- Consistency Protocols
6Data-Centric Consistency
- Data store
- Shared data
- Shared memory
- Shared database
- Distributed file system
- Contracts between processes(clients) and data
7Continuous Consistency
- Inconsistencies
- Deviation in numerical values
- Deviation in staleness
- Deviation with respect to ordering of updates
- Conit
- Consistency unit
- Vector clock representation
- Granularity of conit
- Too small, hard to manage systemware
- Too big, irrelevant data packages
- Libraries for applications
8Continuous Consistency
9Consistent Ordering of Operations
- Sequential Consistency
- The result of any execution is the same as if the
(read and write) operations by all processes on
the data store were executed in some sequential
order and the operations of each individual
process appear in this sequence in the order
specified by its program. - Valid execution sequences
- Output signature
10Consistent Ordering of Operations
11Consistent Ordering of Operations
- Casual Consistency
- Writes that are potentially causally related must
be seen by all processes in the same order.
Concurrent writes may be seen in a different
order on different machines. - Dependency graph
- Weaker than squential consistency
12Consistent Ordering of Operations
13Consistent Ordering of Operations
- Grouping Operations
- Hardware based
- Shared memory multiprocessor systems
- Synchonization parameters
- Critical section
- Acquire-release sync variable
- Entry consistency
- Associate lock with each data item
14Consistent Ordering of Operations
15- Introduction
- Reasons for Replication
- Replication as Scaling Technique
- Data-Centric Consistency Models
- Continuous Consistency
- Consistent Ordering of Operations
- Client-Centric Consistency Models
- Eventual Consistency
- Monotonic Reads
- Monotonic Writes
- Read Your Writes
- Writes Follow Reads
- Replica Management
- Replica Server Placement
- Content Replication and Placement
- Content Distribution
- Consistency Protocols
16Client-Centric Consistency
- Special class of distrubuted systems
- Lack of simultaneous updates or easily resolved
- Weak consistency models
- Many consistencies are hidden relatively cheap way
17Eventual Consistency
- Few processes perform operates
- Mostly read data from data store
- Examples
- Web Cache servers
- Eventually all replicas will be consistent
- Mobile clients issue
18Eventual Consistency
19Monotonic Reads
- If a process reads the value of a data item x,
then any successive read operation on x by that
process will always return that same value or a
more recent value. - But no guarantees on concurrent access by
different clients. - Mailbox example
20Monotonic Reads
21Monotonic Writes
- A write operation by a process on a data item x
is completed before any successive write
operation on x by the same process. - Data centric FIFO consistency
- Correct order of write operations
- Software library example
22Monotonic Writes
23Read Your Writes
- The effect of a write operation by a process on
data item x will always be seen by a successive
read operation on x by the same process. - Examples
- Web page caches
- Password management
24Read Your Writes
25Writes Follows Reads
- A write operation by a process on a data item x
following a previous read operation on x by the
same process is guaranteed to take place on the
same or a more recent value of x that was read. - Network newsgroup example
26Writes Follows Reads
27- Introduction
- Reasons for Replication
- Replication as Scaling Technique
- Data-Centric Consistency Models
- Continuous Consistency
- Consistent Ordering of Operations
- Client-Centric Consistency Models
- Eventual Consistency
- Monotonic Reads
- Monotonic Writes
- Read Your Writes
- Writes Follow Reads
- Replica Management
- Replica Server Placement
- Content Replication and Placement
- Content Distribution
- Consistency Protocols
28Replica Management
- How, where, when
- Placement, activation, deployment, migration
- Server placement
- Best place to locate a server(data store)
- Content placement
- Best replica to copy data sote
29Replica Server Placement
- Simple issue money
- Choose best places K in set of possible places N
where KltN - Network latency
- Bandwidth
- Physical distance
- Ignore client location, use network topology
- Defining regions
- Dence cells
- Cell, two dimensional rectangle
- Too small, many replicas in a cell
- Too large, too few clusters for a cell
30Replica Server Placement
31Content Replication and Placement
32Content Replication and Placement
- Permanent replicas
- Generally in small numbers
- Initial set of replicas
- Distribution of web site example
- Mirror servers
- Forward to one of the server, round-robin
- Distributed database servers, different machines
33Content Replication and Placement
- Server-initiated Replicas
- Dynamic replication
- Monitor incoming requests
- Install a number of temporary replicas
- Web hosting services example
- Where to put which content
- Statistical count of upcoming request for a
specified resource - Backup, consistency issues
34Content Replication and Placement
- Client-initiated Replicas
- Client cache
- Local store facility
- Managing the cache is left entirely to the
client, in principle - Improve access times to data
- Limited amount of time
- Placement local cache, cache server
- Really needed? File servers, enhancements on
network and system resources
35Content Distribution
- State versus Operations
- Propagate only a notification of an update.
- Low bandwidth, effective
- Transfer data from one copy to another.
- Whole data, logs, log packages
- Propagate the update operation to other copies.
- No data, process time/complexity
36Content Distribution
- Pull versus Push Protocols
- Push, server based, server initiated
- Pull, client based, send request
- Hybrid model, leases
37Content Distribution
- Unicasting versus Multicasting
- Send a message for every client
- Send message to entire system
- Unicasting, pull based
- Multicasting, push based
38Consistency Protocols
- Continuous Consistency
- Primary-based Protocols
- Replicated-write Protocols
- Cache-coherence Protocols
- Implementing Client-centric Consistency
39- Introduction
- Reasons for Replication
- Replication as Scaling Technique
- Data-Centric Consistency Models
- Continuous Consistency
- Consistent Ordering of Operations
- Client-Centric Consistency Models
- Eventual Consistency
- Monotonic Reads
- Monotonic Writes
- Read Your Writes
- Writes Follow Reads
- Replica Management
- Replica Server Placement
- Content Replication and Placement
- Content Distribution
- Consistency Protocols