Title: Who wants to be an R.C Millionaire ?
1Who wants to be an R.C Millionaire ?
10 H
2Round One
- Fast thinking question
- Put the following people in the order of priestly
authority from least to greatest - Bishop C. Priest
- Deacon D. Laity
3D, B, C, A
4100-shekel question
- Which of these things is not an expression of
Catholic identity ? - Praying the Rosary
- Believing in ghosts
- Going to Mass
- D. Venerating Mary the Mother of God
5B. Believing in ghosts At death Catholics
believe that they will be born into eternal life
and that though they are with us in spirit the
dead do not come to us as ghosts nor haunt us
61,000 shekel question
- Who has the authority to elect a new Pope
- College of Cardinals
- All the worlds Bishops
- The Curia
- All Catholics
7A. The College of Cardinals consisting of those
under 80 years of old form the conclave whose
duty is to elect the next Pope
810,000 shekel question
- Which of these is not a ministry in the parish
- Lector
- Cantor
- Counter
- Eucharistic Minister
9C. Counter All though this is an important
service it is not considered a ministry because
it does not proclaim the Word
10100 000 shekel question
- What role does this person have in the New
Zealand wide Church ? - Archbishop of Wellington
- Metropolitan
- Apostolic Nuncio
- He doesnt
11B. Metropolitan Yes he is the Archbishop of
Wellington But that is not the role he has with
respect to the New Zealand wide church
121,000,000 shekel question
- What is the focus of parish life ?
- The sign of peace
- The Sunday Eucharist
- The collection
- The parish mission work
13B. The Sunday Eucharist
14Bonus question
- Which of these is not a Mark of the Church?
- The Church is holy
- The Church is Catholic
- The Church is Missionary
- The Church is Apostolic
15C The church is missionary in nature but that
aspect of the communities life is covered under
the mark the Church is Apostolic that is lives
like the Apostles did which includes going out
and spreading the Good News