Title: The Model of Compilation
1The Model of Compilation
- Natawut Nupairoj, Ph.D.
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Chulalongkorn University
- Overview.
- Front-End
- Lexical Analysis.
- Syntactic Analysis.
- Semantic Analysis.
- Back-End
- Code Generation.
- Code Optimization.
- Translate a source program (in language S) into
an equivalent object program (in language O).
4The Model of Compilation
Analysis (Front-End)
Synthesis (Back-End)
- Reduce Complexity
- Source/Target Independent
- Plug-able Compiler
- IR contain sufficient information
- tree-like structure the syntax tree or
- Assembly-like format three-address code.
- Lexical Analysis
- group the input stream into tokens
- Syntactic Analysis
- see if the source is valid or correct
- Contextual/Semantic Analysis
- make sure the program is meaningful or
semantically correct.
6Front-End Components
Group token.
Source program (text stream)
identifier main
symbol (
Construct parse tree.
Symbol Table
Check semantic/contextual.
Intermediate Representation (file or in memory)
Semantic Analyzer
7Lexical Analysis
- Scanner.
- Group the input stream into tokens
- identifiers.
- numbers.
- keywords.
- symbols signs.
- Lexeme Character sequence forming a token.
- Eliminate all blanks and comments.
8Example Tokens
position initial rate 60
1. identifier position 2. assignment symbol 3.
identifier initial 4. plus symbol
5. identifier rate 6. muliplication symbol 7.
integer-literal 60
9Syntax Analysis
- Parser.
- Check if the source is grammatically correct.
- Construct a parse tree.
10Mini-Triangle Syntax
- single-Command V-name Expression
- Identifier ( Expression )
- if Expression then single-Command
- else single-Command
- while Expression do single-Command
- let Declaration in single-Command
- begin Command end
11Mini-Triangle Syntax
- Expression primary-Expression
- Expression Operator primary-Expression
- primary-Expression Integer-Literal
- V-name
- Operator primary-Expression
- ( Expression )
- V-name Identifier
- ...
- Operator - / lt gt \
12Example Parse Tree
13Semantic Analysis
- Make sure that the program is meaningful.
- Walk the parse tree to check
- Type checking.
- Type conversion.
- Example
- rate 60
- rate is a real variable
- rate inttoreal(60)
- Generate IR (can also done by parser).
14Example of IRAbstract Syntax Tree (AST)
position initial rate 60
interior node operation children
arguments leaves identifiers or constants
15Example of IRThree-Address Code
position initial rate 60
- tmp rate 60
- tmp initial tmp
- position tmp
- Code Optimization
- improve IR machine-independent.
- improve object code machine-depedent.
- optimizing compiler.
- widely-used.
- Code Generation
- generate object code.
- assign memory/register locations.
- instruction selection.
17Front-End Components
Machine-independent optimization.
IR Optimizer
Intermediate Representation (file or in memory)
Generate object code.
Symbol Table
Code Generator
Machine-dependent optimization
Object code
Peephole Optimizer
Object code (assembly or binary)
18Other Phases
- Symbol-Table Management
- information about identifier being-used.
- name
- type
- scope
- Scanner creates an entry into the table.
- Error Handler
- what to do when found errors in the source.
19Compiler-Construction Tools
- Parser generators.
- Generate a parser from a CFG.
- Yacc, Bison.
- Scanner generators.
- Generate a scanner from regular expressions.
- Lex, Flex.