Title: Focusing on the Goal: SBIR/STTR Commercialization
1Focusing on the GoalSBIR/STTR Commercialization
- Planning ahead and partnering for commercial
success is key to winning SBIR/STTR, and
long-term business success
Ray Friesenhahn SBIR Technology Transition
Manager Advanced Technology Scout TechLink January
19th, 2012
TechLink is an Authorized U.S. Department of
Defense Partnership Intermediary per Authority 15
U.S.C. 3715
2Importance of Commercialization
- Legislative intent of SBIR/STTR is developing and
commercializing innovative new products and
services from small businesses. - Congressional focus on commercialization success
pushing agencies to emphasize more each year. - Companies with poor long-term SBIR
commercialization record may be knocked out of
competition for future SBIR/STTR awards. - Your goal as a company should be successful
commercialization, not chasing short-term .
3Partnering for SBIR ( Business) Success
- Few small businesses have all the skills and
resources required to convince reviewers of their
ability to innovate, develop viable new
technology, and successfully commercialize it - Research experience, lab facilities
- Marketing skills
- Manufacturing capabilities
- Government accounting experience
- Access to new, relevant markets (and servicing
them) - The most successful firms are best at partnering!
4Transition Critical Focus for DoD SBIR
- Goal is to convince the customer (DoD reviewers)
that you have a clearly defined pathway to their
end-product - Credible RD Capability
- Strategic Partnerships
- Alliances with appropriate Primes
- Thorough familiarity with customers need and
product use
Transition Bridging the Gap from RD to Systems
5Partnering with Primes
- Prime Contractors (Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed
Martin, etc.) often seek out SBIR companies for
partnering. - SBIR subcontract not significant to Prime, but
future system enhancements, contract
opportunities may be. - For SBIR company, tremendous future business
opportunities for subcontracting, even business
acquisition. - Caveat Get professional advice on IP, SBIR Data
Rights, before signing agreements.
DoD Perspective Partnering with Primes shows
intent to transition technology, and capability
to do so.
6Key Phase III Contracting Advantage
- Per SBIR Program Policy Directive
- For Phase III, Congress intends that agencies
give preference, including sole source awards,
to the SBIR awardee that developed the
technology. SBA will report such instances
contracts to other than SBIR awardee to
Congress. - Per FAR Part 5 (5.202), Exceptions to
publicizing federal contracts - (7) The proposed contract action results from
acceptance of a proposal under the Small Business
Innovation Development Act of 1982 (Pub. L.
DoD Perspective If a Program Manager can get a
needed technology faster, and with less paperwork
7SBIR Data Rights
- For technology and technical data developed
entirely at government expense, the government
usually takes unlimited rights, and may use the
technology and technical data as it wishes, even
giving it to a competitor. - For technical data developed under SBIR,
government receives a limited license to use
technical data for U.S. government purposes, but
may not release or disclose technical data to any
person other than its support services
contractors for 4 years (5 years for DoD) past
the end of contract, or any follow-on (Phase II
or Phase III) contract. - To maintain SBIR Data Rights, use the 7018
Clause on reports, deliverables, contracts,
enabling presentations, etc.
8SBIR Data Rights
 Contract No.     Â
 Contractor Name Contractor Name    Â
 Contractor Address Contractor Address Contractor Address   Â
 Expiration of SBIR Data Rights Period Expiration of SBIR Data Rights Period Expiration of SBIR Data Rights Period Expiration of SBIR Data Rights Period  Â
The Government's rights to use, modify,
reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose
technical data or computer software marked with
this legend are restricted during the period
shown as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of the
Rights in Noncommercial Technical Data and
Computer Software--Small Business Innovative
Research (SBIR) Program clause contained in the
above identified contract. No restrictions apply
after the expiration date shown above. Any
reproduction of technical data, computer
software, or portions thereof marked with this
legend must also reproduce the markings. (End of
252.227-7018 Rights in Noncommercial Technical
Data and Computer Software--Small Business
Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.