Title: William H. Johnson
1William H. Johnson
- Painting a musical instrument
2William H. Johnsons Life
17, Moved New York
Born 1901 South Carolina
Trained in NY copying cartoons at 20 studied at
National Academy of Design
3William H. Johnsons Life
25, Paris painted studied modernist art
29, married a Danish textile artist moved to
32, returned to NY
4Vocabulary Definitions Shape
- A flat figure created when lines meet to enclose
a space - A change in color or shading can define a shape.
- Shapes can be divided into several types
- Geometric (square, triangle, circle)
- Organic (irregular in outline)
5Vocabulary Definitions Contrasting Color
- Color or hue is the common name of a color in
the spectrum, such as - Yellow
- Yellow-Orange
- Blue-Violet
- Green
- Contrast is a large differencebetween two
things, for example - rough smooth
- yellow violet
- light dark
- Contrasts usually add excitement, drama and
interest to artworks.
6Vocabulary Definitions Pattern
- A choice of lines, colors or shapes, repeated
over over in a planned way.
7Johnsons Mom Alice" (1944)
How do you think she feels?
What patterns do you see?
If it is to be, it is up to me. -Johnson
8Johnsons Doug (1930)
How do you think he feels?
What can you tell based on his clothes?
9Johnsons Street Musicians (1940)
What repeating patterns do you see?
What contrasting colors do you see?
What kind of music would come from this painting?
10Art Masterpiece Project
- Draw an instrument.
- Make instrument FILL the paper.
- Make a pattern in the background.
- The background should be done in lighter colors
so the instrument stands out. - Paint your instrument using contrasting colors.