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Mtholeni N. Ngcobo 11 MARCH 2010 www.ngcobmn.yolas
  • Outcomes
  • Language change through history
  • The European Classical languages
  • The development of the English language
  • Social class and language change
  • The development of new languages
  • Language change in multilingual society
  • Language death, language shift and language

  • Outcomes for the module LIN2046
  • After you have worked through this study guide
    you should be able to
  • 1. identify changes in the world around you
  • 2. recognise their effect on you
  • 3. relate language change to historical change in
    the world, in various contexts and settings
  • 4. identify the influence of languages on each
    other in a multicultural society.

Language change throughout history
  • The central theme of this module changes in
    society bring about changes inlanguage
  • Language is not static it always changing
    over a period of time
  • The change affects people and the change in the
    world affects language
  • Historical and social contexts

  • the process by which the future invades our
  • Here is the opening extract from the Lord's
    Prayer from different periods of English
  • Old English (c 400 AD to c 1100) Fñder ure, "u
    "e art on heofonum, si "in nama gehalgod. To
    becume "in rice. (West Saxon text, end of tenth
    century, in W.B. Lockwood 1972132)
  • Middle English (c 1100 to c 1500) Fader oure "at
    is i heuen. blessid bi "i name to neuen. Come to
    us "i kingdome. (In C. Jones 1972)
  • Early Modern English (c 1500 to c 1800) Our
    father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come. (King James Bible)
  • Modern English (from c 1800) Our father who is
    in heaven, may your name be sacred. Let your
    kingdom come. (A modern rendition)
  • (Mesthrie 2000114)

  • Semantic change Change in meaning or semantic
    representation of words and linguistic
    expressions may
  • Three types of semantic change that can occur
    the meanings of words may become broader,
    narrower or be shifted
  • Broadening
  • When the meaning of a word is broadened, it
    means that the meaning is expanded to refer to
    more than it did before. Example, the word
    holiday is derived from holy day, the day on
    which a religious festival takes place. Today the
    meaning of the word has been broadened to refer
    to any day on which we do not have to work. A
    Sepedi example is tshekase which originally
    referred to a plastic bag found in Checkers
    shops, but has now broadened its meaning to refer
    to any plastic bag.
  • 2. Narrowing
  • In contrast to the word dog, the Middle English
    word hound was a general word for dog and was
    used to refer to all types of dog. Today hound is
    no longer generally used to refer to all types of
    dog. Now it is often used to refer to a
    particular type of dog used for hunting, e.g.
    foxhound. It has acquired a narrower, more
    specific meaning. Another example is lerema
    (expert hunter') in Sepedi which refers to a
    particular person who is an expert in hunting and
    not just any hunter.
  • 3. Semantic shift
  • Semantic shift occurs when words (or lexical
    items) undergo a shift or change in meaning. In
    the Middle Ages the word bead meant prayer'.
    Because of the custom of saying repeated prayers
    and counting the number of prayers by means of
    little wooden balls on a rosary, the meaning of
    bead shifted from prayer to the little wooden
    balls on the rosary. Today beads are made of
    plastic, glass or other materials. A more recent
    example of semantic shift is the word mouse. The
    word originally referred only to a small
    rodent'. In computer terminology mouse now refers
    to a device used to operate the computer.

  • Phonological change
  • Sound changes - Example, there are manywords in
    English where the gh sound, used to be pronounced
    like the Afrikaans g (as in lig light'), e.g.
    light, night, laugh, drought. Today the gh has
    fallen away in the pronunciation of these words.
    In other words, the gh sound is not pronounced
    any more in words like light, but the spelling
    has remained the same.
  • Another major sound change in English occurred in
    the pronunciation of vowels.
  • Between 1400 and 1600 the so-called Great Vowel
    Shift took place when a number of vowels in
    Middle English underwent major changes, e.g.
    there used to be a long vowel in mice (the i in
    mice was pronounced like ee in see) which became
    a diphthong in Modern English.
  • Syntactic change
  • The rules of syntax (or grammar) of a language
    often undergo changes over time.
  • Consider the changes that have taken place in the
    Old English example "ht he na si""an geboren ne
    wurde (Old English) that he never after born not
    would-be (gloss, literal translation) that he
    should never be born after that' (Modern English
  • Besides the changes in word order, note the use
    of the double negative (represented by na and ne)
    in Old English which would be considered
    ungrammatical in Modern English.
  • Change in use
  • Apart from changes in meaning, old words may
    disappear from a language, e.g. the following
    words taken from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet,
    written in the 16th century, are no longer used
    in English today
  • wot to know', wherefore why', fain gladly',
    mammet a doll or puppet'
  • New words may also appear in a language.
  • The following words which are commonly used in
    21st Century English were totally unknown in
    Shakespeare's day aeroplane, computer, e-mail,
    jazz, jeans, motor car, television

Historical perspective of change
  • 500 BC AD 500 1500 19th century
    20th century
  • __________________________________________________
  • Prehistory Classical period Middle Ages
    Renaissance Industrial Revolution Information
  • 1.1 The Greek and Roman civilisations flourished
    during the ....................
  • 1.2 English became the dominant global
    (international) language during the
  • 1.3 The European vernaculars (like English) began
    to develop as literary languages during the
  • 1.4 During the Latin was the main language of the
    church .................... And education in

Ancient Greek
  • The Greeks of Ancient Greece influenced Western
    society in many ways.
  • The Greeksproduced outstanding achievements in
    the areas of art, sculpture, architecture,
    medicine, mathematics and science and in these
    domains we find remnants of the Greek language.
  • It is important to remember that the development
    of the Greek civilisation was built on important
    precursors in the Middle East, Egypt and Africa.
  • We only start with Ancient Greece here because we
    can still see the influence of the Greek language
    in modern English.
  • Medical domain
  • Greek root Meaning
  • Algesi(a) pain
  • Hem(a) blood
  • Path(y) disease
  • Cardi(o) heart
  • Greek prefixes found in English words
  • Greek prefix Meaning Engish example
  • Amphi- both or around amphitheatre or amphibian
  • Anti against anti-apartheid
  • ETC.

  • It is possible to separate Greek from Latin
  • The Romans conquered the Greeks.
  • The Romans recruited soldiers from the conquered
    nation and as a result Latin was used for
  • Latin was used in all the parts of the known
    ancient (Western) world and it became the
    dominant language of the Western world.
  • After the fall of the Roman Empire, Latin
    continued to be used by the Roman Catholic
  • Latin also became a language of the scholars,
    diplomats and scientists. (Examples of words
    derived from Latin must be included, e.g. names
    of months).
  • French Italian Spanish Portuguese Romanian
    Latin English
  • un uno uno um
    un unus one

Traces of Latin in SA English
  • Latin English
  • a.m. (ante meriden) before noon
  • p.m. (post meriden) afternoon
  • AD (Anno Domini) In the year of the Lord
  • i.e. (id est) that is
  • e.g. (exempli gratia) for example
  • Sine qua non without which nothing

The development of English
  • English a global language a lingau franca
    language of wider communication
  • Pre-Old English (before AD 500)
  • Old English (from 500-1150)
  • Middle English (from 1150-1450)
  • Early mode English (from 1450-1700)
  • Modern English (from 1700-1945)
  • World Englishe(s) (from 1945)

World Englishes
World Englishes
  • With the spread of English around the world, many
    new varieties of English have arisen.
  • These varieties are often referred to as
    different Englishes.
  • Kachru presents the spread of English around the
    world as three concentric circles.
  • Each circle represents different ways in which
    the language has been acquired and is currently
  • The core, or inner circle is where English is the
    primary language, e.g. UK, US etc.
  • The outer circle is represented by settings where
    English plays an important role in
    second-language teaching because of the role of
    this language in a multilingual country, e.g.
    Botswana, South Africa, etc.
  • The expanding circle is where English is only
    regarded as an international language. In this
    situation the countries have no history of being
    colonized by the members of the inner circle. In
    these countries, English does not have a special
    place in their language policy, it is not an
    official language, e.g. China, Japan, etc.

Social class and language change
    this research? As a sociolinguists, he wanted to
    investigate the changes in pronunciation of
    certain speech sounds on the island of Marthas
    Vineyard and the effect that this linguistic
    change had on the islanders and their summer
  •  How he conducted his research? He recorded the
    speech of various islanders and looked
    specifically at the way in which they pronounced
    certain words. He noted that approximately 30
    years earlier another linguist had visited the
    island and made a study. This linguist had
    interviewed members of the old families on the
  •  What this change was? Labov compared his study
    with the 30 year-old record and he discovered
    that the vowel sound ou in the words such as out,
    trout and pounds seemed to be changing. The vowel
    sound in this word is a diphthong and is
    pronounced as (aw). He noticed that this
    diphthong was being centered. He also noticed a
    similar change in the diphthong (ay) in words
    such as white, by, and writes, which was also
    being centred. He also interviewed a
    cross-section of the islanders, excluding the
    summer visitors, to test their use of vowels. He
    found out that the islanders were not aware that
    this change was happening. It was not a conscious
    change. He also discovered that the change was
    least evident in over 75 year-olds and most
    prominent in the 31 to 45 age group. The speech
    of those under 30 was less affected that that of
    the 40 year-olds. Geographically, he change was
    far more widespread in the rural, western
    Up-Island than in more densely populated
    Down-Island. It was particularly noticeable in a
    place called Chilmark where most of the fishermen
    (about 2.5) lived.

Social class and language change
  • Where it originated and why it took place? The
    change has probably originated from a small group
    of fishermen, and had then spread to other people
    on the island, particularly those in the 31 to 45
    year-old age group.
  • The fishermen had not suddenly changed the way
    they spoke.
  • They started to exaggerate the tendency that was
    already there.
  • The vowel shift represented the old-fashioned
    feature in the fishermens pronunciation
    prevalent in the mainland America in the 18th and
    19 centuries.
  • While this vowel pronunciation had changed in
    mainland America over a period of 30 years, the
    fishermen had retained the older pronunciation
    and started to exaggerate it.
  • The change to the traditional way of speech was
    due to the fact that many foreigners were
    visiting the island and the older inhabitants saw
    visitors as the intruders to their traditional
    way of life.
  • Those in the age group 31 to 45 were imitating
    the fishermen and they intended to live in the
    island. This type of change is called change from

Language variation in NY City
  • William Labovs Department Store Study
  • Saks Fifth Avenue
  • At 50th Street and 5th Avenue, near the center
    of the high fashion shopping district
  • Macy's
  • Herald Square. 34th Street and Sixth Avenue,
    near the garment district
  • S. Klein
  • Union Square. 14th Street and Broadway, not far
    from the Lower East Side
  • The three stores are classified by
  • Their location
  • The number of pages of advertising in The New
    York Times and in The Daily News
  • The prices of comparable items (e.g., in 1962,
    women's coats averaged 90 in Sacks, 79.95 in
    Macy's, and 23 in Klein's)
  • The size and layout of the store

Language variation
  • The interviewer asked
  • Excuse me, where are the (women's shoes)?
  • The salesperson answered
  • Fourth floor.
  • The interviewer then leaned forward and said
  • Excuse me?
  • The salesperson answered
  • Fourth floor.
  • In New York City the pronunciation of postvocalic
    (r) in words like fourth and floor is
  • William Labov hypothesized Salespeople in the
    highest ranked stores will have the most (r),
    those in the middle ranked store will have an
    intermediate value, and those in the lowest
    ranked store will have the least.

Language variation
  • The pronunciation of postvocalic (r) varies
    according to its position in a word.
  • Before a consonant fourth
  • At the end of a word floor
  • The pronunciation of postvocalic (r) varies
    according to how much attention the speaker pays
    to what s/he is saying.
  • First mention of fourth floor
  • Emphatic repeat of fourth floor
  • The same linguistic variable is likely to have
    different values in different speech communities.
  • In New York City, (r) is pronounced more by
    higher social classes.
  • But in Reading, England, (r) is pronounced less
    by higher social classes.
  • Lower Middle Class speakers sometimes use
    prestige features at a greater rate than Upper
    Middle Class speakers.
  • And LMC speakers use stigmatized features at a
    lower rate than the UMC.
  • Because the LMC wish to achieve the next higher
    level of status, they attempt to talk like
    members of the next higher class, but they go too
  • This type of change is called Change from above

Variation and change in South Africa
  • In some studies of South African English (SAE) an
    attempt has been made to apply Labov's approach
    to variation.
  • For instance, Lanham and Prinsloo identify the
    following sociological variables which could be
    used in classifying SAE speakers
  • social class (upper, middle and lower classes)
  • recent British descent
  • Afrikaans kinship ties
  • residence in centres of either Afrikaans or
    English influence
  • urban vs rural residence
  • school background (private or government school)
  • associations with Britain
  • age
  • According to Lanham and Macdonald speakers of SAE
    can be classified into three groups (please note
    that speakers of SAE exclude speakers of BSAE)
  • Cultivated Middle-class speakers having
    associations with England.
  • General Middle-class speakers.
  • Broad Mostly lower middle-class or upper
    working-class identifying with the outdoors and
    sport and significant contacts with Afrikaans
    speakers, and hence partially influenced by
    Afrikaans norms.
  • These three groups correlate roughly with three
    of Labov's classes UMC, LMC and WC.
  • The linguistic variables which Lanham and
    Macdonald use to characterise these groups are
    the vowel system which the speakers typically
    use. Cultivated or UMC speakers of SAE use the
    vowel system close to Standard British English.
    Broad or WC speakers use vowels which are the
    least like standard British English vowels.

The development of new languages
  • Pidgin a language in embryo
  • Characteristics
  • Limited vocabulary, e.g. Hand gt shoulder,
    wing, paw, etc.
  • Simplified phonology e.g. Tok Pisin 5 vowels,
    laughgtlap, leafgtlip. The contrast between p and
    f is neutralised
  • Simplified morphology, e.g. han belong dok
  • Simplified syntax, e.g. The los of auxiliary
    verbs, beam very strong gt the beam is very strong
  • Slow speech rate
  • It is an unstable language
  • Creole Develop from pidgin
  • Pidgin Creole
  • No first language speakers Many first language
  • Used in a restricted communicative context
    only Used in wide variety of communicative
  • Relatively slow speech Fast normal speech with
    elision, assimilation, etc.
  • Very limited number of lexical items Wide range
    of lexical items
  • Syntactically simple More complex syntax
  • Decreolisation (the death of a pidgin) when a
    hypothetical phenomenon whereby over time a
    creole language reconverges with one of the
    standard languages from which it originally

The development of Afrikaans
  • 1652 - The arrival of Dutch settlers in the Cape,
    Jan van Riebeek
  • Side by side with the Khoi community
  • Slaves also arrived from the East who spoke
  • 1688 - More settlers arrived including French
  • The cape became the British colony in 1806 as a
    result of the Napoleonic wars in Europe
  • English became the official language of the
  • In 1820 more British arrived in the eastern cape
  • In 1834 slavery was abolished the Dutch
    settlers were dissatisfied and they trekked into
    the interior of South Africa
  • They set two republics the Orange Free State and
    the South African Republic.
  • Dutch spread to other parts of Southern Africa.

  • Afrikaans gt originated from Dutch, Eastern
    languages, Khoi languages, etc.
  • Farmers who lived in the eastern border of cape
    spoke Dutch that was influenced by othe European
    languages Boarder Afrikaans.
  • The slaves spoke Dutch that was influenced by
    Malay-Portuguese Cape Afrikaans
  • The Khoi influenced Dutch Orange river
  • By 19th centrury Dutch lost its standardisation
  • In 1925 Afrikaans replaced Dutch

  • A Zulu based contact language (pidgin)
  • A simplified Zulu with words derived from English
    and, to a lesser extent, Afrikaans
  • It is still alive today as a pidgin in
    KwaZulu-Natal, mines, etc despite the fact that
    many people have learnt English
  • It is believed that it was began as communication
    between settlers, Indians and Zulus in Natal
  • It later spread to Transvaal, mines and as far as
    Zimbabwe where it was introduced as Chilapalapa
  • The attitudes towards Fanakalo have changed as
    many people see it as a legacy of the apartheid

Language change in multilingual society
  • Multilingualism contributes to language change
  • Monolingualism the use of one language
  • Bilingualism the use of two languages
  • Societal bilingualism when two or more languages
    are spoken within a particular society
  • Individual bilingualism a persons ability to
    use two languages
  • Diagonal bilingualism a form of a diglossia
    where a dialect or a non-standard language
    functions together with a genetically unrelated
    standard language in society
  • Diglosia when two languages or language
    varieties exist side by side in a community and
    each one is used for different purposes

Codeswitching and codemixing
  • Codeswitching the use of two or more languages
    in the same conversation, usually within the same
    conversational turn, or even within the same
    sentence of the turn. It is the shifting by a
    speaker from language A to language B.
  • Codemixing is a more rapid switching, where the
    speaker borrows words or phrases from a second
    language in the course of a conversation
    conducted mainly in one of the languages.
  • Example It depends ukuthi unobani. For instance
    if nginabangane bam kuya ngokuthi bathole
    sikhulumani. If bafike ngikhuluma isiZulu
    bazojoyina. If islang sabangane ons sal almal
    witie. The situation ukuthi unabobani.

Slang and Tsotsitaal
  • Slang a fashion item a marker of identity and
    delineator of groups separating young from old
    urban from rural a marker of in-group from
    out-group. It is secretive and deviant.
  • Greeting Response
  • Was'sup? Hallo, how are you? Cool, nigga!
    Mellow, shwarka, maintaining, pashash, sweet
  • Tsotsitaal was used formerly by gangsters and
    thugs - is a mixture of languages, mainly Zulu
    and Afrikaans  
  • In standard language, ilahle is coal' and it can
    be cold or hot. To the tsotsis, ilahle means a
  • vehicle. If they say ilahle liyashisa it means
    the stolen vehicle has not been changed.
  • Slang and Tsotsitaal both are use for in-group
    communication and they are secretive. They are
    both informal languages. Now Tsotsitaal is also
    used by youth even if they are not thugs.
    (examples must be provided).
  • The following is a list of some of the words that
    show the dynamic nature of Tsotsitaal
  • mfethu/mfowethu (brother')
  • izingamule/abelungu (white people')
  • istaka/nyoko/ismeke (money')
  • umfana/intwana (a small boy')
  • intwana/incosi (a young person')
  • ubaba/ithayima (father')

Language death, shift and maitenance
  • Language death when a language has died out
  • Linguicide language death due to genocide
  • Language shift when people start to speak a
    dominant language.
  • Sudden language death language dies very
  • Gradual language death a gradual process of
    language change.  
  • Language maintenance a situation where a
    language holds on despite the influence of
    powerful neighbours.
  • Maintaining factors education, cultural
    organizations, religion, the role of the family,
    attitudes and maintaining contact with the mother

  • !
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