So you came back? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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So you came back?


... of using the logic model or theory based evaluation to review a program design? What company or organization has noted success with implementing the CIPP model, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Christop350
Tags: back | came | cipp | evaluation | model


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: So you came back?

  • So you came back?

What will we do today?
  • How did we do on assignment 1?
  • What did we learn from assignment 1?
  • What was up with the readings?
  • What do we do with this next set of data again?

Assignment 1
  • You tell me first
  • Ill give you some back story
  • Well learn some things together

What did we learn?
  • Groups
  • Report out

  • Your questions please
  • My ideas

Chapter 5
  • Expert Oriented
  • Expert panels
  • Accreditation
  • Site visits
  • Peer review
  • Keeps you out of trouble

What trouble is that?
  • Contrary to 21st century belief
  • Not everybody knows what is going on
  • Surveys for example
  • Just because you have survey monkey doesnt mean
    it is a good survey
  • Other areas?
  • Accountability
  • Statistics is not ed measurement
  • Data analysis is not ed leadership

2 models (examples)
  • Peer reviewed journals
  • Others who know the details dont get fooled
  • Others who know the details may have a religion
  • USED pilots etc.
  • Others who do it and know it know what is wrong
  • Some areas are full of opinionated experts

Chapter 5
  • Consumer oriented
  • Scriven (learn the name)
  • Checklistsconsumer reports

Chapter 6
  • Objectives oriented
  • Tyler
  • Set out your broad goals
  • Classify goals
  • Define objectives (behavioral)
  • Find situations to observe
  • Select measurement techniques
  • Collect data
  • Compare with objectives

Some goals
  • Intellectual
  • Emotional
  • Physical and recreational
  • Aesthetic and cultural
  • Moral
  • Vocational
  • Social

More 6
  • Logic model
  • Theory based very theory driven
  • Goal free
  • Avoid finding out what program is supposed to do
  • See what it does do

Chapter 7
  • Decision oriented
  • Help make decisions
  • CIPP
  • Context
  • Input
  • Process
  • Product

The digression
  • Ed leadership requires lots of LEADERSHIP
  • Often you are explaining the Mona Lisa to a group
    of blind faculty (or so it feels)
  • If you are starting someplace your staff has
    never been, some times it feels like a strange
    place to them

Names to use in conversation
  • Popham objective plus
  • Stufflebeam management
  • Scriven consumer
  • Eisner expertise
  • Stake qualitative research and participant

These are your questions
  •  How does the validity or reliability of the
    customer oriented evaluation approach stand once
    a customer sues for falsifying information?  For
    example, there were commercials ran advertising
    that the Sketcher sneaker will help the consumer
    to lose weight or build muscles in their legs.
    Now, there is a law suit due to the false
    information and all customers are to receive
    their money back.  Was the Scriven checklist
    implemented and why would this be allowable?
  • How would one determine to implement the best
    practice of using the logic model or theory based
    evaluation to review a program design?
  • What company or organization has noted success
    with implementing the CIPP model, UCLA or the
    Utilization focused evaluation?

  • How might the expertise oriented evaluation
    approach to teacher education systems change in
    order to bring about improved quality of teacher
    education programs?
  • Can an evaluation approach be a hybrid of both
    the consumer and objectives oriented
  • Step 5 (cost-benefit analysis) will not be
    optional and actually is the reason why a
    mediation is necessary. Again, my frustration
    level rises as I wonder why the process was
    implemented along the way so that data could be
    presented without mediation???
  • With the implementation of digital common
    assessments, do you think that the
    objectives-oriented approach will be the best way
    to measure student achievement? It is still not
    clear how a student's content mastery will be
  • What is your knowledge of Reading 3D and MAP
    assessments? How have these programs been
    evaluated for district selection?

More 2
  • My aha was how I compared this theory to the
    new accountability model, which seems to have a
    more objective-oriented approach in grading
    schools. Am I thinking through this accurately
  • What are the criteria for Wingate Faculty to
    serve as advisor for Capstone Project?
  • I am wondering how many good educational programs
    have been discarded due to an emphasis on program
    outcomes rather than on program theory? Also,
    how often do we implement or adopt a new
    educational program because it was sold as an
    effective model to improve test scores but we do
    not understand the rationale or understanding
    behind the program?
  • In your opinion, do you feel site base team
    members are often given too much power for
    decisions to be made at the school without
    consulting every member of the staff?

Tests and items
  • Standardized tests
  • Not what you think
  • Multiple choice as a life style
  • Classical
  • IRT

  • Across the whole test
  • Perfect score means?
  • correct
  • The more you get right the better you did

Item Response Theory
  • Each item has meaning
  • Look at what you got right
  • Harder questions mean you know more
  • Discrimination a
  • Difficulty b
  • Guessing c
  • Theta!!!

The one FLAW!
  • How do we know Theta?
  • Usually by looking at how the subjects did on the
  • Prefer outside validation
  • Teacher identification
  • Demonstrated factors
  • Good luck finding it!

More 3
  • I recently read the report which evaluated
    Teacher Education Programs in the United States.
    As I read chapter 5, I was reminded of many key
    elements and evaluative approaches that go in to
    such a report. Some thoughts that emerged are
    was this report/evaluation meant to be formative
    or summative? What will the response of each
    university/college be? What changes will result
    from these findings from the evaluator(s) as well
    as the evaluatees? With this being the first
    evaluation of its kind, what will we likely see
    and how often will this evaluations take place?
  • I struggled to fully grasp the Logic Models and
    Theory Based Evaluation Approaches application.
    It seems, but I may be mistaken, that we use
    these models/approaches in evaluating educational
    programs and projects. Am I incorrect in this
    assumption? It seems that if one of its major
    criticisms is that it tells us little about how
    the program achieves its objectives, then why
    would we use it as seemingly often as we do?

Nice article
  • http//

Tests and items
  • IRT
  • Difficulty
  • Discrimination
  • Guessing
  • Todays guest is difficulty

So what?
  • When you dont know the parameters of what is
    being asked, how do you know the rigor?
  • How else do you know there is an issue?
  • How about behavior?
  • Maybe parent signatures?

Data set 2 is fun
  • This time ABCs
  • Looking at the files
  • Using Excel to crunch the numbers

More 4
  • I never knew the history of the accreditation of
    our schools. It traces back to the GI Bill passed
    by Congress after World War II to make sure that
    returning soldiers were attending quality
    institutions of higher education. Is this really
    how this process came about?
  • When the state takes over control of accrediting
    its own schools, does the public even notice? Is
    accreditation as big of a deal as it used to be?
  •  So are the evaluators ever a part of the
    decision making?
  • Could Consumer-Oriented Evaluation like What
    Works Clearinghouse be applied to schools and
    districts for growth and not proficiency?
  • Aren't using logic models as a formative measure
    more practical than a formal evaluation?
  • Progress Monitoring is primarily about
    accountability than improvement.  How can we
    focus it more on improvement?

More 5
  • NCATE accreditation-how rigorous is this really?
     Teachers in our schools who are so
    ill-prepared...major difference among regions and
    universities/colleges.  How powerful would it be
    to look at data from students of teachers who
    graduate from certain universities??
  • Let's say you were evaluating a reading
    program...what would theory-based evaluation tell
    you?  I can visualize the purpose of
    objective-oriented, logic, and goal-free but I'm
    not quite understanding theory-based....use/purpos
    e.  Is it just saying what you think the purpose
    of the program is?
  • So, is the idea for our Capstone that we will
    evaluate a program?  Would that look like one of
    these evaluation approaches or multiple

Welcome back to Excel!
Context to the assignment
  • What are the ABCs
  • Why do we have to calculate districts?
  • What is growth vs. proficiency
  • Other fun

How is it going?
  • Clinical
  • Portfolio

For next time
  • Read and write questions
  • Chapters 8-10
  • Data assignment 2 (not 2 and 3 just 2)
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