Title: AOL/Compuserve Bldg
1AOL/Compuserve Bldg
- UAs Most Important Commercial Asset
- 15.8 acres largest office parcel
- 252,000 sq ft largest office building
- 2 Ortho Center 95,000 sq ft
- 3 5025 Arlington Centre 66,000 sq ft
- Approx 15 of all office land and sq ft
2Timeline of Building Actions Timeline of Building Actions Timeline of Building Actions
Announced AOL Closure 03/12/09 Press Release without direct communication with the City
Listing of Property 05/21/09 UACIC meets with Broker Intent to market silently and will work on marketing materials with City
Building Vacated by AOL 07/01/09 AOL was a Top 25 Income Tax Payer through 2008
Broker Update City learns of an interest for a non-profit school City indicates desire to preserve tax base and a rezoning would be required
UACIC inquiry on status how to assist 10/13/09 City learns property in contract broker would not identify user
TOL Intent to Purchase Announced 11/01/09 City informs TOL and media that rezoning required directly
3Timeline of Building Actions Timeline of Building Actions Timeline of Building Actions Timeline of Building Actions
TOL Submits Development Application 12/21/09 Conditional Use Application submitted City denies per previous discussions Conditional Use Application submitted City denies per previous discussions
TOL Appeals Definition as "Residential Use" 12/28 to 4/26/10
Five Suitors express interest in property TOL option to purchase has priority TOL contract inhibits interest 3/4/10 3/1/10 4/19/10 4/5/10 Masco Industries Cabinet Div. Tech Company Tech Company Commercial Developer Corporate HQ Masco Industries Cabinet Div. Tech Company Tech Company Commercial Developer Corporate HQ
TOL Appeals Definition as "Church" 3/3 to 8/16/10
TOL Announces Purchase of Property 08/12/10 TOL purchases with complete awareness they have no right to operate a school TOL purchases with complete awareness they have no right to operate a school
4Comparison Potential Users
COMPARISON OF USES COMPARISON OF USES Tree of Life/ Expedient Office Reuse AOL/Compuserve
Employees Total 160 597 444 (98-04 avg)
Subtotal Subtotal T 86 E 12 T 86 E 12 T 86 E 12
Payroll Estimate Total 3,220,000 23,880,000 43,000,000 (98-04 avg)
Subtotal Subtotal T 2.5m, E .72m T 2.5m, E .72m T 2.5m, E .72m
Average Salary Total 20,125 40,000 96,847
Subtotal Subtotal T 29K E 60K T 29K E 60K T 29K E 60K
Employees per 1000 sq Total 0.385 2.5 1.74
Subtotal Subtotal T .37 E .6 T .37 E .6 T .37 E .6
5Comparison Property Tax
COMPARISON - PROPERTY TAXES Tree of Life/Expedient Office Reuse AOL/Time Warner
23,000,000 value due 1/1/09 0 0 646,215
23,000,000 value due 1/1/10 646,215 Pending Board of Revisions Pending Board of Revisions
6,500,000 value (sale price) due 1/1/11 182,626 182,626
Fully Tax Exempt Fully Tax Exempt 0 182,626 N/A
Partially Tax Exempt Partially Tax Exempt 14,380 N/A N/A
6Comparison Income Tax
COMPARISON - INCOME TAXES Tree of Life/Expedient Office Reuse AOL/Time Warner
64,400 477,600 860,000
per sq ft per sq ft per sq ft 0.25 1.88 3.39
Property Taxes/Yr (if tax exempt) Property Taxes/Yr (if tax exempt) (168,246) (168,246) Any lost property tax revenue recouped from all other commercial property owners Any lost property tax revenue recouped from all other commercial property owners
Income Tax (413,200) (413,200) Approx 3 of 10 Avg - all Income Tax Approx 5 of 10 Avg - Withholdings Approx 3 of 10 Avg - all Income Tax Approx 5 of 10 Avg - Withholdings
7Comparison Endorsed Agreements
8Actions of Concerned
- 3/8/10 UA School Board Resolution to Maximize
Commercial Tax Base - //10 - UA Chamber Resolution
- 4/15/10 - UACIC Resolution Supporting Economic
Development Maximization of the AOL Building - UA Chamber and three property owners file legal
supporting BZAP and City Council decisions - Adjacent Condo Associations file letters against
the proposal
9ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTfiscally responsibleresponsi
ve to citizensforward-thinkingLEARN MORE
10(No Transcript)