Title: Rels 205 Lecture 4.2 Sacral Sentiments
1Rels 205 Lecture 4.2 Sacral Sentiments
2 Friedrich Schleiermacher(1768-1834)
3Schlieremachers Church
4Key Works
Speeches on Religion to its Cultural
Despisers(1799) The Christian Faith (1821)
- Nature of Religion
- 2) Religion not a science
original and characteristic possession of
religion, it resigns, at once, all claims on
anything that belongs either to science or
6What is Religion?
The contemplation of the pious is the immediate
consciousness of the universal existence of all
finite things, in and through the Infinite
religion is essentially contemplative
7An Affection
Yet religion is not knowledge and science,
either of the world or of God. Without being
knowledge, it recognises knowledge and science.
In itself it is an affection, a revelation of
the Infinite in the finite, God being seen in it
and it in God ...
8A Sacral Sentiment
Sentiments, feelings, or emotions, that evoke
and/or express a sense of the sacred.
9Romanticism and Sacral Sentiments
Casper David Friedrich (1774-1840)
10Absolute Dependence
But the self-consciousness which accompanies all
our activities is itself precisely a
consciousness of absolute dependence
11The Sacred
The sacred is that which is set apart, the Holy,
as opposed to the secular or profane world of
everyday life.
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917
12Set apart - Sacred actions
13Set apart - pollution
14Rudolf Otto (1869-1937)
Professor at the University of Marburg
15The Idea of the Holy (1923)
16The Holy
Arnold Friberg (b. 1913)
Exodus 3. Cf. Ezekiel 1-2
17Natural Revelation
Romans 1.19
For all that may be known of God lies plain
before their eyes
Romans 1. 21
knowing God they did not worship Him as God
18Anselm (1033-1109)
Archbishop of Canterbury
19Plato (427-347 B.C.)
22Ontological Argument
God is that Being than which nothing greater can
be conceived._at_ Since existence is greater than
non-existence, the greatest conceivable being
must of necessity exist. Therefore God exists
23Thomas Aquinas (1224/27-1274)
24Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
27The Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas
Cosmological 1 - causation Cosmological 2 -
motion Teleological Moral Aesthetic
28John Pearson (1613-1686)
Anglican clergyman and theologian. He was
successively Master of Jesus College and Trinity
College, Cambridge, and was the Lady Margaret
professor of divinity at Cambridge University.
In 1672 he became the Bishop of Chester. An
Exposition of the Creed (1659)
29Pearson in Cambridge and Chester
30Sociology of belief
Roman armies met with atheism nowhere ...
they showed no nation was without God.
Peter Berger Rumor of Angels
Rodney Stark
31Acceptance of miracles
If then any action be performed which is not
within the compass of the power of any natural
agent ... it must be ascribed to a cause
transcending all natural causes
32William Paley(1743-1805)
34Paleys Argument
Refined teleological argument In crossing a
heath, suppose I pitched my foot against a stone,
and were asked how the stone came to be there, I
might possibly answer But suppose I found a
watch upon the ground
35 crossing a heath
36 see a stone
37 found a watch
38Examine the watch
39A mechanism
40Man made
41Analogy the universe
An intelligent design a creator
Prof. John Leslie