Title: Ransom of Red Chief Vocabulary Review
1Ransom of Red Chief Vocabulary Review
- Hold up the appropriate letter for your answer.
2a sculpture in which figures are carved in a flat
surface so that they project only a little from
the background
- Apparition
- Bas-relief
- Comply
- Diatribe
3to act in accordance to be formally polite
- Diatribe
- Proposition
- Comply
- undeleleterious
4a wearing away to rub a bitter, abusive
criticism or denunciation
- Apparition
- Reconnoiter
- Commend
- diatribe
5setting forth offering
- Proposition
- Cauterize
- Decry
- commend
- Undeleterious
- Ransom
- Impudent
- comply
7anything that appears unexpectedly or in an
extraordinary way a strange figure appearing
suddenly and though to be a ghost
- Collaborate
- Apparition
- Proposition
- depredation
8to seek information about an enemys whereabouts
- Ransom
- Provisions
- Decry
- reconnoiter
9without thought of the consequences lacking
judgment or caution
- Impudent
- Bas-relief
- Diatribe
- depredation
10to work together in some undertaking to
- Commend
- Collaborate
- Comply
- cauterize
11the act or an instance of robbing, plundering, or
laying waste
- Depredation
- Decry
- Undeleterious
- proposition
12to mention as worthy of attention to entrust to
express approval of
- Comply
- Diatribe
- Commend
- collaborate
13the redeeming or release of a captive or of
seized property by payment of money or compliance
with other demands the price paid or demanded
- Apparition
- Ransom
- Impudent
- provision
14to burn with a hot iron or needle or with a
caustic substance, so as to destroy dead or
unwanted tissue, prevent the spread of infection
- Cauterize
- Decry
- Depredation
- commend
15providing, preparing, or supplying something to
supply with a stock of food
- Proposition
- Bas-relief
- Reconnoiter
- provisions
16to speak out against strongly and openly
- Ransom
- Impudent
- Depredation
- decry