Title: Back Pain Myths Slideshow ??????
1Back Pain Myths Slideshow??????
2The Truth About Back Pain
- It might be a sharp stab. It might be a dull
ache. Sooner or later, eight out of 10 of us will
have back pain. Back pain is common -- and so are
back pain myths. See if you can tell the myths
from the facts.
3Myth Always sit up straight to prevent back
4Myth Always sit up straight to prevent back pain.
- Okay, slouching is bad for your back. But sitting
up too straight too still for too long can be a
strain on the back. If you sit a lot, try this a
few times a day Lean back in your chair with
your feet on the floor and a slight curve in your
back. Even better Try standing for part of the
day, while on the phone or while reading work
5Myth Lifting heavy objects hurts your back.
6Myth Lifting heavy objects hurts your back.
- It's not necessarily how much you lift, it's how
you lift. Of course you shouldn't lift anything
that might be too heavy for you. When you lift,
squat close to the object with your back straight
and head up. Stand, using your legs to lift the
load. Do not twist or bend your body while
lifting. It can really hurt your back to twist
while bending and lifting with your feet on the
floor -- as you might do when reaching down from
a chair to lift a dropped pencil.
7Myth Stay in bed until back pain goes away.
8Myth Stay in bed until back pain goes away.
- Yes, resting can help an acute injury or strain
that causes back pain. But it's a myth that you
should stay in bed. A day or two in bed can make
your back pain worse.
9Myth Back pain is always caused by an injury.
10Myth Back pain is always caused by an injury.
- Disc degeneration, injuries, diseases,
infections, and even inherited conditions can
cause back pain.
11Myth Skinny people don't get back pain.
12Myth Skinny people don't get back pain.
- Anyone can get back pain. In fact, people who are
too thin, such as those suffering from anorexia,
an eating disorder, may suffer bone loss
resulting in fractured or crushed vertebrae.
13Myth Exercise is bad for your back pain.
14Myth Exercise is bad for your back pain.
- A big myth. Regular exercise prevents back pain.
And for people suffering an acute injury
resulting in lower back pain, doctors may
recommend an exercise program that begins with
gentle exercises and gradually increases in
intensity. Once the acute pain subsides, an
exercise regimen may help prevent future
recurrence of back pain.
15Myth A super-firm mattress is best for your
16Myth A super-firm mattress is best for your
- A Spanish study of people with longstanding,
non-specific back pain showed that those who
slept on a medium-firm mattress -- rated 5.6 on a
10-point hard-to-soft scale -- had less back pain
and disability than those who slept on a firm
mattress (2.3 on the scale) mattress. However,
depending on their sleep habits and the cause of
their back pain, different people may need
different mattresses.
17Fact Overweight people suffer more back pain.
18Fact Overweight people suffer more back pain.
- Staying fit helps prevent back pain. Back pain is
most common among people who are out of shape,
especially weekend warriors who engage in
vigorous activity after sitting around all week.
And as you might guess, obesity stresses the
19Fact Chiropractic adjustments can help back
20Fact Chiropractic adjustments can help back
- The American College of Physicians and American
Pain Society guidelines for treatment of lower
back pain recommend that patients and doctors
consider spinal manipulation -- either by a
chiropractor or a massage therapist -- for
patients with back pain.
21Fact Acupuncture can help back pain.
22Fact Acupuncture can help back pain.
- According to guidelines from the American College
of Physicians and the American Pain Society,
patients and their doctors should consider
acupuncture among treatments for back pain
patients who do not get relief from standard self
care. Yoga, progressive relaxation, and
cognitive-behavioral therapy are also suggested
for consideration.