Experiencing English 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Experiencing English 2


Experiencing English 2 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Experiencing English 2

Experiencing English 2
Unit 6Sports and Health
Unit 6 Sports and Health
In this unit, you will
  • first listen, and then talk about sports
  • read about a famous athlete and the way of
    keeping fit
  • learn new words and expressions
  • practice the use of participles
  • fill in a Health Background Form
  • visit Culture Salon for an introduction to the
    emblems of the Olympic Games.

Teaching procedures I. Listen and Talk
Lead in
Dialogue Samples
II. Read and Explore
Passage A
Think About It
Related Information
Words and Expressions
Summary of the Text
Understanding the Text
Notes to the Text
III. Culture Salon
Unit 6 Sports and Health
Part I
Unit 6 Sports and Health
Directions Listen to the following paragraphs
and decide which picture is described in
detail. Click here to listen.
Unit 6 Sports and Health
  • The photos are all related to Sports and
    Health . Describe them to your classmates with
    the help of the following question.
  • What is your favorite sport? Explain.
  • How do you understand it's more important to
    participate than to compete in sports?
  • What is your opinion about the relationship
    between sports and health?

Unit 6 Sports and Health
Directions Listen to the following passage and
try to fill the missing words. Click here to
Physical activity improves our bodies
health. A recent study 1. ______ in The New
England Journal of Medicine, suggests that
maintaining a healthy level of physical 2. ______
through exercise can help people live longer and
the findings provide updated 3. ______ to Charles
Darwin's survival of the fittest theory. But
repetitive exercise can become boring, 4. _______
discouragement, frustration, even quitting.
Selecting an activity that provides 5. _______ as
well as physical exercise, however, can be the
answer. Many people have turned to sports. Sports
can provide a 6. _______ physically as well as
mentally and increase ones physical activity
while providing social interaction, a sense of
accomplishment and enjoyment. First held
as part of the 1896 Olympics in Athens, Greece,
and then brought to Boston, Massachusetts in
1897, the Marathon is now an important part of 7.
______ in many cities across America. Marathon
running, usually a 40k (26.2 miles) race, is
becoming increasingly popular with both men and
women for its challenge of perseverance,
requiring both 8. ______ and mental endurance,
and its feat of accomplishment. For first-time
runners it is the culmination of a dream a
personal 9. _______ obtained after months of
physical and psychological preparation and
training. For veteran marathoners its an
opportunity to improve their Personal Best
competing 10. _______ their own fastest time.
Although there is no overall Marathon record,
since Marathon courses vary from city to city,
the best men's times are under 2 hours and 7
minutes and the best women's times are slightly
above 2 hours and 19 minutes.
  • Keys
  • 1. published 2. fitness
  • 3. support 4. leading to
  • 5. enjoyment 6. challenge
  • 7. culture 8. physical
  • 9. goal 10. preparation

  • Dialogue Samples
  • Dialogue 1
  • Talking About Sports
  • Key words and patterns
  • ?Hey, John, you look strong. It seems to me you
    are a good sportsman, arent you?
  • ?Have you been on any sports teams?
  • ?Do you know how to play tennis?
  • ?Ill be glad to, but you know, Im not very
    good at it.
  • ?That doesnt matter. Im also learning. How
    about five oclock?

  • Dialogue 2
  • Talking About Sports
  • key words and patterns
  • ?Brian, what sports do you fellow?
  • ?So you want to be a muscleman?
  • ?What else do you do?
  • ?Do you ever go jogging?
  • ?Thats good for you. May I join you in running
  • ?Im thinking about finding a partner.

Passage A
  • Never Give Up

  • Words Expressions of passage A
  • 1.Botch v. (up) spoil something by poor work ??
  • eg I am afraid Ive rather botched up the
    dinner tonight.
  • 2. Choke v.1) fail at doing something especially
    in a sport, because there is a lot of
  • 2) have great difficulty in
    breathing or stop breathing because of blocking
  • eg He almost chocked to death on a fish bone

  • 3) (up, with) to fill completely, so that
    movement is impossible.
  • eg Leaves choked up the pipe.
  • 4) choke sth. down/back control as if by
    holding them in the throat.
  • eg chock ones tears/ anger
  • 5) choke sb. off stop, get rid of, or prevent
  • eg Theyd ruthlessly choked off all opposition
    to their plans.

  • 3. Cover v. report the details of (an event) for
    a newspaper or a TV station ??
  • eg She covered all the news.
  • 4. Credibility n. the quality of deserving belief
    and trust ???
  • eg If we dont keep promises, well lose
    credibility with the public.
  • 5. Crisis n. a point or moment of great danger,
    difficulty, or uncertainty ????
  • eg The sudden rise in oil prices led to an
    economic crisis.

  • 6. Defend v. 1) (of a sports champion) take part
    in a contest to keep ones high ranking position
  • 2) ( against, from) keep safe
    from harm protect against attack.
  • eg When the came towards me I picked up a stick
    to defend myself.
  • 7. Endorsement n. a statement or action which
    shows ones support or approval of something or
    someone ??(??,???)

  • Endorse v. 1) express approval or support
  • eg The committees report fully endorses the
    governments proposals.
  • 2) write a note to say that the
    driver has broken the law.
  • eg If you get any more endorsement you wont
    allowed to drive
  • 8. Exclusive 1) a. appearing in no other
    publication or on no other channel ????
  • eg The reporter managed to get an exclusive
    interview with the Prime Minister.

  • 2) exclusive of not taking into account
  • without
  • eg The hotel charges 6 dollars a day, exclusive
    of meals.
  • 9. Fantasize v. form strange or wonderful ideas
    in the mind ??
  • eg She fantasized about winning the lottery.
  • 10. Grueling a. demanding great effort and
    determination ???
  • eg All the runners were exhausted after the
    grueling race.

  • 11. Heroism n. very great courage success under
    great pressure ????
  • eg an act of great heroism
  • 12. Lucrative a . (especially of a business,
    trade or job) bringing in plenty of money ????
  • eg lucrative business
  • 13. Luster n. the brightness of a shiny, polished
    surface ??
  • eg the luster of gold
  • 14. Merit v. deserve have a right to ??

  • eg Your suggestion merits serious consideration.
  • 15. Observe v. make a remark ??
  • eg Thats odd, he observed.
  • 16. Persevere ( at, in, with )v. continue
    steadily and with determination in spite of
    difficulties ????
  • eg If you persevere with the work, you will
    succeed in the end.
  • 17. Recipient n. a person who receives something

  • eg the recipient of the letter.
  • 18. Routine 1)n. a sequence of movements,
    especially in a dance (??????)????
  • eg a dance routine
  • 2) regular and habitual way of
    working or doing things.
  • eg She longed to escape from the same old
    familiar routine.
  • Routine adj. regular according to what is
    always habitually done not special

  • eg Its just a routine medical examination,
    nothing to get worried about.
  • 19. Shot n. 1) a chance or attempt to do
    something ??
  • eg Its a difficult job but Id like to have a
    shot at it.
  • 2) the action of shooting a
    weapon or the sound that it makes.
  • eg She fired three shots.
  • 3) like a shot without a delay
    and esp. eagerly.

  • eg When he offered me the job, I accepted like
    a shot.
  • 20. Usher v. lead somebody to the place where
    they should go or sit ??
  • eg She ushered the visitor into the room.

Lead-in Pictures
Before reading Passage A, describe the following
pictures .
  • Brief Introduction On Figure Skating
  • Figure skating has a history of almost
    100 years and it started as an athletic sport in
    China in 1950s. Figure skating consists of
    single skating (man and ladies, pairs skating,
    ice dance and synchronized( ?.??) skating.
    Single and pair skating consists of short program
    and free skating ice dancing consists of
    compulsory dance, original dance, free dance
    synchronized skating consists of short

  • program and free skating. in China, single
    skating, pair skating and ice dancing are being
    practiced now.
  • The important annual figure skating
    competitions in China are National
    Championships, National Cup Competitions,
    National Junior Competition series. The National
    Games that includes single skating only are held
    every four years The National Winter Games that
    includes single skating, pair skating and ice
    dancing are also held every four years.

  • The Chinese figure skating team has
    become one of the strongest teams in the world
    after great efforts in training. Lu Chen won the
    Champion at ladies event in 1995 World
    Championships and bronze medals at the 17th and
    18th Olympic Winter Games. Xue Shen and Hongbo
    Zhao was among the top 3 place at pair skating
    event in 4 consecutive World Championships from
    1999 to 2002,incuding their historical 1st place
    at World Championships in 2002.They won the
    bronze medal at the 19th Olympic Winter Games
    held in Salt Lake City, USA in 2002.

Lead-in Questions
  • 1. Do you enjoy watching figure skating?

2. Do you know any famous figure skaters? Share
what you know with each other.
3. What do you usually do in facing difficulties?
(Click the button below to go to each part.)
Notes to the Text
  • Click the following words to listen to the text.

Listen to the whole text.
Listen to paragraph 1.
Listen to paragraph 2.
Listen to paragraph 3.
Listen to paragraph 4.
Listen to paragraph 5.
Listen to paragraph 6.
Listen to paragraph 7.
Listen to paragraph 8.
Listen to paragraph 9.
Listen to paragraph 10.
Listen to paragraph 11.
Listen to paragraph 12.
Summary of the Text
  • Paul Wiley was a 27-year-old American ice
    skater who could never win the big competitions.
    Many times he considered retirement but he
    persevered. Younger skaters consistently
    (constant to the same principles) defeated him,
    yet he kept practicing and competing. Then he
    finished second in the 1992 Olympics in France
    and became a hero. Applause greeted him as he
    stepped off the plane bringing him home from the
    Olympics. Fame and endorsements came his way.

Summary of the Text
  • But he remained very modest and did not
    consider himself a hero. He said that selfless
    service can make a true hero, and he also hoped
    that his story would inspire other people. This
    would be another kind of hero. Like skating, he
    felt that life requires the regular practice of
    small actions which add up to make a larger
    whole. It's not necessary to be famous to be a
    hero in daily life.

Understanding the Text
  • 1. How was Paul Wylie's life changed
  • after he won the silver medal?

He was regarded as a hero, traveling on
figure-skating world tours, being invited to
exclusive events, and with figure skating fans
chasing for his autographs.
Understanding the Text
  • 2. What did the question "what are you doing
    here?" imply?

It implied that people were unhappy with Paul
Wylie's performance.
Understanding the Text
  • 3. Did Paul Wylie expect what he would see back
    in his home country after he won the silver medal
    in France?

No, he didn't. He had no idea how his performance
was unfolding on U. S. television.
Understanding the Text
  • 4. Why did Paul Wylie give the answer
  • "daily" to the question "how often do you
  • contemplate retirement?"

He answered "daily" because he was undergoing a
very difficult time in his skating career and it
was hard for him to keep going.
Understanding the Text
  • 5. Was Paul Wylie a famous skater in the
  • U. S. before he won the silver medal?

No, he wasn't. He had been struggling for many
years on his way towards success.
Understanding the Text
  • 6. What have you learned from Paul
  • Wylie's story?

  • Never Give Up   
  • They told him to quit, that he wasn't good
    enough, but figure skater Paul Wylie refused to
  • When he stepped off the plane in Washington,
    D.C., following the 1992 Winter Games, and
    everyone in the terminal started clapping, Paul
    Wylie almost stopped in his tracks. Who's behind
    me? He
  • wondered. Despite the silver medal
  • in his pocket, he couldn't believe
  • that the applause was for him. From
  • that moment on, Paul recognized
  • that his life would never be the same.

  • The silver medal he earned in Albertville,
    France, ushered the 27-year-old figure skater
    into a new existence. He was no longer a nobody
    who choked at big events, like the 1988 Calgary
    Olympics, where he finished an unimpressive 10th.
    No longer the recipient of advice from judges
    who, after Paul's performance in the '91 World
    Championships, suggested that he quit "Make room
    for the younger skaters." No longer the
    target of loaded questions from reporters
    covering the '91 Olympic Trials ("What are you
    doing here?"). No longer the skater incapable of
    finishing ahead of U.S. National Champion Todd
    Eldredge or three-time defending World Champion
    Kurt Browning of Canada.

  • Now Paul Wylie was an Olympic hero. He
    was an athlete who kept going when doubters
    suggested he quit. He was a recent Harvard
    University graduate who had frequently fantasized
    about life without grueling hours on the ice, but
    who persevered anyway. He was
  • a young man who had discovered
  • and demonstrated that goals can
  • be reached no matter how many
  • obstacles and botched attempts
  • lie in the way.

  • "A reporter who interviewed me at the
    Closing Ceremonies told me, 'You came here an
    unknown and now you go home a hero,'" Paul says.
    "I thought that was interesting, because I was in
    France and unaware of how my journey was
    unfolding on U.S. television. It wasn't until I
    stepped off the plane that I realized people
    considered me a hero. They were changed by my
    story. They were changed by the fact that I was
    able to persevere and win the silver medal even
    though almost everyone had counted me out."

  • At times, Paul had almost counted himself
    out. "Two months before the '92 Olympics, USA
    Today did a survey of different athletes and
    asked, 'How often do you contemplate retirement?'
    The choices were 'yearly,' 'monthly' or
    'weekly.' "I wrote, 'daily,' because it
    was hard to keep going. But I just decided, I'm
    going to persevere and hang in there, because I
    have a shot."

  • Things definitely changed in 1992 in
    Albertville. "To have my story be one that
    brought tears to people's eyes, because of the
    way it turned around that changed my life as
    well," Paul says. "I looked at my skating career
    and saw it rewritten and beautiful, as opposed to
    a big disappointment and many years struggling
    toward some goal but not reaching it."

  • With medal in hand, Paul was suddenly
    ushered into a world of lucrative endorsements
    and figure-skating world tours, of exclusive
    events and autograph seekers. Everything you
    might expect of a celebrity hero, but none of
    what Paul himself believes merits the honor of
    that title.
  • ? "What makes a true hero is selfless service,"
    he says. "Or someone whose life and actions
    inspire you to be better and to be a bigger
    person. I don't think that what I did was
    selfless service. But God used the story of my
    life to inspire others."

  • "What makes a true hero is selfless
    service," he says. "Or someone whose life and
    actions inspire you to be better and to be a
    bigger person. I don't think that what I did was
    selfless service. But God used the story of my
    life to inspire others." Heroism, Paul has
    observed, requires daily maintenance. Just as a
    skater achieves perfection by practicing small
    parts of his larger routine day after day, a hero
    must look for ways to serve on a regular basis
    not just in a crisis or more visible situation.

  • As an Olympic medal loses its luster
    after years of storage, a hero will lose his
    credibility if he stops looking to the needs of
    others. When Paul joins the thousands of others
    watching the Olympics in Salt Lake City, he knows
    that behind the scenes of each victory, of each
    record-setting finish, stand countless stories of
    everyday heroes. Heroes who refuse to give up.

Words and Expressions
  • 1. quit stop (doing something)

  • He quit his job for a better position.
  • He should really quit smoking.

Words and Expressions
  • 2. persevere continue firmly in spite of

  • He persevered at his search for a job.
  • Despite the failure of his early experiments,
  • the scientist persevered in his research.

Words and Expressions
  • 3. in the way blocking space for the forward

  • The chair is in the way so move it, please.
  • Although he thought he was helping us
  • prepare the dinner, he was only in the way.

Words and Expressions
  • 4. count out leave out by choice

  • If you are playing football in this rainy
  • weather you can count me out.
  • We have ten applicants for the post, but
  • two of them have now accepted other
  • appointments, so we can count them out.

Words and Expressions
  • 5. at times sometimes

  • I do feel a little nervous at times.
  • We have pie for dinner at times.

Words and Expressions
  • 6. survey general view

  • We made a survey of the uses of English.
  • They ran a survey of the most popular
  • television programs.

Words and Expressions
  • 7. have a shot try

  • I don't know if I can do that, but I'll have a
  • shot (at it).
  • Have a shot at solving the problem.

Words and Expressions
  • 8. as opposed to in contrast to

  • It happened in the day as opposed to the
  • evening.
  • This is a book about business as opposed
  • to theory.

Words and Expressions
  • 9. exclusive not shared with others

  • The actress granted the reporter an exclusive
  • interview.
  • This company has the exclusive right to print
  • Mr. Dare's books.

Words and Expressions
  • 10. crisis a turning point in the course of

  • I was on the verge of a terrible crisis in my
  • life.
  • The potentiality for future government
  • crises was growing.

Words and Expressions
  • 11. behind the scenes out of sight,secretly,
    without public knowledge

  • He is an important man behind the scenes.
  • John was president of the club, but behind
  • the scenes Robert told him what to do.

Notes to the Text
  • 1. The silver medal he earned in Albertville,
    France, ushered the 27-year-old figure skater
    into a new existence. (para. 2)

The second-place medal he earned in Albertville,
France, gave the 27-year-old figure skater a new
status and reputation.
Notes to the Text
  • 2. He was no longer a nobody who choked at big
    events, like the 1988 Calgary Olympics, where he
    finished an unimpressive 10th. (para. 2)

He was no longer a little-known competitor who
became nervous and could not win in major
competitions, like the 1988 Calgary Olympics
where he finished 10th and few people noticed him.
?? .
Notes to the Text
  • 3. No longer the target of loaded questions from
    reporters covering the '91 Olympic Trials ("What
    are you doing here?"). (para. 3)

(He was) no longer asked embarrassing and
irritating questions (such as "Why are you
here?") by the reporters reporting on the 1991
Olympic Trials.
Notes to the Text
  • 4. But I just decided, I'm going to persevere and
    hang in there, because I have a shot."(para. 7)

But I just decided I'd keep practicing and
competing, because I really had a chance to win.

Notes to the Text
  • 5. With medal in hand, Paul was suddenly ushered
    into a world of lucrative endorsements and
    figure-skating world tours, of exclusive events
    and autograph seekers.(para. 9)

Now that he was a medal winner, Paul had many new
opportunities to make money from signing
advertising contracts or traveling around the
world with skating shows, being invited to
special events for famous people and signing
autographs for the fans.
Notes to the Text
  • 6.Heroism, Paul has observed, requires daily
    maintenance.(para. 11)

Paul has noticed that heroism requires daily
perseverance, ie a medallist has to persevere in
training in order to keep the honor..
Notes to the Text
  • 7. As an Olympic medal loses its luster after
    years of storage, a hero will lose his
    credibility if he stops looking to the needs of
    others.(para. 12)

Over the years the public may forget about an
Olympic medal winner and stop trusting him if he
does not pay attention to what other people want
or need.
Washington, D.C.
1. Jefferson Memorial 2. Washington Monument 3.
Statue of Lincoln 4. Marine Corps War Memorial 5.
White House
  • Washington, D.C., a city as well as a
    district, is the capital of the United States of
    America. The city of Washington is coextensive
    (extend the same time) with the District of
    Columbia (D.C.), the federal district of the
    United States. Washington is today the core
    (central part) of one of the largest metropolitan
    (of a metropolis) areas in the country and serves
    as a center of both national and international
    politics and diplomacy.

1992 Winter Olympics, Albertville
  • The 1992 Albertville Olympic Games were the
    last Winter Games to be staged in the same year
    as the Summer Games. Only 18 of the 57 events
    were held in Albertville itself, while nearby
    resorts hosted the rest.

1988 Winter Olympics, Calgary
Short Track Speed Skating
Female Hockey
Long Track Speed Skating
Calgary's dream to host the Olympics finally came
true on its fourth candidacy. The term of the
winter games was extended from 12 days to 16
days, the same as the summer games, as from the
Calgary Olympics.
Todd Eldredge
  • "In your mind, you can imagine
  • anything. That's part of the
  • reason I came back. You dream
  • certain things and you hope to
  • achieve those dreams."
  • -Todd Eldredge, Los Angeles 1/10/02

Full Name Todd James Eldredge Representing
United States Coach Richard Callaghan Born
August 28, 1971 Hometown Chatham, Massachusetts
(now living and training in
Michigan) Interests Golf, sports cars, computers
Kurt Browning
  • Kurt Browning is Canada's Four Time
    Canadian and World Figure Skating Champion. He is
    one of the most celebrated skaters in his native
    country of Canada, and the world. Kurt has landed
    himself a spot in the Guinness Book of World
    Records for being the first man to complete a
    Quadruple Jump at the World Figure Skating
    Championships in Budapest, Hungary on March 25,

Harvard University
Homepage of Harvard University
  • Harvard University a private, coeducational
    institution of higher education, is based in
    Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is the oldest
    university in the United States.

USA Today
  • USA Today --- A Window on the World
  • Theres no better daily source for articles about
    the USA and its culture than syndicated features
    from USA TODAY, the pioneer of modern newspapers.
    Every day, subscribers receive 20-25 articles on
    Trends Across the USA, News, Money,
    Entertainment, Life and Health, Sports and
    Opinion. Check out USA Today's famed Web site

2002 Winter Olympics, Salt Lake City
  • Salt Lake City, Utah hosts the 2002 Winter
    Olympic Games starting February 8, 2002. The
    games lasted 17 days and featured more than 180
    events in 15 different sports.

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