Title: Dramatically Increase the Throughput,
1Dramatically Increase the Throughput,
How to implement the TOC ?
Two-day Seminar in TOC Physical Processes
Dates Sep 14-15, 2006(2 days) Location Seoul,
S. Korea Presented By Dr. James R. Holt,
Associate Professor of Engineering Management
Washington State University Managed By TOC
VISION in Korea Main Subjects for this workshop
are - How to reduce lead times
dramatically - How to Improve on-time
delivery to almost 100 - Implementing
DBR/CCPM quickly - Overcoming obstacles
to implementing DBR/CCPM Attendees -
Factory manager/ Production Manager/Project
managers - Functional department heads
involved in production and projects -
Technical department heads involved in projects
- Senior managers with business results
accountability - Professors/students
Seminar Schedule Sep, 14, 2006 Sep,15, 2006 (AM 900 PM 500) Seminar Schedule Sep, 14, 2006 Sep,15, 2006 (AM 900 PM 500) Seminar Schedule Sep, 14, 2006 Sep,15, 2006 (AM 900 PM 500) Seminar Schedule Sep, 14, 2006 Sep,15, 2006 (AM 900 PM 500)
14(Tue) DBR 0900-0930 Receipt Receipt
14(Tue) DBR 0930-0950 - Keynote Speech Professor NamKee, Chung at ChonNam National Univ
14(Tue) DBR 0950-1200 Introduction TOC Practice of TOC measurement Dr. James R. Holt
14(Tue) DBR 1200-1300 Lunch Lunch
14(Tue) DBR 1300-1700 Buffer Management Simplified DBR How to implement the DBR? Success stories of DBR QA Dr. James R. Holt
15(Fri) CCPM 0900-0930 Receipt Receipt
15(Fri) CCPM 0930-1200 Why Projects are always late Critical Chain Project Management Dr. James R. Holt
15(Fri) CCPM 1200-1300 Lunch Lunch
15(Fri) CCPM 1300-1700 - Advanced Critical Chain Issue 1 - Advanced Critical Chain Issue 2 How to implement the CCPM? Success stories of CCPM QA Dr. James R. Holt