Title: Jeopardy
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Greek Geography
The City- State
Greek Mythology
Greek Literature
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Q 300
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Final Jeopardy
3100 Question Greek Geography
Greece is located on this continent.
4100 Answer from Greek Geography
5200 Question from Greek Geography
The country of Greece is this type of
geographical formation.
6200 Answer from Greek Geography
A peninsula.
7300 Question from Greek Geography
What was it about Greeces geography that made
farming difficult and so Greeks had to seek out
trade in order to survive?
8300 Answer from Greek Geography
The fact that Greece had mountains that ran to
the seas made it so Greeks couldnt rely on
farming for food.
9400 Question from Greek Geography
Name the two cultures important in Greeces
history that fell due to natural disasters.
Hint They both start with M.
10400 Answer from Greek Geography
The two cultures were the Minoans and the
11500 Question from Greek Geography
What is the name of the body of water that
surrounds Greece?
12500 Answer from Greek Geography
The body of water that surrounds Greece is the
Mediterranean Sea.
13100 Question from The City-State
This is the Greek word for city-state.
14100 Answer from The City-State
The Greek word for city-state is polis.
15200 Question from The City-State
What is a city-state?
16200 Answer from The City-State
A city-state is a political unit that consists
of a city and the surrounding countryside.
17300 Question from The City-State
What is the name for the fortress Greeks chose to
build their city-states around?
18300 Answer from The City-State
The name for the fortress Greeks chose to build
their city-states around was an acropolis.
19400 Question from The City-State
Each city-state had an agora that was very
important to life in the city-state. Whats an
20400 Answer from The City-State
An agora is a marketplace in which trade
occurred, religious ceremonies took place, and
political meetings were held.
21500 Question from The City-State
We understand that Greeks loved their city-state.
How do we know this?
22500 Answer from The City-State
- They took it upon themselves
- to participate in government.
- They competed for their city-state in
- the Olympics.
- They took great pride in their city-state
- and identified themselves as Spartan,
- Corinthian, etc.
23100 Question from Greek Mythology
Another word for a culture that believes in many
gods is _______.
24100 Answer from Greek Mythology
A polytheistic culture.
25200 Question from Greek Mythology
This word describes a body of stories about
gods and heroes that tries to explain how the
world works.
26200 Answer from Greek Mythology
The word mythology describes a body of stories
about gods and heroes that tries to explain how
the world works.
27300 Question from Greek Mythology
If you were to see a picture of Greek god with a
hammer, an apron, and a volcano in the
background, you would be looking at a picture of
the god who goes by this name.
28300 Answer from Greek Mythology
The Greek god Hephaestus.
29400 Question from Greek Mythology
What did Prometheus steal from the gods to give
to humans?
30400 Answer from Greek Mythology
Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it
to humans.
31500 Question from Greek Mythology
What was believed to cause a change in seasons
in ancient Greece?
32500 Answer from Greek Mythology
Demeters sadness is said to have caused the
change in seasons in ancient Greece.
33100 Question from Vocabulary
What is an aristocrat?
34100 Answer from Vocabulary
An aristocrat is a rich landowner.
35200 Question from Vocabulary
This mans works, The Iliad and The Odyssey,
are said to be some of the greatest works of
literature ever written.
36200 Answer from Vocabulary
Homer wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey.
37300 Question from Vocabulary
What is an oligarchy?
38300 Answer from Vocabulary
An oligarchy is a government in which only a few
people have power.
39400 Question from Vocabulary
What is a tyrant?
40400 Answer from Vocabulary
A tyrant is a person who held power through force.
41500 Question from Vocabulary
A government that can be defined as one that is
ruled by the people is known as a
42500 Answer from Vocabulary
A democracy.
43100 Question from Greek Literature
What is a persons Achilles heel?
44100 Answer from Greek Literature
A persons Achilles heel is their weakness. For
example, if chocolate is my Achilles heal, even
if Im trying to stay away from it, I just cant
help myself.
45200 Question from Greek Literature
These short stories were written to teach lessons.
46200 Answer from Greek Literature
Fables were written to teach lessons to Greeks.
47300 Question from Greek Literature
Who was the man famous for his fables?
48300 Answer from Greek Literature
Aesop was the Greek famous for his
lesson-teaching stories.
49400 Question from Greek Literature
The main characters in fables are usually this.
50400 Answer from Greek Literature
The main characters in fables are usually animals.
51500 Question from Greek Literature
Who was Sappho?
52500 Answer from Greek Literature
Sappho was a famous lyrical poet from ancient
53Final Jeopardy
Ancient Greece has had a huge effect on our
culture. Name two ways ancient Greece lives on
54Final Jeopardy Answer
-Language (titanic and odyssey) -Geographical
location names (Europe and the Atlas
mountains). -Movies. -Sporting events.