LOCAL ANESTHETICS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LOCAL ANESTHETICS A.Ghaleb,MD LOCAL ANESTHETICS The electrical potential inside the cell is negative and close to the potential that would be determined by potassium ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • A.Ghaleb,MD

  • The electrical potential inside the cell is
    negative and close to the potential that would be
    determined by potassium alone.
  • This is the resting potential (-70 mV). During
    the transmission of an action potential, sodium
    moves into the cell through open sodium channels,
    depolarizing the cell.
  • Local anesthetics are compounds with the ability
    to interrupt the transmission of the action
    potential in excitable membranes. They bind to
    specific receptors on the Na channels and their
    action at clinically recommended doses is

Historical perspective
  • The natives of Peru chewed coca leaves and knew
    about their cerebral-stimulating effects. The
    leaves of erythroxylon coca were taken to Europe
    where Niemann isolated cocaine in Germany in
  • Koller in 1884 is credited with the introduction
    of cocaine as a topical ophthalmic local
    anesthetic in Austria.
  • Cardiovascular side effects as well as potential
    for dependency and abuse were soon recognized,
    which led to the search for a better local

Historical perspective
  • 1850s invention of the syringe and hypodermic
    hollow needle
  • 1884 Halsted, blocks the brachial plexus with a
    solution of cocaine under direct vision (surgical
  • 1897 Braun in Germany relates cocaine toxicity
    with systemic absorption and advocates the use of
  • 1898 Bier performs the first planned spinal
  • 1911 Hirschel performs the first percutaneous
    axillary block
  • 1911 Kulenkampff performs the first percutaneous
    supraclavicular block
  • Date of introduction in clinical practice of some
    local anesthetics

Historical perspective
  • 1905 procaine 1932 tetracaine 1947 lidocaine
    1955 chloroprocaine (last ester type local
    anesthetic introduced that is still in clinical
    use) 1957 mepivacaine 1963 bupivacaine 1997
    ropivacaine 1999 levobupivacaine.

Chemical structure
  • weak bases with a pka above 7.4 and poorly
    soluble in water.
  • Commercially available as acidic solutions (pH
    4-7) of hydrochloride salts, which are
  • A typical local anesthetic is composed of two
    portions linked together by a chemical chain. One
    portion consists of a benzene ring (lipid soluble
    hydrophobic) and the other is an amine group
    that is ionizable and water-soluble
  • The chemical chain can be either ester type
    (-CO-) or amide type (-HNC-) defining two
    different groups of local anesthetics, esters and

  • The injected local anesthetic volume spreads
    initially by mass movement.
  • This first step determines how much local
    anesthetic effectively reaches the nerve.
  • Moves across points of least resistance, which
    do not necessarily lead into the desired
    nerve(s), stressing the need to bring the needle
    in proximity to the target nerve(s).
  • The local anesthetic solution diffuses through
    tissues each layer of them acting as a physical
    barrier and in the process part of the solution
    gets absorbed into the circulation.
  • Finally a small percentage of the anesthetic
    reaches the target nerve membrane at which point
    the different physicochemical properties of the
    individual anesthetic will dictate the speed,
    duration and nature of the interaction with the

Structure-activity relationship
  • Lipid solubility
  • Determines both the potency and the duration of
    action of the local anesthetics by binding the
    drug close to the site of action and thereby
    decreasing the rate of metabolism by plasma
    esterase and liver enzymes.
  • In addition the local anesthetic receptor site
    on Na channels is thought to be hydrophobic, so
    its affinity for hydrophobic drugs is greater.
  • Hydrophobicity also increases toxicity, so the
    therapeutic index actually is decreased for more
    hydrophobic drugs.

Structure-activity relationship
  • Protein binding
  • Related to duration of action.
  • In the body, local anesthetics are bound in large
    part to plasma and tissue proteins. The bound
    portion is not pharmacologically active. The most
    important binding proteins in plasma are albumin
    and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AAG)
  • The fraction of drug bound to protein in plasma
    correlates with the duration of action of local
    anesthetics bupivacaine gt ropivacaine gt
    mepivacaine gt lidocaine gt procaine and
  • This suggests that the bond between the local
    anesthetic molecule and the sodium channel
    receptor protein may be similar to that of local
    anesthetic binding to plasma protein (similar
    amino acid sequences).
  • Drugs as lidocaine, tetracaine and bupivacaine
    have been incorporated into liposomes to prolong
    the duration of action and decrease toxicity.
    Liposomes are vesicles with two layers of
    phospholipids, which slow down the release of the
    drug effectively prolonging the duration of action

Structure-activity relationship
  • Protein binding
  • This suggests that the bond between the local
    anesthetic molecule and the sodium channel
    receptor protein may be similar to that of local
    anesthetic binding to plasma protein (similar
    amino acid sequences).
  • Drugs as lidocaine, tetracaine and bupivacaine
    have been incorporated into liposomes to prolong
    the duration of action and decrease toxicity.
    Liposomes are vesicles with two layers of
    phospholipids, which slow down the release of the
    drug effectively prolonging the duration of

Structure-activity relationship
  • The pka of the local anesthetic determines the
    ratio of the ionized (cationic) and the uncharged
    (base) form of the drug.
  • The pka for local anesthetics ranges from 7.6 to
  • By definition the pka is the pH at which 50 of
    the drug is ionized and 50 is present as a base.
  • The pka generally correlates with the speed of
    onset of most local anesthetics. The closer the
    pka to the physiologic pH the faster the onset
    (e.g., lidocaine with a pka of 7.7 is 25
    non-ionized at ph 7.4 and has a more rapid onset
    of action than bupivacaine with a pka of 8.1
    which is only 15 non-ionized).
  • One important exception is 2-chloroprocaine with
    a pka of 9.0 and very short onset of action. This
    fast onset could be related to its low toxicity,
    which allows for high concentrations to be used
    clinically. It is also claimed to have also
    better tissue penetrability.

Mechanism of action and sodium channels
  • The non-charged hydrophobic fraction (B) crosses
    the lipidic nerve membrane and initiates the
    events that lead to blocking of sodium channels.
  • Once inside a new equilibrium, dictated by the
    compound pka and the intracellular pH, is reached
    between the non-charged and charged (BH)
  • Because of the relative more acidic intracellular
    environment, the relative proportion of charged
    fraction increases. This fraction interacts with
    the Na channel.
  • Local anesthetics do not ordinarily affect the
    membrane resting potential.

Mechanism of action and sodium channels
  • The Na channel is a protein structure that
    communicates the extracellular of the nerve with
    its axoplasm and consists of four repeating alpha
    subunits, a beta-1 and beta-2 subunits. The alpha
    subunits are involved in ion movement and local
    anesthetic activity.
  • It is generally accepted that local anesthetics
    main action involves interaction with specific
    binding sites within the Na channel.
  • The voltagedependence of channel opening is
    hypothesized to reflect conformational changes in
    response to changes in transmembrane potential.
    The voltage sensors or gates are located in the
    S4 helix the S4 helices are both hydrophobic and
    positively charged.

Mechanism of action and sodium channels
  • The Na channels seem to exist in three different
    states, closed, open and inactive.
  • With depolarization the protein molecules of the
    channel undergo conformational changes from the
    closed (resting) state to the ion-permeable state
    or open state.
  • The channel goes then through a transitional
    inactive state where the proteins leave the
    channel still closed and ion-impermeable.
  • With repolarization the proteins revert to their
    resting configuration. Local anesthetics may also
    block in some degree calcium and potassium
    channels as well as N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
  • Other drugs like tricyclic antidepressants
    (amitriptyline), meperidine, volatile anesthetics
    and ketamine also have sodium channel-blocking

Frequency and voltage dependence of local
anesthetic action
  • A resting nerve is much less sensitive to local
    anesthetic than one that is being stimulated.
  • The degree of block also depends on the nerve
    resting membrane potential, a more positive
    membrane potential causes a greater degree of
  • These frequency and voltage dependent effects
    occur because the local anesthetic in its charged
    form gain access to its biding site within the
    channel only when the Na channel is in an open

Pregnancy and local anesthetics
  • Increased sensitivity (more rapid onset, more
    profound block) may be present during pregnancy.
  • Also alterations in protein binding of
    bupivacaine may result in increased
    concentrations of active unbound drug in the
    pregnant patient.
  • During pregnancy, placental transfer is more
    active for lipid soluble local anesthetics,
    whereas higher protein binding becomes an
    obstacle to such transfer. In any case, agents
    with a pka closer to physiologic pH have a higher
    placental transfer. For example the umbilical
    vein/maternal vein ratio for mepivacaine is 0.8
    (pka 7.6) while for bupivacaine is 0.3 (pka 8.1).

Pregnancy and local anesthetics
  • In the presence of fetal acidosis, local
    anesthetics cross the placenta and become ionized
    in higher proportion than at normal pH. As
    ionized substances they cannot cross back to the
    maternal circulation (ion trapping).
    2-chloroprocaine with its very short maternal and
    fetal half-lives is theoretically an ideal local
    anesthetic in the presence of fetal acidosis.

Fiber size and pattern of blockade
  • As a general rule small nerve fibers are more
    susceptible to local anesthetics
  • However other factors like myelinazation and
    relative position of the fibers (mantle and core)
    within a nerve also play a role.
  • The smallest nerve fibers are nonmyelinated and
    are blocked more readily than larger myelinated
  • However myelinated fibers are blocked before
    nonmyelinated fibers of the same diameter.
  • In general autonomic fibers, small nonmyelinated
    C fibers (mediating pain), and small myelinated A
    delta fibers (mediating pain and temperature) are
    blocked before A gamma, A beta and A alpha fibers
    (carrying postural, touch, pressure and motor

Fiber size and pattern of blockade
  • In large nerve trunks motor fibers are usually
    located in the outer portion of the bundle and
    are more accessible to local anesthetic. Thus
    motor fibers may be blocked before sensory fibers
    in large mixed nerves.
  • In addition the frequency-dependence of local
    anesthetic action favors block of small sensory
    fibers. They generate long action potential (5
    ms) at high frequency, whereas motor fibers
    generate short action potentials (0.5 ms) at
    lower frequency. These characteristics of sensory
    fibers in general, and of pain fibers in
    particular, favor frequency-dependent block.

Modulating local anesthetic actionpH adjustment
  • Local anesthetics pass through the nerve membrane
    in a non-ionized hydrophobic (lipid soluble) base
  • In the axoplasm they equilibrate into an ionic
    form that is active within the sodium channel.
    The rate-limiting step in this cascade is
    penetration of the local anesthetic through the
    nerve membrane.
  • All available local anesthetics contain very
    little drug in the non-ionized state. This
    fraction depends on the pka of the drug and the
    ph of the solution.
  • Changes in ph can produce a shortening of the
    onset time, being the limiting factor for ph
    adjustment the solubility of the base form of the
    drug (precipitation).
  • DiFazio et al (Anesth Analg 198665 760-64)
    demonstrated more than 50 decrease in onset of
    epidural anesthesia when the pH of commercially
    available lidocaine with epinephrine was raised
    from 4.5 to 7.2 by the addition of bicarbonate.

Modulating local anesthetic actionpH adjustment
  • Hilgier (Reg Anesth 198510 59-61) reported a
    marked improvement in the onset time for brachial
    plexus anesthesia when bupivacaine with
    epinephrine (pH 3.9) was alkalinized to pH 6.4
    before injection.
  • However, when only small changes in pH can be
    achieved because of the limited solubility of the
    base, only small decreases in onset time will
    occur, as when plain bupivacaine is alkalinized.
    For each local anesthetic there is a ph at which
    the amount of base in solution is maximal (a
    saturated solution).
  • Chloroprocaine plus 1 mL of sodium bicarbonate
    for 30 mL of solution raises the pH to 6.8.
    Adding 1 mL of sodium bicarbonate per 10 mL of
    lidocaine or mepivacaine raises the pH of the
    solution to 7.2 and adding 0.1 mL of bicarbonate
    per 10 mL of bupivacaine raises the pH of the
    solution to 6.4

Modulating local anesthetic actionpH adjustment
  • Carbonation
  • Another approach to shortening onset time has
    been the use of carbonated local anesthetic
    solutions. The solution contains large amounts of
    carbon dioxide, which readily diffuses into the
    axoplasm of the nerve lowering the ph and
    favoring the formation of the cationic active
    form of the local anesthetic. Carbonated
    solutions are not available in the United States

  • Vasoconstrictors to prolong the anesthetic effect
    and to decrease absorption.
  • Epinephrine is also used to detect intravascular
    injection (test dose).
  • Vasoconstrictors may also improve the quality and
    density of the block especially with spinal and
    epidural anesthesia. This has been demonstrated
    with tetracaine, lidocaine and bupivacaine. The
    mechanism is unclear.
  • Epinephrine may simply increase the amount of
    local anesthetic available by reducing
    absorption. It could have also some anesthetic
    effect by means of its alpha 2-agonist actions.
  • Subarachnoid epinephrine potentially delays the
    time for urination, which may delay discharge.

  • Epinephrine used other than intrathecally is
    absorbed systemically and may produce adverse
    cardiovascular effects.
  • In small doses the beta-adrenergic effects
    predominate with increased cardiac output and
    heart rate. Dose larger than 0.25 mg (250 ug) may
    be associated with arrhythmias or other
    undesirable cardiac effects.
  • Lately concerns have been raised about potential
    neural ischemia caused by epinephrine acting on
    epineural vessels and vaso nervorum. This
    potential risk has to be balanced against lower
    risk of systemic toxicity, marker for
    intravascular injection and prolongation of
  • Neal in 2003
  • adding 5 ug/mL (1200,000 dilution) prolongs the
    duration of lidocaine for peripheral nerve blocks
    from 186 minutes to 264 minutes.
  • Adding only 2.5 ug/mL (1400,000 dilution)
    prolongs the block to 240 minutes (almost the
    same prolongation) without apparent effect on
    nerve blood flow.
  • Patients with micro angiopathy (e.g., diabetics)
    who could be at increase risk for neural ischemia
    secondary to vasoconstriction potentially could
    benefit from the use of more diluted epinephrine

  • Opioids
  • The addition of short-acting opioids such as
    fentanyl and sufentanil to spinal anesthetics
    appears to intensify the block and prolong the
    duration of anesthesia similar to epinephrine
    without affecting urination. They also prolong
    analgesia beyond the duration of local
    anesthetics. When used epidurally they usually
    produced pruritus. Their usefulness in peripheral
    nerve blocks is not clear

  • Clonidine
  • Alpha 2-agonists have analgesic effects when
    injected on nerves or in the subarachnoid space.
    Side effects (hypotension, bradycardia) limit its
    use but small doses (50-75 ucg) have shown to
    significantly prolong analgesia in spinal,
    epidural, intravenous regional, and peripheral
    nerve blocks both when injected with the local
    anesthetics and when given orally.
  • Hyaluronidase
  • It breaks down collagen bonds potentially
    facilitating the spread of local anesthetic
    through tissue planes. The evidence however shows
    at least in the epidural space to decrease the
    quality of anesthesia. Its use seems limited to
    retrobulbar blocks.
  • Dextran
  • Dextran and other high-molecular-weight compounds
    have been advocated to increase the duration of
    local anesthetics. The evidence is lacking.

  • Ester local anesthetics
  • They are hydrolyzed at the ester linkage by
    plasma pseudocholinesterase (also hydrolyses
    acetylcholine and succinylcholine). The
    hydrolysis of 2-chloroprocaine is about four
    times faster than procaine, which in turn is
    hydrolyzed about four times faster than
    tetracaine. In individuals with atypical plasma
    pseudocholinesterase the half-life of these drugs
    is prolonged and potentially could lead to plasma
  • The hydrolysis of all ester anesthetics leads to
    the formation of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA),
    which is associated with a low potential for
    allergic reactions. Allergic reactions may also
    develop from the use of multiple dose vials of
    amide local anesthetics that contain PABA as a

  • Amide local anesthetics
  • They are transported into the liver before their
    biotransformation. The two major factors
    controlling the clearance of amide local
    anesthetics by the liver are hepatic blood flow
    and hepatic function.
  • The metabolism of local anesthetics as well as
    that of many other drugs occurs in the liver by
    the cytochrome P-450 enzymes. Because the liver
    has a large capacity for metabolizing drugs it is
    unlikely that drug interaction would affect the
    metabolism of local anesthetics.
  • Drugs such as general anesthetics,
    norepinephrine, cimetidine, propranolol and
    calcium channel blockers (e.g., diltiazem) can
    decrease hepatic blood flow and increase the
    elimination half-life of amides. Similarly
    decreases in hepatic function caused by a
    lowering of body temperature, immaturity of the
    hepatic enzyme system in the fetus, or liver
    damage (e.g., cirrhosis) lead to a decreased rate
    of hepatic metabolism of the amides. Renal
    clearance of unchanged local anesthetics is a
    minor route of elimination (lidocaine is only 3
    to 5 recovered unchanged in the urine of adults
    while for bupivacaine is 10 to 16).

  • Systemic local anesthesia toxicity is related to
    plasma levels. Plasma concentration depends on
  • The total dose
  • The net absorption, which depends on
    vasoactivity of the drug, site vascularity and
    use of a vasoconstrictor.
  • Biotransformation and elimination of the drug
    from the circulation
  • Peak local anesthetic blood levels are directly
    related to the dose administered at any given
    site. Generally the administration of a 100-mg
    dose of lidocaine in the epidural or caudal space
    results in approximately a 1 ucg/mL peak blood
    level in an average adult. The same dose injected
    into less vascular areas (e.g., brachial plexus
    axillary approach or subcutaneous infiltration)
    produces a peak blood level of app 0.5 ucg/mL.
    The same dose injected intercostal produces a 1.5
    ucg/mL plasma level.

  • Systemic local anesthesia toxicity
  • Peak blood levels may also be affected by the
    rate of biotransformation and elimination. In
    general this is the case only for very actively
    metabolized drugs such as 2-chloroprocaine, which
    has a plasma half-life of about 45 seconds to1
  • For amide local anesthetics like lidocaine peak
    plasma level after regional anesthesia primarily
    result from absorption. Lidocaine
    biotransformation half-life is approximately 90
    minutes. Local anesthetics interfere with the
    functions of all organs in which transmission of
    impulses occurs, among others the CNS and
    cardiovascular systems.

  • Central nervous system
  • Toxic levels are usually produced by inadvertent
    intravascular injection.
  • It can also result from the slow absorption
    following peripheral injection.
  • A sequence of symptoms can include
  • Numbness
    of the tongue

  • Lightheadedness
  • Tinnitus

  • Restlessness

  • Tachycardia

  • Convulsions

  • Respiratory arrest

  • Cardiovascular system
  • The cardiovascular manifestations usually follow
    the CNS effects (therapeutic index). The
    exception is bupivacaine, which can produce
    cardiac toxicity at subconvulsant concentrations.
  • Rhythm and conduction are rarely affected by
    lidocaine, mepivacaine and tetracaine but
    bupivacaine and etidocaine can produce
    ventricular arrhythmias.
  • EKG shows a prolongation of PR and widening of
    the QRS
  • Higher incidence in pregnancy
  • CV toxicity is increased under hypoxia and

Treatment of systemic toxicity
  • ABC (Airway, Breathing and Circulation) is the
    mainstay of treatment.
  • Administration of O2 by mask or bag and mask is
    often all that is necessary to treat seizures. If
    seizures interfere with ventilation
    benzodiazepines, thiopental or propofol can be
    used. The use of succinylcholine effectively
    facilitates ventilation and by abolishing
    muscular activity decreases the severity of
    acidosis. However neuronal seizure activity is
    not inhibited and thus cerebral metabolism and
    oxygen requirements remain increased.
  • .

Treatment of systemic toxicity
  • Little information is available regarding the
    treatment of cardiovascular toxicity of local
    anesthetics in humans. Animal data suggest that
    (1) high doses of epinephrine may be necessary to
    support heart rate and blood pressure (2)
    atropine may be useful for bradycardia (3) DC
    cardioversion is often successful and (4)
    ventricular arrhythmias are probably better
    treated with amiodarone than with lidocaine.
    Amiodarone is used as for ACLS, 150 mg over 10
    min, followed by 1 mg/min for 6 hrs then 0.5
    mg/min. Supplementary infusion of 150 mg as
    necessary up to 2 g. For pulseless VT or VF,
    initial administration is 300 mg rapid infusion
    in 20-30 mL of saline or dextrose in water.
    Vasopressin (40 U IV, single dose, one time only)
    is more frequently used now before epinephrine (1
    mg IV every 3-5 minutes). The best treatment for
    toxic reactions is prevention

Maximum dose
  • Regional anesthesiologists perform peripheral
    nerve blocks with an amount of local anesthetic
    that usually exceeds the maximum recommended
  • The common recommendations for maximum doses as
    suggested by the literature are not evidence
    based (14) and have proven to be poor
    approximation of safety (15).
  • Many practitioners have called to review these
    guidelines to better reflect the reality of
    clinical practice. The American Society of
    Regional Anesthesia convened a Conference in
    Local Anesthetic Toxicity with a panel of
    experts in 2001 to discuss the subject. Many
    papers related to that conference have been
  • In a review article by Rosenberg et al (14) the
    authors propose that the safe ranges should be
    block specific and related to patients age
    (e.g., epidural), organ dysfunction (especially
    for repeated doses) and pregnancy. They suggest
    also adding epinephrine 2.5 to 5 µg/ml when not
  • The fact is that most of the systemic toxicity
    occurs with unintentional direct intravascular

  • Prilocaine and benzocaine can oxidize the ferric
    form of the hemoglobin to the ferrous form,
    creating methemoglobin. When this exceeds 4 g/dL
    cyanosis can occur. Depending on the degree
    Methemoglobinemia can lead to tissue hypoxia. The
    oxyHb curve shifts to the left (P50 lt 27 mmHg).
    MetHb has a larger absorbance than Hb and 02Hb at
    940 nm but simulates Hb at 660 nm. Therefore at
    high SaO2 levels (more than 85) the reading
    underestimates the true value of it or
    overestimates the O2Hb. At low SaO2 (lt85) the
    value is falsely high. In the presence of high
    MetHb concentrations the SaO2 approaches 85
    independent of the actual arterial oxygenation.
  • Methemoglobinemia is easily treated by the
    administration of methylene blue (1-5mg/kg) or
    less successfully of ascorbic acid (2 mg/kg).

  • True allergy to local anesthetics is rare. It is
    relatively more frequent with esters, which are
    metabolized to para-amino-benzoic acid (PABA).
    PABA is frequently used in the pharmaceutical and
    cosmetic industries. Allergy to amide local
    anesthetics is exceedingly rare. There is no
    cross allergy between esters and amides. However
    use of methylparaben as a preservative in
    multidose vials of lidocaine can elicit allergy
    in patients allergic to PABA

  • Esterpka 8.9slow onsetvery short half life (20
    sec)protein binding 5
  • duration short

  • Esterpka 9.0rapid onsetshort duration (it has
    30 minutes 2-segment regression in epidural)
  • serious neurological deficits have occurred after
    massive intrathecal injection planned for spinal
    possible associated with the antioxidant
    bisulfite.The next preservative used
    ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) was
    associated with severe muscle spasm after
    epidural in ambulatory patients. The present
    solution is prepared without preservative and no
    back spasms have been reported

  • Esterpka 8.6slow onsetshort plasma half life
    (2.5 to 4 min) and long duration of action

  • esterpka 8.5slow onsetshort durationvasoconstr
    ictorinterferes with the reuptake of
    cathecolamines resulting in hypertension,
    tachycardia, arrhythmia and myocardial
    ischemia.Can potentiate cathecolamine-induced
    arrhythmia by halothane, theophylline or

  • ester (only secondary amine). It limits its
    ability to pass through membranes.pka 3.5slow
    onsetshort durationTopical anestheticexcessive
    use is associated with Methemoglobinemia

  • Lidocaineamidepka 7.7intermediate onset and
    durationhalf-life 45-60 min

  • Mepivacaineamidepka 7.6intermediate onset and

  • Bupivacaineamidepka 8.1Slow onset, long
    durationCardiac arrest associated with
    bupivacaine is difficult to treat possibly due to
    its high protein binding and high lipid

  • Ropivacaineamidepka 8.2chemical analog of
    mepivacaine and bupivacainePrepared as L
    enantiomerOnset and duration as well as potency
    similar to bupivacaine Cardiac toxicity higher
    than mepivacaine but lower than bupivacaine

  • LevobupivacaineamideL enantiomer of
    bupivacainesimilar to ropivacaine
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