Title: Carol S. Gifford MSN, RN, CPHQ
1Redesign the Paradigm Efficient Clinical
Documentation in an Electronic World
Sue Ryan RN, CPAN, BSN Quality Improvement
Nurse Institute for Healthcare Quality
Innovation University Hospitals Case Medical
Kristen Bates MBA, RHIA, CCS, CDIP Corporate
Manager Health Information Services University
Carol S. Gifford MSN, RN, CPHQ Quality
Improvement Nurse Institute for Healthcare
Quality Innovation University Hospitals Case
Medical Center
Kelly Skorepa BSN, RN, CCDS Corporate Manager,
Clinical Documentation Improvement University
Sara Hissong BS, RN Clinical Informatics Liaison,
EMR Change Management
Sally Streiber BS, MBA, CPC, CEMC Manager, Coding
Compliance and Education, Compliance and Ethics
Department University Hospitals
Raymond Krncevic, Esq. Associate General Counsel
Erica E Remer, MD, FACEP, CCDS Physician Clinical
Documentation Education Coordinator University
- Identify bad documentation practices
- Judge and generate superior clinical
documentation - Assimilate electronic tips and tools to be more
time efficient
University Hospitals
3Improving Documentation
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
4Improving Quality
- Communication
- Of medical care provided
- Perception of outcomes
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
5November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
6Institutional Clinical Communication
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
7November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
8Were going to cut and paste kids. Commas
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
9Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the
frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The
rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed
it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn
mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but
the wrod as a wlohe.
Quality Assurance/Peer Review Report Privileged
Pursuant to O.R.C. Section 2305.24, .251, .252
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
11Fact or Fiction?
- I dont have time to document well
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
12Do you have time NOT to?!
- Legal
- Timing is everything
- Internal inconsistencies
- Right hand doesnt know what the left hand is
doing - Rationale
- Lack of specificity
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
13Do you have time NOT to?!
- Denials
- Utilization Review
- Clinical Documentation Integrity Queries
- Audits
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
14Tell the Story!
- Substance is more important than length
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
15(Non) Progress note
Service Cardiology Subjective Data
is a 84 year old Female who is Hospital
Day 6. Pt seen and examined at bedside. She has
AD, poor historian. Pt appears comfortable. Overn
ight Events Patient had an uneventful night.
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
Chief Complaint Patient comes in for a routine
checkup F/U on DM and HTN also c/o left sided
chest pain History of Present Illness Pt. has
been notating his blood sugar for the past few
weeks. Pt. came to discuss it with doctor.
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
17Daily Progress Note for
Visit , Final, Entered, Signed
in Full, General Subjective Data
is a 90 year old Female who
is Hospital Day 2. Objective Data
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
18November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
19Quality Assurance/Peer Review Report Privileged
Pursuant to O.R.C. Section 2305.24, .251, .252
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
20November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
Chief Complaint Chest pain History of Present
Illness 64 year old with history of previous MI
1999, c/o 1 week of intermittent achy 4/10 left
sided chest pain with diaphoresis when walking
his dog.
Duration, Timing, Quality, Severity, Location,
Associated signs and symptoms, Context
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
22November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
23yesterday morning. Patient to ask in the
breakfast, and 80, and feel well. After taking
at its. There are related off to know when he
was sitting at the at the dinner table and his
granddaughter was in his lab and he started
feeling a lot of nausea, belching, Margaret
abdominal pain, even to the bathroom 3 times
yesterday. He was not work today, via he denies,
fever, chills, sweating.
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
24November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
255/28 Cardiomyopathy - EF 25-30 on
echocardiogram earlier in month - Re introduce
hydralazine will give 20 mg lasix IV once
today - Will optimize HF meds 5/29
Cardiomyopathy - EF 25-30 on echocardiogram
earlier in month - Re introduce hydralazine
will give 20 mg lasix IV once today - Will
optimize HF meds 5/30 Cardiomyopathy -
EF 25-30 on echocardiogram earlier in month -
Re introduce hydralazine will give 20 mg lasix
IV once today - Will optimize HF meds
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
26Documentation (CMS)
May use macros, but must provide customized
info that is sufficient to support a medical
necessity determination. ..must sufficiently
describe the specific services furnished to the
specific patient on the specific date. If both
the resident and the teaching physician use only
macros, this is considered insufficient
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
27Dont Propagate, Cogitate!
Mindful Editing
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
28Good documentation
What constitutes good documentation?
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
29Good documentation
- Accurate, consistent
- Relevant
- Complete, but concise
- Organized and easy to follow
- Timely
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
30ED note, HP, Consult Note
- Timely
- Original
- Logical narrative
- Appropriate detail
- Pertinent positives, negatives, and abnormals
- Support your conclusions
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
31Progress Notes
- Timely
- Dont copy and paste from day to day
- Dont leave everyone wondering why is the patient
still here (because nothing seems to be happening
or changing) - Dont let the only change from day to day, BE the
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
32Office Notes
- Have at least 1 chief complaint / reason for
visit (not follow-up, not no complaints) - Address all chief complaints in HPI, ROS, and PE
- Mindful editing of CP or template from visit to
visit - Support action plan
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
34Subsequent Hospital Days/Established Patient
- (Hi)Story
- What has happened?
- How is the patient feeling?
- Have the symptoms changed?
- Any clinical events of note?
- Observations (PE and testing)
- Document your work-product
- Make templates
- Analysis and Plan (MDM)
- Status (original problem, new issues)
- Interpretation of tests, procedures
- Medical necessity for new orders
- Focus of treatment
- Documentation of definitive diagnoses
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
35Analysis Plan
- Most important part of the documentation
- Dont regurgitate the HPI or the interval history
- Synthesize, analyze
- Readable
- Consultants need to be clear on recommendations
- Evolving (progress notes). Dont CP the same
assessment and plan every day.
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
366x-7 3x-5 5x78 4 7 28
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
37Analysis Plan
- Evolve diagnoses
- Resolve diagnoses
- Recap major diagnoses in discharge summary
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
38Dont Attest, Invest!
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
39Attestation and Signature
- An unsigned note is an unbillable service
- Resident documentation without attestation is an
unbillable service - Unattested and/or unsigned notes cannot be
utilized to support any other service - The date of service can be adjusted if you are
signing on a different day, presuming you SAW the
patient on the earlier day
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
40Documentation Audit Tool
Chief Complaint Explicit Statement
Historical Narrative Advances understanding of why patient is still in hospital
PE PE appropriate to condition, accurate, identifiably unique
Data Acquisition and Interpretation Appropriate testing, reviewed and analyzed
Assessment (Diagnoses) Clear analysis and synthesis all problems current with appropriate diagnoses
Plan All identifiable problems with reasonable, clear plans MDM commensurate with severity
Attending Input Attending generated or additional added-value documentation and signed within 24 hours
Succinctness No gratuitous CP, no import of irrelevant info
Accuracy Consistent w/ clinical picture, no incorrect info, mindfully edited, trustworthy
Comprehensibility Understandable, organized, advances the story of the patient
41November 22, 2014
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42November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
43Ebbinghaus Curve of Forgetting
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
44Efficiency in the EMR
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
45Efficiency in the EMR
- Technology
- Have the technology work for YOU
- Utilize your ancillary help (CC, PFSH, ROS)
- Patient questionnaires (be sure to review,
validate, sign and date, scan into record) - Dragon (Password)
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
46Dont remove another disciplines content from a
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
47Efficiency in the EMR
- Acronyms
- Acronym expansion in UHCare Word macros for AEMR
- You can incorporate other peoples acronym
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
48Efficiency in the EMR
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
49Efficiency in the EMR
- Acronyms
- Acronym expansion in UHCare Word macros for AEMR
- You can incorporate other peoples acronym
expansions - Favorites
- Copying another clinicians favorites in Problem
List Manager - Can use CTRL Click, CTRL-Z and open document
details of multiple documents at once
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
50Efficiency in the EMR
- Build filters
- Re-ordering orders
- Utilizing Favorites (prescriptions, types of
documents you use frequently) - To see old records, click All available charts
and change the date range using Authored Date - Learn the meaning of icons could add labels
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
51Efficiency in the EMR
- Radio buttons
- All other systems have been reviewed
- Normals, My normal
- Mindful editing
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
52UHCare Physician Support Line
- 216-286-6200
- Available 24/7
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
53Efficiency in the EMR
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
54Take-Away Points
What did you learn and do you think would be
valuable to pass on to others who werent
November 22, 2014
University Hospitals
55Thank You.