An Introduction to Animal Structure and Function - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Introduction to Animal Structure and Function


Title: Lecture #18 Date _____ Author: Chris Hilvert Last modified by: CCSD Created Date: 2/22/2001 6:02:26 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Introduction to Animal Structure and Function

  • An Introduction to Animal Structure and Function

Animal Needs
  • All animals have a few tenants in common
  • They must obtain oxygen from the environment
  • They must acquire nourishment and
  • They must excrete waste
  • To study these tenants we look at an animals
  • Anatomy the structure of an organism and
  • Physiology the functions an organism performs

Tissue Types
  • Basis of anatomy are tissues
  • Epithelial (barrier against mechanical injury,
    microbes, and fluid loss)
  • Connective (binds and supports other tissues)
  • Muscle (movement)
  • Nervous (senses stimuli and transmits signals)

Tissues Epithelial
  • Epithelial outside of body and lines organs and
    cavities held together by tight junctions
    (specific proteins that form a seal around the
  • Types of epithelial tissues
  • Simple single layer of cells
  • Stratified multiple tiers of cells
  • Pseudostratified single layer of cells, but
    appears stratified because the varying cell
  • Basement membrane dense mat of extracellular
    matrix that form the base of the epithelial layer

Tissues Epithelial
  • Cell shapes
  • Cuboidal (like dice)
  • Columnar (like bricks on end)
  • Squamous (like floor tiles)
  • Glandular epithelia (absorb or secrete chemical
    solutions, example mucous membranes)

Tissues Epithelial
Tissues Connective
  • Connective bind and support other tissues
    scattered cells through the extracellular matrix
  • Collagenous fibers (collagen protein)
    nonelastic and do not tear easily (keeps flesh
    from tearing away from bone)
  • Elastic fibers (elastin protein) has a rubbery
    quality that allows the protein to be stretched
    and then pulled back to original shape
  • Reticular fibers (thin branched collagen fibers)
    form a tightly woven fabric that joins
    connective tissue to adjacent tissues

Tissues Connective
  • Loose connective tissue binds epithelia to
    underlying tissue holds organs
  • Found in loose connective tissue
  • Fibroblasts- cells that secrete extracellular
  • Macrophages- amoeboid WBCs phagocytosis
  • Adipose tissue stores fat in adipose cells
    (pads and insulates body and stores fuel)
  • Fibrous connective tissue parallel bundles of
    cells (maximizes nonelastic strength)
  • Tendons connects muscle to bone
  • Ligaments connects bone to bone (joints)

Tissues Connective
  • Cartilage collagen in a rubbery matrix
    (chondroitin) flexible support (acts as cushion
    between vertebrae or joints)
  • Bone mineralized tissue by osteoblasts
    (provides strength and support for body)
  • Blood liquid plasma matrix erythrocytes
    (RBCs) carry O2 leukocytes (WBCs) immunity
    platelets for clotting

Tissues Connective
Tissues Nervous
  • Nervous senses stimuli and transmits signals
    from 1 part of the animal to another
  • Neuron functional unit that transmits impulses
  • Dendrites receives signals from other neurons
  • Axons transmits impulses toward another neuron
    or effector

Tissues Nervous
Tissues Muscle
  • Muscle composed of muscle fibers that are
    capable of contracting when stimulated by nerve
    impulses myofibrils (contraction unit) are
    composed of the proteins actin and myosin
  • Skeletal voluntary movement (striated) attached
    to bones by tendons, can only contract
  • Cardiac contractile wall of heart (branched
    striated) although striated, it is still
  • Smooth involuntary activities (no striations)
    examples digestion, movement of arteries

Tissues Muscle
Organ systems
  • Digestive-food processing
  • Circulatory-internal distribution
  • Respiratory-gas exchange
  • Immune/Lymphatic-defense
  • Excretory-waste disposal osmoregulation
  • Endocrine-coordination of body activities
  • Reproductive-reproduction
  • Nervous-detection of stimuli
  • Integumentary-protection
  • Skeletal-support protection
  • Muscular-movement locomotion
  • Organ organization of tissues
  • Mesentaries suspension of organs (connective
  • Thoracic cavity (lungs and heart)
  • Abdominal cavity (intestines)
  • Diaphragm (respiration) separates the thoracic
    and abdominal cavities

Microscope Activity
  • You will be examining various slides of animal
  • In your lab notebooks, I want you to draw what
    you see at the 100X and 400X powers and label as
    many parts as you can
  • You may use your textbooks for aid (look at the
    diagrams on pp.824-826)

  • Bioenergetics and Thermoregulation

  • All organisms require chemical energy for normal
    physiological processes
  • The flow of energy through an animal is called
  • Food is the source of the chemical energy needed
    to survive (remember cellular respiration)
  • Creation of ATP

Metabolic Rate
  • To gain a further understanding of energy usage,
    scientists measure energy uses for life processes
    to come up with a metabolic rate (the sum of all
    the energy-requiring biochemical reactions
    occurring over some time interval)
  • Energy is measured in calories (cal) or
    kilocalories (kcal)

Determining Metabolic Rate
  • Since nearly all energy that is used in cellular
    respiration eventually appears as heat, we can
    measure rate of heat loss
  • Use a calorimeter
  • Can also measure the amount of O2 used or CO2
    produced through oxidative phosphorylation
    (remember Krebs cycle and electron transport
  • Rate of food consumption over long period of time
  • Not very accurate because a lot of food can be
    stored as fat

Bioenergetic Strategy
  • Many organisms have different life strategies
    that utilize energy differently
  • Endothermic warm-blooded their bodies are
    warmed by metabolism and temperature is
    maintained in a narrow range (98.6 F in humans)
  • Mostly in birds and mammals
  • Ectothermic cold-blooded their bodies are
    warmed by external sources
  • Lower energy cost for animal
  • Mostly in fish, amphibians, reptiles and

Influence on Metabolic Rate
  • Many factors also contribute to the metabolic
    rate of animals
  • Size in general, the smaller the animal, the
    higher the metabolic rate (mice and other rodents
    use about 20 times more energy/gram than an
  • Activity basal metabolic rate (BMR) the basic
    amount of energy needed to sustain basic life
  • Average human male 1600-1800 kcal
  • Average human female 1300-1500 kcal
  • In general, the more fit an individual, the
    higher the BMR (swimmers, runners, etc)

Metabolic Activity in Ectotherms
  • In ectotherms, the amount of energy needed to
    sustain life functions is determined by the
    environment (this is where they get their energy
    to regulate their temperature)
  • In ectotherms, we use a standard metabolic rate
    (SMR) which is based on a specific temperature

Internal Environments
  • How organisms regulate their internal anatomy

  • Organisms have many strategies to maintain their
    internal environment
  • interstitial fluids (fills the spaces between
    cells) are responsible for exchanging waste and
  • The goal of metabolism is to maintain a balanced
    steady-state condition where all materials and
    temperatures within the body are in homeostasis
  • a narrow range of optimal conditions that allow
    an organism to resist change

Homeostatis Strategies
  • Regulator uses internal mechanisms to moderate
    fluctuations in the environment
  • Example Shivering is your bodies response to
    cold (kinetic energy produces heat to warm you
  • Conformer organism is able to alter their
    physiological state to suit their environment
  • Example Ectotherms alter their body temperature
    and metabolism based on temperture
  • Most organisms are not JUST regulators or
    conformers, but have a wide variety of strategies
    to deal with their environment

Mechanism of homeostasis
  • To enact regulation, any control system has 3
    parts 1) receptor (to sense the changing
    condition) 2) control center (to process the
    condition) and 3) effector (the appropriate
  • There are two ways in which to enact this
  • Negative feedback change in a physiological
    variable that is being monitored triggers a
    response that counteracts the initial
    fluctuation i.e., body temperature
  • Positive feedback physiological control
    mechanism in which a change in some variable
    triggers mechanisms that amplify the change
    i.e., uterine contractions at childbirth

Thermoregulation negative feedback
  • Example Thermoregulation (maintaining a
    specific range of temperature)
  • Body senses temperature change (nerves in skin)
  • The impulses are sent to the brain to process
  • Appropriate response

Other Strategies of Thermoregulation
  • There are 4 basic strategies of heat transfer
  • Conduction direct transfer of heat from objects
    touching (lizard on a warm rock)
  • Convection transfer of heat by the movement of
    air or liquid (a breeze cooling you down)
  • Radiation transfer of heat through space by
    some form of electromagnetic waves (warming up in
    the sunlight)
  • Evaporation removal of heat from a surface by
    converting a liquid to a gas (sweating)

Heat Loss vs. Heat Gain
  • Organisms need to use different heat transfer
    strategies to balance heat loss with heat gain
    (maintain temperature homeostasis)
  • Insulation many organisms have different
    strategies to limit heat loss or gain through
    insulation (skin, hair, feathers, fat)
  • Most of the insulation is provided by the air
    trapped by the hair or fur, or
  • The layers of fat in the adipose tissue in the
    hypodermis (lowest layer of skin)

Heat Loss vs. Heat Gain
  • Control of blood flow
  • In endotherms, vasodilation (blood vessels
    expand) increases blood flow to the skin and
    warms the skin (blood is from your core)
  • To cool the skin, vasoconstriction (blood vessels
    contract) reduce blood flow to skin

Marine Animals
  • An important strategy for many marine mammals and
    birds is countercurrent heat exchange
  • Blood vessels are arranged so that warmer,
    internal blood vessels, are near blood vessels
    that are sending blood to extremities
  • The warmer blood increases the temperature of the
    cooler blood

Heat Loss vs. Heat Gain
  • Cooling with evaporation
  • Can lose heat by evaporation through the skin
    (sweat) or when they breathe (water vapor)
  • Dogs panting
  • Birds have a pouch of blood vessels in the floor
    of their mouth (panting releases the heat from
    the blood)
  • Sweat glands in skin
  • Spreading saliva on body

Energy and Temperature Regulation
  • Behavioral responses can help with
    thermoregulation and energy savings during
    stressful environmental conditions
  • Reptiles and amphibians basking in the sun or
    finding shade when hot out
  • Migration during winter
  • Organisms huddle together when cold
  • Some organisms are only active when it is warm

Energy and Temperature Regulation
  • Temperature can induce the body to make brown
    fat, causes the cells to produce heat instead of
  • Hibernation during the cold (torpor, reduced
    physiological state to save energy lowered body
    temperature and lowered pulse)
  • Estivation during hot periods (a state of torpor
    during extreme heat)
  • Daily torpor (reduced metabolic activity during
    certain times of the day)

Adjusting to Temperature
  • Animals can also acclimatize to different
    environment temperature
  • Mammals and birds adjust the amount of insulation
    (thicker coat of fur or blubber or shedding fur)
  • In ectotherms, changes are often made at the
    cellular level
  • Produce different enzymes that work at different
    temperatures, produce biological antifreeze
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