Title: UK Government
1UK Government Delivering Carbon Capture
StorageLouise BarrHead, Outreach and
CollaborationOffice of CCS, Department of Energy
and Climate Change
2Why Does Carbon Capture and Storage Matter?
With Global population is set to rise from 7 to
9 billion by 2050, world energy demand is
expected to increase by 50 over the next 20
years alone Zero Emissions Platform Unless
the rise in average global temperature is kept
below 2 degrees C devastating and irreversible
climate changes will occur Today renewables
provide 13 of our energy and this could climb
to 30 by 2030. Fossil fuels will remain our
main source of energy for decades to come. CCS
is an essential part of the portfolio of
technologies needed to achieve substantial global
emissions reductions International Energy
Agency CCS will provide up to 20 of the
reductions we need to make by 2050 International
Energy Agency
3Why CCS is important
Tackling Global Climate Change
4What is Carbon Capture and Storage?
- We can capture at least 90 of the CO2 emitted
by power plants and heavy industry - SAFE TRANSPORT
- Liquid CO2 has been transported by pipeline for
decades - SAFE STORAGE
- Using natural storage mechanisms, CO2 is trapped
between 700m and 5,000m underground
5CAPTURE Pre-combustion capture
CO2 is captured before fuel is burned
6CAPTUREOxyfuel capture
CO2 is captured during fuel combustion
7CAPTUREPost combustion capture
CO2 is captured after fuel has been burned
- CO2 is already transported by pipeline, and also
by ship when the distance between the CO2 source
and storage is too far - Widespread deployment of CCS will therefore
require a CO2 pipeline network
The liquid CO2 is pumped deep underground into
one of two types of CO2 storage reservoir
(porous rock)
Cap rock
700m - 3,000m
Deep saline aquifer
Cap rock
up to 5,000m
Depleted oil and gas fields
10Safety of Stored CO2 Increases Over Time
- Residual Trapping
- Some of the injected CO2 becomes trapped in the
tiny pores of the rocks and simply cannot move,
even under pressure - Dissolution Trapping
- A portion of the CO2 dissolves into the
surrounding salt water - Mineral Trapping
- After dissolution, some of the heavy CO2-rich
water sinks to the bottom of the reservoir, where
over time it may react to form minerals such as
those found in limestone.
11Why CCS is important for the UK
Ensuring domestic energy security
12Why CCS is a major opportunity for the UK oil
and gas expertise and potential storage locations
- Map showing the location of offshore
hydrocarbon fields and the major oil and
gas-bearing sedimentary fields - UK is ideally placed for offshore CO2 storage
- The estimated CO2 storage capacity of the UK and
its continental shelf 22 GTonnes - Approximately 100 years of capacity at UK current
rate of emissions. - Source British Geological Society
- Source British Geological Survey
13The UK Governments Commitment to CCS
- No new coal fired power stations without CCS
- Two Front End Engineering (FEED) Studies,
undertaken to inform the 1st CCS demonstrator - Established the Office of Carbon Capture and
Storage - Committed up to 1billion for the first CCS
demonstrator - Committed to continuing public sector investment
in three further CCS demonstration projects - Opened up the selection process for
demonstrations 2-4 to include gas - Wider regulatory reforms introduced to underpin
deployment of CCS Electricity Market Reforms,
Carbon Price Floor, Emissions Performance
Standard, Infrastructure Consultation
14Maintaining the focus on Delivery ..Demo 1
- FEED studies continue - expected to complete in
spring 2011 - currently considering how best we
disseminate this knowledge - Outcome of the procurement of Demo 1 expected
to be announced in second half of 2011, subject
to agreeing terms which are acceptable to the
Government and the bidder - Pending successful selection, operation to start
shortly after construction (2014-15) - 1st demonstration is intended to bring invaluable
technical, regulatory and commercial knowledge
with an explicit commitment to knowledge transfer - First stage of a process to enable wide
deployment in 2020s - Demos 2-4 will build on arrangements created to
enable demo 1 to succeed
15Commercial scale demonstrationDemonstration 1
- Scottish Power are the remaining bidder in the
first CCS demonstrator project, subject to due
diligence and satisfactory terms - Scottish Power Consortium seeking to take forward
Longannet demonstration project. - Scottish Power Consortium which also includes
Shell (for the storage) and National Grid (for
the transport) - This demonstration project would be retrofitting
around 300 MW post-combustion capture technology
and - Will be one of the first commercial scale coal
fired CCS projects in the world.
16Commercial scale demonstrationDemonstration 1
17Working together and sharing knowledge is key
Knowledge Transfer
- Our aim is to provide key information to
facilitate the development of other CCS projects
in the UK and internationally - To deliver this, the Knowledge Transfer from
projects is expected to go significantly beyond
normal commercial practice - We will deliver Knowledge Transfer from the E.ON
FEED and Scottish Power FEED - And Knowledge Transfer will be integral to the
first demonstrator project - Knowledge Transfer will feed into the EU Project
Network and the Global Carbon Capture and Storage
Institutes (GCCSI) knowledge sharing programme.
18Maintaining the Focus on Delivery ..
Demonstrations 2 - 4
- Market sounding process signalled a good appetite
of further demonstrators and several well
developed proposals - Also signalled the need to include a
demonstration of CCS on gas - EU launched the New Entrants Reserve funding
(NER300 funding) launched on Tuesday 9th November
2010. This will provide funding (some 300m EU
ETS allowances) towards some 34 renewables
projects and 8 CCS projects in the EU - The call for proposals for NER300 funding was
launched on 9th November 2010, with responses due
by 9th February 2011 - Decisions on funding arrangements for
demonstrations 2-4 are being considered in the
context of the March budget -
19Challenges to overcome
- Regulatory
- Regulatory environment for key elements of the
CCS chain not yet finalised (particularly
relating to the consent for storage facilities
and the treatment of liabilities associated with
the storage of carbon dioxide) - Technical
- Challenges in, for example, scaling up of capture
technologies, identification, characterisation
and operation of storage, integration of the full
chain - Commercial
- Need to develop frameworks that successfully
integrate all elements of the chain into a
commercially viable entity - Reform of the electricity market
- Emissions Performance Standard, carbon floor
price, capacity guarantees - Access to finance
- Current economic circumstances, uncertainty over
the future shape of the energy markets,
challenges and risks associated with first of a
kind all make for a difficult environment
within which to secure finance - Public acceptance
- OCCS role is to address these challenges
to make CCS a reality in the UK
20Maintaining the Focus on Delivery Developing a
- Scale of challenge
- Market measures required for commercial
deployment - Demonstration to deployment
How much CCS and by when?
- Roadmap will
- focus on actions to 2020 to enable commercial
investment decisions in the early 2020s - look at multiple roll-out scenarios to 2050 and
identify longer term issues to be addressed
21Maintaining a focus on delivery What the
Roadmap needs to address
Innovation RD
Learning from Demonstration
Industrial CCS
Public Engagement
Commercial Financing
Skills Supply Chain
Regulatory Framework
Scenarios Trajectories
22Other activities International
- Global
- Research and Development projects progress under
a UK-US MoU on Energy RD working towards launch
Phase II of the EU-China Near Zero Emissions Coal
(NZEC) project - Capacity building making operational the Carbon
Sequestration Leadership Fund (CSLF) capacity
building fund - Global leadership joint lead with Australia on
the Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Action Group,
support for CCS in Cancun (December 2010) - Knowledge Transfer through the GCCSI
- EU
- Progressing work under the North Sea Basin
Taskforce - Working with European partners through the
European Industrial Initiative - New Entrant Reserve
- Knowledge Transfer through the EU Project Network
23The prize from CCS is potentially enormous
- CCS will provide up to 20 of the CO2 reductions
we need to make by 2050 - Wider deployment of CCS will build on the
Demonstration Programme. CCS will be applied to
gas fired power plants and industrial sources - CCS also has the potential to retain or create
70,000 100,000 high value jobs in UK - The CCS sector alone could be worth 1.5-3
billion a year by 2020, rising to 3-6.5 billion a
year by 2030
24Where Do I Find Out More About CCS?
- www.decc.gov.uk/occs
- www.zeroemissionsplatform.eu
- http//www.globalccsinstitute.com/
- http//www.iea.org/subjectqueries/cdcs.asp
- http//www.bellona.org/ccs
25Louise Barr louise.barr_at_decc.gsi.gov.uk