Title: Common and Proper Nouns
1Common and Proper Nouns
- Noun- a word that names a person place or thing
- Common noun- names any person place or thing
sister, museum, house. - Proper noun- the name or title of a specific
person, place or organization Aunt Ida, Brazil,
House of Representatives
3Examples of common nouns
- sister
- brother
- table
- floor
- school
- playground
4Examples of proper nouns
- Mr. Milligan
- Alfred
- Markham School
- Student Council
- World Series
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- In English we capitalize all proper nouns,
including days of the week, months of the year
and nationalities. - In English we do not capitalize common nouns.
6Practice Below, you will find a list of common
nouns and proper nouns. Write them correctly as
your teacher dictates them to you, capitalizing
the proper nouns and writing the common nouns
with lower case letters. summer new york hank
aaron home dodger stadium shortstop california va
caville stadium park andrews park diamond mexic
o july saturday
7More practice Below, you will find a list of
common nouns and proper nouns. Write them
correctly as your teacher dictates them to you,
capitalizing the proper nouns and writing the
common nouns with lower case letters. mitt janua
ry boxer foot monday tuesday foul ms.
mulligan world series game chivas america