2Physical Health
- Nutrition- the process by which the body takes in
and uses food as energy - Calorie-unit of heat energy
- Teen Males
- Teen Females
- Adults
3HELP I cant make healthy choices!!
- Need and Wants 45 types of Chips
- Family and Culture Italian Dinners on Sunday
- Friends I get to have POP here!
- Time Tick Tock Tick Tock
- Money What can 5.00 buy me?
- Advertising Fast Food Ads vs. Reality
YouTube - (end 3mins)
46 Basic Nutrients
- Carbohydrates
- Fat
- Protein
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Water
- Sugars and starches found in fruits, vegetables
and grains. - Simple (-ose) quick energy, dissolve easily.
- Fructose (fruit), Maltose (milk), glucose.
- Complex (starches) long chains of glucose.
- Pasta, Bagels, Oatmeal, Cereal, Bread
- 60 of your total calories should come
from Carbohydrates -
- 4 calories per gram
- Most concentrated form of energy.
- 9 calories per gram.
- How much fat do I need????
- No more than 25 of total calories from fats
- 50-80grams
7Good, Better, Best
- Unsaturated Fats
- Vegetable, Nuts, Liquid at room temperature
- Olive Oil, Almonds, Fish Oils
- Saturated Fats
- Animal Fats, Dairy, Solid at room temperature
- Cheese, Butter, Yogurt
- Trans Fats
- Packaged Foods, Hydrogenated Vegetable Fats
- Packaged Cookies, Candy Bars, Chips
8PROTEINNutrient made up of amino acids that
build and repair body tissue and cells.
- Essential amino acids are a group of 9 amino
acids that you MUST eatbody does not make. - Complete protein contains all amino acids.
ANIMAL PRODUCTS and SOY - Incomplete protein is missing one or more amino
acids. NUTS, SEEDS, GRAINS - __4__ Calories per gram
- Water Soluble
- All C-red bell peppers, papayas, oranges
- All B Vitamins
- B1-Thiamine
- B2-Riboflavin
- B3-Niacin
- B5-Pantothenic acid
- B6-Pyridoxine
- B7-Biotin
- B9-Folic acid
- B12-Cyanocobalamin
- Fat Soluble
- A- liver, beef, carrots spinach
- D-cod liver oil, fish, sunlight
- E-wheat germ oil, nuts, seeds
- K-cabbage, cauliflower, spinach
10What do water soluble vitamins do?
- Help in energy production
- Helps your nervous system (B2)
- Helps resist infections (niacin)
- Helps produce red blood cells (B12)
- Helps teeth and gums, heals wounds, and fight
infection (c)
11What do Fat Soluble Vitamins Do?
- Helps bones, teeth, skin, hair eyes, resistance
to infections (A) - Helps build strong bones and teeth. Helps the
body absorb calcium (D) - Helps form red blood cells (E)
- Needed for normal blood clotting (K)
- Substances found in the environment that help
regulate body processes. - The body WILL NOT store any minerals, they need
to be replenished with the food we eat!
- Calciumbones, teeth, heart, muscles
- Phosphorusbody energy, teeth, bones
- Magnesiumnerves and muscles, teeth, bones
- Sodium, Chloride, Potassiumwater balance
Potassium for normal heartbeat - Iron red blood carry O2
- Zincheal wounds, make proteins
- Fluorideprevent tooth decay
- The most abundant and essential nutrient in the
body. - On average we need about 8-8oz cups of water a
day. - If you use the replacement approach..
- Men need about 13 cups
- Women need about 9 cups
- Having too little of a substance
- Examples
- Low Iron Anemia
- Low Calcium Osteoporosis
- Low Vitamin C Scurvy
- A high calorie food/drink with little or no
nutritional value..
17 18(No Transcript)
- Half of all grains used should be with whole
grains - 6oz-8oz a day
- 1 slice of bread
- ½ c rice/pasta/oatmeal
- 1 c cereal
- Eat a variety of fruit. Go easy on juices
- 2 cups a day
- ½ cup fruit
- ½ cup dried fruit
- 1 cup juice
- Vary the type of vegetables you eat
- 2 ½-3 cups a day
- ½ cup raw/cooked vegetables
- 2 cups leafy greens
22 PROTEINFormerly known as Meat and Beans Group)
- Eat lean cuts, seafood, and beans.
- 5 ½- 6 ½ oz a day
- 2-3 oz of meat
- 1 tbsp peanut butter
- ¼ c dried beans
- 1 egg
- Strive for 8oz of seafood/ wk.
23DAIRY(Formerly known as MILK GROUP)
- Eat low-fat or fat free dairy products
- 3 cups a day
- 1 cup milk or yogurt
- 1 ½ oz of cheese
- 2 oz processed cheese
- Milk X3 Is Good for Me!
24Oils(No longer a food group)
- Fats to choose
- canola oil
- corn oil
- cottonseed oil
- olive oil
- safflower oil
- soybean oil
- sunflower oil
- Liquid at room temperature
- 5-6 tsp a day
- Fats to avoid
- butter
- milk fat
- beef fat (tallow, suet)
- chicken fat
- pork fat (lard)
- stick margarine
- shortening
- partially hydrogenated oil
- Solid at room temperature
- Adults should have at least 30 minutes a day
- Children should have 60 minutes a day
- 60-90 minutes of activity may be needed to
prevent weight gain or to sustain weight loss
- Substances added to food to improve nutritional
value and/or freshness - Preservatives Prevent spoiling
- Enriched Replaces nutrients lost during
processing - Fortified Vitamins and minerals are added to
deficient products - Orange Juice fortified with Calcium
27Added Sugar in Common Foods
Food Serving Size Teaspoons Of Added Sugar
Coke 12 ounce 9
Kool-Aid 8 ounce 6
Glazed Donut 1 ea 2.5
Spaghetti 1/2 cup 0
Pecan Pie 1 slice 7
Oat Bran Muffin 100-grams 2
Frozen Lemonade 1 cup 20
Vanilla Ice Cream 1/2 cup 3
Corn Flakes 1 cup (dry) lt0.5
Frosted Flakes 1 cup (dry) 4
Recommended Allowances
Daily Calories Teaspoons Of Added Sugar
1200 4
1400 4
1600 3
1800 5
2000 8
2200 9
2400 12
2600 14
2800 15
3000 18
- Create a list of 10 food items that you remember
eating yesterday. - Find people in your same color group and discuss
the following questions - What do you think these lists say about 1. who
you are, 2. where you live and 3. what you care
about? - If, one hundred years from now, a historian or
anthropologist was to stumble upon your lists,
what might he or she conclude about you, your
life and where youre from? What questions might
he or she have? -
29Poster Project
- In an unusual project, Peter Menzel and Faith
DAlusio, a photographer and writer, traveled the
world collecting photos and stories about what
people eat in a day. They documented the meager
meals of a Masai goat herder during a drought,
the fast-food diet of an American long-haul
trucker and an authentic feast of lamb kebabs and
other foods set out by an Iranian bread baker.
30Poster Project Continued
- What do the ordinary details of our daily lives
say about who we are, where were from and what
we care about? - How does this relate to food?
- How does this relate to what we eat?
- Lets find out!!
31Helpful Hints
- www. Choosemyplate.gov
- You can also search google for specific cup to
ounce estimates - 28 g 1oz
- 16 oz 1lb
- You wont be able to convert liquid volume to cup
32Appetite Vs Hunger
- The desire to eat based on the pleasure derived
from eating - Learned behavior response
- The bodys response to the need for food
- The brain alerts the body when it is low on fuel
Metabolism The rate at which your body uses food
to release energy
33lose weight
- Calories IN lt Calories OUT _________
- Calorie IN gt Calories OUT ___________
- Calories IN Calories OUT__________
gain weight
maintain weight
34Anorexia Nervosa
- Anorexia is a physical and mental disorder where
the victim experiences a rapid and constant
weight loss through starvation and/or excessive
35Bulimia Nervosa
- Overeating and ridding the body of food by
vomiting or laxatives. - Binging and Purging
- In a single binge victims can consume up to 4000
calories. (average per day is 2000) - Victims may purge up to 20 times a day.
- Why? Body Image?
- Pills, powders and restrictive diets used to lose
weight fast. - Unrealistic results
- Paleo Diet http//thepaleodiet.com/
- Grapefruit Diet
- Cabbage Soup Diet
- hCG Diet http//www.hcgdiet.com/
- hormone Human Choriogonadotropin
- Atkins Diet http//www.atkins.com/Homepage.aspx
- South Beach Diet
- Americans spend an estimated 42 BILLION DOLLARS
on weight loss foods, products, and services EACH
37Physical Fitness
- The ability of your heart, lungs and muscles to
work their best. - Being in shape or being conditioned
38 5 Elements of Fitness How physically fit are
you really??
- 1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
- The ability of your heart, lungs and blood
vessels to send fuel and oxygen through your body
over a period of time. - Run a mile.. Take a hike without tiring.
392. Muscular Strength
- The amount of force your muscles can exert.
- You need muscular strength for many activities
such as lifting, pushing and pulling. - 3. Muscular Endurance
- The ability of your muscles to perform physical
tasks over a long period of time without tiring. - Carrying boxes up and down a flight of stairs.
404. Flexibility
- The ability to move your body parts through their
full range of motion. - If you are flexible you can touch your toes
without bending your knees or put sunscreen on
the center of your back. - Being flexible helps to reduce the chance of
injury during physical activity.
415. Body Composition
- The ratio of fat tissue to all other tissue in
the body. - ALSO referred to as your Body Mass Index or BMI.
- Skin-Fold Test
- Underwater Test
- Bioelectrical Impedance
42Fitness Testing
- Cardiorespiratory Endurance Test
- Step-ups for 3 minutes at a pace of 24 steps
- per min.
- Muscle Strength/Endurance Test
- Partial Curl-Ups at a pace of 1 every 3
- seconds until you can no longer maintain the
- pace. OR Push-Ups at the same pace until
- you can no longer maintain the pace.
43Fitness Scoring Chart
Step Test Partial Curl-up Push-up Sit and Reach
Male Teens (BPM) 85-95 excellent 95-105 good 105-126 fair 126 needs improvement Boys, ages 13-14 21 Boys age 1412 1514 1616 1718 Boys 1 inch
Female Teens (BPM) 85-95 excellent 95-106 good 106-126 fair 126 needs improvement Girls, ages 13-14 18 Girls Age 14-17 7 Girls 3 inches
44Benefits of Physical Activity
- Tone muscles
- Improve muscle strength
- Improve muscle endurance
- Improve flexibility
- Reduce stress
- Increase energy
- Lower blood pressure
- Improve self-concept
- Weight Management
- Increased resistance to diseases
- Reduce chance of heart disease
- Reduce chance of injury
45Aerobic Exercise
- All rhythmic activities that use large muscle
groups for an extended period of time. - Aerobic activities raise your heart rate and
increase your bodys use of oxygen. - LIST some examples of AEROBIC ACTIVITIES!!
46Anaerobic Exercise
- Activities that involve intense, short bursts of
activities in which the muscles work so hard they
produce energy without oxygen!! - LIST some examples of ANAEROBIC ACTIVITIES!!!
47Exercise Guidelines
- Intensity How hard you workout
- Duration How long you workout
- Frequency How often you workout
- Warm-up
- Conditioning
- Cool-down
49Helping our futures!!Eating right and exercising
can help us avoid many health problems in the
future here are just some!
- Osteoporosis
- Asthma
- Heart Attacks
- Stroke
- Certain types of cancer
- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Obesity
- Heart Disease
- Stress issues