YEAR 3/4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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YEAR 3/4


YEAR 3/4 This unit should introduce children to prayer and help them understand what prayer means to Christians and be able to reflect on their own experiences. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: YEAR 3/4


  • YEAR 3/4

This unit should introduce children to prayer
and help them understand what prayer means to
Christians and be able to reflect on their own
experiences. Christians believe that prayer
facilitates a relationship with God their
Father. Prayer can take many forms individuals
talking to God, inspired by a focus, stimulus or
aid such as a thing of natural beauty, an icon, a
piece of music, a situation. Christians pray to
God for help, guidance, praise, thanks,
repentance, to express emotion, for themselves
and on behalf of others. In the Bible we can find
examples of prayer in the Psalms, The Lords
Prayer, and the Gospels among others.
  • These ideas by their nature provide active
    learning opportunities and fulfil the
    requirements to learn from religion. In order to
    deliver the learning outcomes as outlined in the
    P.O.S for AT1 and AT2 please use these ideas in
    conjunction with the schemes of work already

  • Areas of learning
  • Prayer bracelet ? UA
  • Write a prayer ? UECL
  • Write a piece of music ?UA, STU,
  • Make a presentation to show younger children
    ?STU, UECL, UA
  • Make a flash movie for a given or a written
    prayer ?UECL, STU, HGSU

Skills and Attitudes Investigation,
Interpretation, Synthesis, Application,
Communication, Self-awareness, Respect, Open-minde
dness, Appreciation Wonder.
Creative Assessment Prayer net/tree/display
interactive (see pause for reflection) ? UA, UECL
CLE Prayer encounter based on
activities Prayer chain, mystery bag, prayer
kites ?
CLE Church workshop based on ACTS - Adoration,
confession, thanksgiving, Supplication ?
CLE Prayer encounter based on Christian , Hindu
Useful websites www.biblepicturegallery.
Spiritual Development ?
Exploring aspects of Christian Prayer 1
  • This activity is particularly effective when
    undertaken in conjunction with the local church
    community. If this is not possible then set up
    the 4 areas around the school or in the hall.
  • Set up 4 reflective areas in the church/school
    based on ACTS Aspects of Christian prayer
    Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and
  • A adoration area have a CD (or if possible
    the organ) playing hymns. Make the CD choice
    familiar to the children e.g. hymns/songs from
    Collective Worship. The children chose their
    favourite piece of music and say why. Discuss
    the meaning of the words from the hymn. Why
    would this hymn be important to Christians? How
    would it help them to pray?
  • C confession a quiet area where children can
    reflect on things that they have done wrong.
    Children to drop a stone in a bucket to help say
    sorry and let go and say goodbye to the things
    for which they are sorry. How do they feel when
    they have dropped their stone? How do Christians
    feel when they pray for forgiveness?
  • T thanksgiving set up a table and display
    containing posters and artefacts depicting the
    good things in life. Children to write post it
    notes expressing thanks.
  • S supplication (asking for help) - a darkened,
    quiet area containing unlit candles. As they tie
    a bead on a net/ribbon on a branch children could
    think about, or if they choose to pray for,
    someone who they know needs help

Prayer Encounter 2
  • Set up a selection of activities based on the
    theme of prayer.
  • Prayer chains make a selection of paper chain
    strips. Children to write a prayer/reflection on
    a paper strip. Strips to be joined together and
    hung as chains around the room.
  • Prayer kite use kite shape with an ACTS on
    each quadrant. Children to write a
    prayer/reflection for each of ACTS on kite tails
    to hang on string below the kite. Display around
    the room.
  • Mystery bag a large bag containing a selection
    of items related to prayer beads, holding
    cross, prayer mat, puja artefacts etc. Children
    to raise questions and do follow up research.
    Children to consider what do these items have to
    do with prayer? How would they help believers
    to pray?

Prayer Encounter 3
  • Set up a darkened, quiet area containing cushions
    and candles. Play some Taize music.
  • Children come quietly into the room and settle on
    the cushions to listen to the music.
  • Set up a darkened area containing flashing disco
    lights and play Soul survivor music.
  • Set up a Hindu shrine area, burn incense and
    light candles. Play Hindu prayer music.
  • Afterwards ask the children what they were
    thinking about when they were listening? How
    could a believer use this environment to talk to
    God? How did the music/images/atmosphere make
    them feel? How might people of different faith
    communities feel? What was the same, what was

Skills and Attitudes
  • Investigation I can ask appropriate questions,
    find and suggest solutions.
  • Interpretation I can give examples of how humans
    try to make sense of their experience. I can see
    implications of actions, events, words beliefs.
  • Synthesis I know that others share common values
    and ideas.
  • Application I can apply learning gained to my
    own and others beliefs, ideas experiences.
  • Communication I can communicate my thoughts,
    ideas, beliefs values.
  • Self-awareness feeling confident about their own
    beliefs and identity and sharing them developing
    a realistic positive sense of their own
    religious, moral spiritual ideas.
  • Respect developing skills of listening and a
    willingness to learn from others being sensitive
    to the feelings and ideas of others.
  • Open-mindedness being willing to learn and gain
    new understanding engaging in argument,
    reasonably and respectfully, about religious,
    moral spiritual questions.
  • Appreciation Wonder recognizing that knowledge
    is bounded by mystery appreciating the sense of
    wonder at the world in which they live.

Creative Assessment
  • In small groups the children work together to
    produce an interactive display that could be used
    in the local church or in a school
    worship/reflection area.
  • Children to have speech bubble shaped post it
    notes and record each others responses as they
  • AT1
  • Level 2- Children can show simple knowledge and
    understanding of how and why Christians pray
  • Level 3 - Children can begin to identify why the
    Christian community prays. They can identify some
    prayers that are important to Christians and the
    beliefs expressed in some prayers. They can begin
    to identify the impact of prayer for the
    Christian community.
  • Level 4 - Children can show understanding of
    issues raised by belief in the power of prayer.
    They can suggest how prayer has meaning for those
    who practice it. They can make links with the
    practice of prayer in other faiths.
  • AT2
  • Level 2 - Children can express their ideas about
    why they and others may or may not choose to pray
    and respond sensitively to the ideas of others.
  • Level 3 - Children can raise questions about the
    practice of prayer.
  • Level 4 - Children can express a personal
    response to prayer. They can describe what
    inspires and influences them.
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