Albert Camus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Albert Camus


Albert Camus The Stranger Albert Camus (1913-1960) Born in Algeria to a working class colonial family Father was killed in WWI Mother: mute, illiterate, supported ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Albert Camus

Albert Camus
  • The Stranger

Albert Camus (1913-1960)
  • Born in Algeria to a working class colonial
  • Father was killed in WWI
  • Mother mute, illiterate, supported family by
    cleaning houses
  • Was able to study due to scholarships
  • Joined the Communist party in 1934 (left it two
    years later)
  • Established the Theater for the Worker in Algiers
  • Took part in Resistance in France
  • Later edited journal Combat
  • Nobel prize in 1957
  • Died in a car accident in 1960

Principal works
  • The Stranger (1942)
  • The Myth of Sisyphus (1942)
  • Caligula (1944)
  • The Plague (1947)
  • The Fall (1956)
  • Exile and the Kingdom (1957)

Questions surrounding The Stranger
  • Is it a novel of ideas, does it contain a thesis,
    and what has the author set out to prove?
  • Is it a psychological study of a pathological
    case, or is this case merely a symbol behind
    which are hidden larger meanings?
  • Is it a philosophical novel, and if so, does
    Camus propose any solutions, or are his theories
    only negative and destructive?
  • How are we to read the colonial system inscribed
    in the text, and the attitude toward Arabs and
    women it projects?

The Absurd
  • in a universe suddenly deprived of illusions
    and enlightenment, man feels himself a stranger.
    This exile is without remedy since he is deprived
    of memories of a lost country or of hope for a
    promised land (Myth of Sisyphus)
  • Man facing the world and realizing the gap
    between the eternal nature of the universe and
    his own finite nature and the futility of his
  • If nothing makes sense, then everything is
    permitted. All scales of values disappear. All
    experiences become equivalent and are to be
    measured quantitatively

Where do we see the absurd in The Stranger?
  • Lives neither in past nor in the future
  • Present is nothing but an eternal void
  • Nothing has meaning, there is no aim
  • Perfectly passive
  • Does not perceive causal links
  • Emphasis on the loneliness of each moment an
    interminable succession of voids
  • Believes that the world judges him, though he
    does not know why
  • Apathetic, taciturn
  • Does not feel anything emotionally

  • One may be strongly affected by an outer or
    inner event and yet give no more than a seconds
    attention to what one is feeling When this
    occurs, affects may be split within their own
    particular structure in such a way that the
    psychic pole is divorced from the somatic pole
    and the affect is reduced to a purely
    physiological expressionIn this case the emotion
    cannot be used as a signal to the mind, and its
    message can be dealt with neither by thought nor
    by action, leaving the subject open to the danger
    that the soma may think its own solution to the

What are some examples of Meursaults purely
physical responses/sensitivity and lack of
Other signs of this disorder
  • An impoverished fantasy life, a paucity of dreams
  • In the face of stressful situations, person has
    no recourse other than to attack any perceptions
    that risk arousing emotion
  • What other people expect or request makes no
  • An avoidance of emotional references
  • The world and people become devitalized, and the
    exchange with others is meaningless
  • When the defense breaks down, the body enacts
    primitive thoughts and feelings on a purely
    physical level

From this perspective, the murder can be seen as
  • a lifetime of unfelt feelings that enact
    themselves. A longing for intimate contact, a
    wish to be cared about, a need to be something a
    father could truly be interested in, combined
    with an enormous pent up rage, an urge to kill in
    revenge for having been emotionally murdered
    himself as a child.

The colonial system
  • What is Meursaults attitude toward Arabs?
  • Toward women?
  • Ambiguity of the first person narration.

Part II
  • Forum responses how and why does Meursault
    change in the second part?
  • He begins to have emotions
  • Kristen
  • Embriette
  • Katie V.
  • He makes an effort to understand Chelsea
  • He begins to understand Tiffany
  • Other ideas?

Camus concepts of existence and revolt
  • Existence makes humans different from things
  • The power within us to be free
  • Power to understand
  • Ability to feel passion
  • Things
  • Can be pushed by forces around them
  • Are in bondage to their environment
  • Cannot understand
  • Are passionless
  • They are, they do not exist

  • When we give up liberty, lucidity and passionate
    involvement with the world, we become a mere

  • The movement from thinghood to full existence
  • Phases
  • Rock-like somnolence
  • A shock or crisis during which the absurdity of
    the world around us becomes clear and inescapable
  • Free choice of a reaction or attitude toward this
  • The use of our freedom to act (to do something
    about this absurdidity)
  • Where do we see these phases in The Stranger?

Forum responses
  • Interpretation of last line
  • Kalli in his isolation, an angry mob is the only
    thing he could hope for
  • Katie M. The only thing that matters in life is
  • Gena death as the great equalizer
  • Lindsey relationship with existentialist
    philosophy, no universal justice
  • Danielle having others around him, crying with
    hate would mean that he actually did something

  • Camus repeatedly affirms that after recognizing
    the absurd and revolting against it, his
    Meursault is a kind of moral suicide victim a
    man not merely condemned to death by his judges,
    but one actively engaged in carrying out his own
    death sentence which has been pronounced by the
    very society to which he is a stranger

The trial
  • Novel moves from the absurdity of nature (the
    symbol of the sun) to an exposition of an absurd
    social order
  • The writing out of the actual murder of the Arab
    (collective racist attitude)
  • Meursault condemned for parricide and matricide
  • Things happen without his participation
  • His lawyer speaks for him in first person
  • Is he a monster as the prosecutor says?

Camus on Meursault
  • I have sometimes said, and always paradoxically,
    that I tried to give an image, through my
    character, of the only Christ we deserve. It is
    clear that I said it without any intention of
    blasphemy and only with the slight ironic
    affection that an artist has the right to feel
    towards the characters he creates
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