Higher Education in Developing Countries: What Role, What Impact? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Higher Education in Developing Countries: What Role, What Impact?


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Title: Higher Education in Developing Countries: What Role, What Impact?

Higher Education in Developing CountriesWhat
Role, What Impact?
  • Devesh Kapur
  • University of Pennsylvania

Second Annual GDI Forum April 10,
2008 University of Pennsylvania
Outline of Presentation
  • Overview of Tertiary Education
  • Why? Rising Demand
  • How? Supply Responses
  • What? The Content of Higher Education
  • Who gets educated?
  • Role of the State
  • Regulation and Standards
  • Role of International Community
  • Concluding Remarks

Devesh Kapur, CASI
He was sent, as usual, to a public school, where
a little learning was painfully beaten into him,
and from thence to the university, where it was
carefully taken out of him.
Devesh Kapur, CASI
Higher Education Landscape
  • Global tertiary student population
  • 1991 ?68 million.
  • 2004 ? 132 million
  • 2025 Projection ? 150 million
  • ? In 2002, the global market in higher education
    represented over 3 percent of the total services
  • ? 3.5 million people are employed to teach or
    otherwise service students
  • ?. Global market in educational services is
    currently estimated at more than 2 trillion

Devesh Kapur, CASI
Why? Demand from rapidly increasing youth
population in developing countries
Population aged 15-24 (in millions)
Source Population Division of the Department of
Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations
Secretariat, World Population Prospects The 2006
Revision and World Urbanization Prospects The
2005 Revision, http//esa.un.org/unpp,
Devesh Kapur, CASI
Gross Enrollment Ratio, Tertiary Education Gross Enrollment Ratio, Tertiary Education Gross Enrollment Ratio, Tertiary Education Gross Enrollment Ratio, Tertiary Education
1980 1997 2004
High Income countries 36.2 51.6 66.7
Least Developed Countries 1.8 3.2 8.7
Sub-Saharan Africa 1.7 3.9 5
Arab States 9.6 14.9 22.6
Latin America and the Caribbean 13.7 19.4 28.6
East Asia and Oceana 3.8 10.8 19.6
South Asia 4.3 7.2 9.7
Devesh Kapur, CASI
Why? Rising Skill Premium in developing countries
1980s 1990s
Mexico Increased Increased until mid 1990s Stable/declined after mid 1990s Increased between 2000-1990
Colombia Slightly declined Increased
Argentina Declined Increased
Brazil Stable/Slight increase Increased
Chile Increased Declined early 1990s Overall increased 1990-2000 (national data)
India Relatively stable Increased
Hong Kong Increased Increased
Source Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2006
Devesh Kapur, CASI
Why? Returns to Higher Education
  • Lower social returns relative to primary and
    secondary. Public investments in tertiary
    education are often regressive, reproducing
    existing social and economic inequalities.
  • 1986 World Bank study estimated that social rates
    of return for higher education in developing
    countries were on average 13 percent lower than
    returns from basic education.
  • A more recent review of 98 countries from
    1960-1997 found that the average rate of return
    from primary schooling was 18.9 percent, compared
    to just 10.8 percent for tertiary education.

Devesh Kapur, CASI
Why Higher Education?
  • Universities facilitate national development by
    promoting democratic ideals, as well as
    intellectual and industrial competitiveness.
  • Improve economic and political governance.
  • Promotes Entrepreneurship.
  • Contribute to greater social mobility and
  • Socialization effects of higher education in
    producing new nationalist elites.

Devesh Kapur, CASI
Why Higher Education?
  • In the absence of domestic skills, even global
    public goods have very limited payoffs, e.g.
    green revolution technologies in agriculture.
  • Green Revolution more successful in Asia than
    Africa. Why?
  • greater domestic technological capabilities in
  • developed through local agriculture research
    centers that could adapt the new green revolution
    technologies to local conditions.
  • Today, poor developing countries face worse odds.
  • 1. Technologies being developed in rich
    countries less appropriate to developing country
    agriculture because of shift in research
  • 2. Technologies developed in richer countries
    less accessible because of IPR of privately owned
    technologies most biotech companies have little
    interest in developing technologies for
    applications in LDC.
  • 3. Even those technologies that are applicable
    and available require more substantial local
    development and adaptation. LDCs will need to
    develop greater domestic agricultural research
    human capital.

Devesh Kapur, CASI
How? Supply Responses
  • Changing Role of State
  • Increasing Role of Private Universities
  • Corporate Skill Providers
  • Internationalization of Higher Education
  • But undercut by Brain Drain?

Devesh Kapur, CASI
The Role of the State
  • Regulation
  • From Provider to Financier?
  • Promoting Access and Equity
  • Invest in areas undersupplied by private sector

Devesh Kapur, CASI
(No Transcript)
How? The growing role of the private sector - I
Private share of enrolment Countries
Large (over 50 percent) Bangladesh, Bermuda, Botswana, Brazil, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, El Salvador, Estonia, Holy See, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Namibia, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, Paluau, Palestinian Autonomous Territories, Paraguay, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Slovenia, Tonga, Turks and Caicos Islands, United Kingdom
Source UIS Education database, May 2005
Devesh Kapur, CASI
How? The growing role of the private sector - I
Private share of enrolment Countries
Medium (between 25 and 50 percent) Angola, Armenia, Burundi, Ivory Coast, Ecuador, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, United States of America, Venezuela
Source UIS Education database, May 2005
Devesh Kapur, CASI
How? The growing role of the private sector - I
Private share of enrolment Countries
Small (between 10 and 25 percent) Argentina, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mauritius, Norway, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Moldova, Senegal, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Uruguay
Source UIS Education database, May 2005
Devesh Kapur, CASI
How? The growing role of the private sector - I
Private share of enrolment Countries
Negligible or non-existent (less than 10 percent) Australia, Austria, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech republic, Denmark, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong SAR of China, Ireland, Kyrgystan, Madagascar, Morocco, New Zealand, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Sweden, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Vietnam, Yemen
Source UIS Education database, May 2005
Devesh Kapur, CASI
International Student Enrollment in Top Six Host
Countries (in thousands)
1999 2004 Change 1999 to 2004
World total 1,680 2,453 46.0
US 491 573 16.6
UK 233 300 29.0
Germany 178 241 46.1
France 131 238 81.4
Australia 117 167 42.1
Japan 57 118 108.5

Devesh Kapur, CASI
Total Median Cost of Bachelor Degree2004 (USD)
  • Engineering Business
  • China 32,800 31,700
  • Hong Kong 38,200 38,200
  • Singapore 77,900 54,900
  • Australia 90,000 60,000
  • UK 91,700 77,900
  • US Public 119,900 119,800
  • US Private 167,800 167,800

Devesh Kapur, CASI
Cross Border Supply Universities Travel Abroad
  • Range of Arrangements Overseas campuses,
    franchise, joint degrees, twinning etc..
  • Regulatory issues

Devesh Kapur, CASI
The Virtual Future?
  • Early Failures
  • Recent successes in the US
  • Costs
  • Open Courseware Movement

Devesh Kapur, CASI
How? Can Online Substitute for Brick-and-Mortar
Number of US students in the US who enroll only
2000 194,580
2001 315,219
2002 483,113
2003 701,295
2004 936,727
2005 1,214,000
2006 1,518,750
Source Foster and Carnevale, 2007
Devesh Kapur, CASI
Devesh Kapur, CASI
Source DOI, 2007
Who gets educated? Equity Access
  • Selection Criteria
  • Financial Aid schemes
  • Reaching out to historically marginalized groups
    (egs. Brazil, Malaysia, India, South Africa)

Devesh Kapur, CASI
What? The Content of Higher Education
  • Economic impact Liberal arts education can
    increase innovation and economic fluidity,
    leading to more creative and knowledge-based
    economies with a more adaptable workforce.
  • Policymaking impact Development and policy
    making requires people with generalized as well
    as specialized knowledge, and critical thinking
    and communication skills. A liberal arts
    education may develop these competencies in a
    countrys leaders and citizens.
  • Political participation By spreading knowledge
    and increasing debate, liberal education may
    extend participatory citizenship to more members
    of society, thus improving the quality of
    democracy in a society.
  • Societal cohesion Liberal education may promote
    tolerance and understanding of others, leading to
    a more peaceful and cohesive society.
  • Possibility of reducing brain drain Students may
    be less likely to go overseas for their
    education, and more likely to return to a society
    in which liberal education fosters a vibrant
    intellectual culture and educated population.
  • Greater international understanding Liberal
    education may increase cross-cultural
    understanding and lead to more peaceful
    interaction between nations.

Devesh Kapur, CASI
What? The Content of Higher Education
  • The very humanness of their disciplines is at
    the root of the problem. They wrestle with
    questions too entangled in the worlds strife -
    and too inherently complex - to accumulate
    reliable knowledge and avoid intellectual
    debasement in the manner of the natural sciences.
    Causes more than curiosity recruit their
    acolytes, rivalries too quickly slip into
    enmities, disagreements superheat over value
    conflicts, and before disputes can get into
    substance theyre apt to spin off into fierce
    quarrels over rival modes of verification.
  • The value of liberal arts education in producing
    students with skills adaptable to the knowledge
    economy sounds so plausible that it has entered
    the working vocabulary of businessmen,
    politicians, planners, journalists, and ordinary
    people. It has almost become part of common
    sense. But viewed from the point of view of
    economics, the futuristic business literature
    is, to put it bluntly, all but worthless it
    amounts to little more than a collection of
    slogans, with next to nothing by way of
    theoretical or empirical basis. - Edwards and

Devesh Kapur, CASI
Regulation and Standards
  • Who ensures quality?
  • Growth of Regional and International
    Accreditation bodies
  • - Universitas21
  • - Washington Accord
  • - Council for Higher Education Accreditation
  • - International Network for Quality Assurance
    Agencies in Higher Education
  • - Global Alliance for Transnational Education
  • - International Quality Review Process (IQRP)

Devesh Kapur, CASI
Brain Drain
Expatriation Rates (Doctors and Nurses from
Low-Income Countries, 2000)
Nurses Doctors
lt10 Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Dem. Rep. Congo, Côte dIvoire, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, India, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Dem. Rep. Congo, Guinea, India, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sudan, Yemen
10-25 Cambodia, Comoros, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Laos, Madagascar, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Vietnam Afghanistan, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Côte dIvoire, Ethiopia, Gambia, Laos, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Solomon Islands, Vietnam
25-50 Sao Tome and Principe, Zimbabwe Benin, Burundi, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Papua New Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Somalia, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
gt50 Haiti, Liberia, Sierra Leone Haiti, Liberia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone
Devesh Kapur, CASI
Brain Drain
Estimated critical shortages of doctors, nurses
and midwives
Number of countries Number of countries In countries with shortages In countries with shortages Foreign doctors nurses in OECD Foreign doctors nurses in OECD
WHO region Total With Shortages Shortage (1000s) Increase required Number (1000s) of shortage
Africa 46 36 818 139 98 12
Americas 35 5 379 40 199 526
SE Asia 11 6 1164 50 101 9
Mediterranean 21 7 306 98 71 23
W. Pacific 27 3 326 119 212 652
World 192 57 2358 70
Devesh Kapur, CASI
Role of International Community
  • International Regulatory Mechanisms
  • GATS
  • International Aid

Devesh Kapur, CASI
Some Questions
  • Are economic effects of higher education on
    developing countries different from those in
    industrialized countries, especially its impact
    on institutional development?
  • Given limited resources, how should countries
    distribute resources within HE between
    individuals and institutions, across disciplines,
    between research and teaching?
  • With the state unable to meet growing demand
    pressures what should be the proper role of the
    state? How should its financial and regulatory
    roles change, to ensure not just quality but also
    equity and access so that higher education
    becomes a ladder rather than a barrier to social

Devesh Kapur, CASI
Some Questions
  • How should countries rethink the provision of
    higher education in an open economy? When
    should countries subsidize students acquiring
    education abroad or instead encourage foreign
    providers into the country or simply link
    domestic institutions with foreign quality
    assurance mechanisms?
  • Do new technologies offer developing countries a
    new paradigm to expand the provision of high
    quality but low-cost higher education?
  • What is happening within universities and to
    students who spend a considerable part of their
    prime years in these institutions?
  • How meaningful is the large growth in higher
    education enrollment? Is it at the expense of
    quality and do we really know how to measure

Devesh Kapur, CASI
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