Title: Magnesium
1 Magnesium
2The Birth
- First Born by Sir Humphry Davy
- Born in 1808
3Physical Description
- Magnesium is a metal, it is actually an
alkali-earth metal! - Little Mag, has 12 protons, 12 neutrons, and 12
electrons - Mg
- Melting point 650 degrees Celsius
- Boiling point 1090 degrees Celsius
- Specific heat 1.05 kJ
- Density at 239K 1.738g/cm3
5Chemical Properties
- 2 valence electrons
- Oxidation number 2
- Reactivity highly reactive
- Magnesium nitrate, Magnesium methoxide and
Magnesium fluoride, are compounds of magnesium
6Positives and negatives
- Magnesium, when burned, produces a bright light,
so if you are trapped in a dark cave, and have
magnesium to burn, you will have light, however,
it burns really fast, so the light will not last
long. - Low amounts of magnesium in blood can cause
health issues.
8The Birth
- Pierre and Marie Curie discovered Radium
- Discovered December 26th 1948
9Physical Description
- Radium is an Alkali Earth Metal
- Radium has 88 protons, and 138 neutrons, and 88
electrons - Ra
- Melting point 700 degrees Celsius
- Boiling point 1737 degrees Celsius
- Cubic Crystal Structure
- Density at 293K 5g/cm3
11Chemical Properties
- Valence Electrons 2
- Oxidation number 2
- Reactivity highly reactive
- Compounds are Radium Bromide, Radium chloride,
and Radium Iodide
12Physical Description This metal has 38 protons,
38 electrons, and has a Lewis Dot Diagram such as
this It also has a Bohr Diagram that looks like
Guardian Adair Crawford Birthplace Date of
Berth 1790 Gender Metal
Physical Description Continued Its density is
2.64 grams per cubic centimeter, its boiling
point is 1655K, its melting point is 1050K, its
specific heat is 0.38 J g-1 K-1, and its heat
conductivity is 5X10 sm-1.
Chemical Description Its valence number is 2,
its ion is 1.12, oxidation number is 2, its
reactivity is strontium sulfide, and can compose
the three compounds of strontium iodide,
strontium oxide and strontium fluoride.
Positive Attributes Reduces the risk of dental
Negative Attributes Can cause blood clots.
- Son of Sir Humphry Davy
- Birthplace London, 1808
- Gender alkaline earth metal
- Physical attributes kind of chubby, with 56
protons and electrons, and 81 neutrons
15More About Barium
Lewis Dot Diagram
Bohr Diagram
16Physical Features
- Density 3.59g/cc _at_ 300K
- Boiling Point 2171K 1898C 3448F
- Melting Point 1002K 729C 1344F
- Specific Heat 0.204J/gK
- Heat of vaporization 142kJ/mol
17Chemical Features
- Valence number 7 valence electrons
- Ions 2
- Maximum Oxidation Number 2
- Minimum Oxidation Number 0
- Compounds Oxygen, Sulfur, and Tellurium
18Positive Attributes
- In Humans
- Blood/mg dm-3 0.068
- Bone/p.p.m 3-70
- Liver/p.p.m 0.04-1.2
- Muscle/p.p.m 0.09
- Daily Dietary Intake 0.6-1.7 mg
- Total Mass In Avg. 70kg human 22 mg
- USES sparkplugs, vacuum tubes, fireworks,
fluorescent lamps. Insoluble barium sulfate is
used for body imaging
19Negative Attributes
- Very flammable
- Highly poisonous.
- Parent
- The French Chemist Louis-Nicholas Vauquelin
- Birth place
- Beryllium was discovered in 1797 found in
emeralds located in the mountains of California
and in France - Gender
- Beryllium is a metal found under the category of
Alkaline Earth Metals.
- Physical Properties
- Number of Protons 4
- Number of Electrons 4
- Density 1.848 g/cm
- Melting Point 1287 C
- Boiling Point 2470 C Specific Heat Capacity 1.82
J - Thermal Conductivity 2.00 W/cm K
- Chemical Description
- The Valence number is 2
- Ion is positive 2
- Maximum oxidation number is 2
- Minimum oxidation number is 0
- There is no reaction between Beryllium and water
or steam (including when at a red hot).
- Beryllium has positive attributes such as being
used in nuclear reactor to absorb neutrons. It is
being used in radiation windows for x-ray tubes.
The element also is under research to find out if
it could be used as a new mental to construct
aircrafts because of it being so light-weight. - The negative attributes include the fact that
- beryllium and its salts are poisonous and
- carcinogenic.
- Parent
- The first discoverer of this element were the
Romans - Birth Place and Date
- Sir Humphry Davy was the first to declare Calcium
as a metal in 1808 A.D. - Gender
- Calcium is a metal under the group of Alkaline
Earth Metals.
- Number of Protons 20
- Number of Electrons 20
- Density 1.55 g/cm3
- Melting Point 842 C
- Boiling Point 1484 C
- Specific Heat Capacity is 0.650 J/gC
- Thermal Conductivity 2.00 W/cm K
- Chemical Description
- The Valence Number is 2
- Ion is positive 2
- Oxidation States is 2
- Calcium can react with water to make calcium
- Calcium has positive attributes such as getting
rid of sulfur, carbon, and oxygen from alloys. It
is also an important aspect to the water we
drink. Without this element there would not be
the removal of arsenic and animal waste in
drinking water. - A negative attribute to calcium would be if
someone has taken in a lot of calcium more than
needed, remaining calcium can be created into
kidney stones.