Title: HIFI: Submm Workshop,
1HIFI Heterodyne
Instrument for the Far Infrared (The high
resolution spectrometer for Herschel)
Michel Fich
- HIFI science goals
- Water!
- Key Projects
- instrument characteristics
- the Canadian instrument contribution the LSU
- how to use HIFI observing modes, integration
times - proposing for HIFI time
- support for Canadian astronomers
- the Canadian HIFI team
- tools
3Herschel Main Scientific Objectives
- Formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters
in the early universe - Star formation rates, bolometric luminosities,
AGN structure - Evolution of chemical elements
- Formation of stars planets and physics of the
interstellar medium - Tracers of structure, kinematics, chemistry in
star forming regions - Circulation/enrichment of the interstellar
medium - Astrochemistry WATER
- Detailed studies of nearby resolvable galaxies
- Cometary, planetary, and satellite atmospheres
- History of the solar system
- Pristine material in comets
- Water activity
4HIFI Core Science
- ISM in Galaxies
- Normal galaxies
- Physical properties
- of star-forming ISM
- ISM in the Milky Way
- Structure
- Dynamics (pressure)
- Composition (gradients)
- Dense cores and star-formation
- Dynamics
- Role of Water
- Disks
- Late stages of stellar evolution
- Winds
- Shells
- Asymmetries
- Composition
- Solar System
- Water in Giant Planets
- Chemistry Martian atmosphere
5Science with HIFI Water
6Science with HIFI Water
SWAS result
7Example WATER in intermediate mass star forming
- define intermediate mass as 100 1000 Lsun
- spherical core, 1.5 power-law
- assumed water abundance 10-6 H2
- all frozen out at T lt 20 K
- Monte Carlo solution to radiative transfer
(RATRAN) - run until lowest 7 lines in HIFI bands
converged with S/N5 - convolve to HIFI beam appropriate for line
frequency - at centre of core
- sample spectra shown for 1000 Lsun (left) and 100
Lsun (right), 100 Msun (top) and 10 Msun (bottom)
8557 GHz ortho (2-1) 61K
91670 GHz ortho (3-1) 114K
101661 GHz ortho (4-3) 194K
111163 GHz ortho (7-6) 305K
12Molecular Lines visible with HIFI
Plus lines of HD, HD, H2D, 6LiH, 7LiH, CH, CH,
NH, NH, NeH, HF, SH, SH, HCl, FeH, SiH, SiH,
CH2, NH2, NH3, plus many lines from larger
H2O 20 lines
O2 15 lines
HDO 40 lines
H218O 24 lines
CO 13 lines
OH 6 lines
OH 4 lines
13Science with HIFI CII in distant galaxies
14HIFI Key Projects (Guaranteed Time)
- water in star forming regions
- low mass pre-stellar, Class 0, Class 1, outflows
- intermediate mass embedded (led by Doug
Johnstone) - high mass pre-stellar, hot cores, maps
- disks
- hydrides
- Ori B maps and spectral surveys
- Ori KL, Ori-South (led by Rene Plume), bar maps
- warm ISM
- PDRs, diffuse, shocks, low-UV, hydrides,
C-clusters (Peter Martin on team) - Solar System
- comets, mars, outer solar system
- evolved stars
- extragalactic
- galactic centre, star bursts, ultra-luminous,
AGNs, Cen A, metal-poor
15HIFI Instrument Characteristics
- HIFI Implementation
- Heterodyne spectroscopy
- single pixel on the sky
- very high spectral resolution
- 7 dual-pol mixer bands
- 480-1250 GHz (625-240 mm) 5x2 SIS mixers,
- IF 4-8 GHz
- 1410-1910 GHz(212-157 mm 2x2 HEB mixers,
- IF 2.4-4.8 GHz
- 14 LO sub-bands
- LO source unit in common
- LO multiplier chains
- 2 spectrometer systems
- for each polarisation
- - auto-correlator spectrometer
- - acousto-optical spectrometer
- HIFI designed for
- - Spectral Scans and Spectral line surveys
- - Very high spectral resolution
- - Widest possible coverage in the unexplored
FIR/Submm range - Frequency coverage
- 480 1250 GHz (625-240 ?m)
- 1410 1910 GHz (212-157 ?m)
- 2. Sensitivity
- Near-quantum noise limit sensitivity
- IF bandwidth/Resolution
- - 4 GHz (in 2 polarisations)
- - 140 280 kHz 0.5 and 1 MHz
- 3. Calibration Accuracy 10 baseline 3 goal
16HIFI Design block diagram
17HIFI Local Oscillator Source Unit (LSU)
The Canadian Hardware Contribution to HIFI
- Flight Model assembled, undergoing tests. Due to
be shipped to SRON first week of Sept. 2006 - the LSU dimensions are 265(H) x 424(L) x
286(W) mm.
18Latest update LO chain performanceBands 1-4 by
RPG Bands 5, 6L, 6H by JPL
19HIFI Flight Mixer Performanceat Unit level (open
symbols) and after integration in the FPU
20Band-3 SIS Noise Temperature as function of IF
Band-6 HEB Noise Temperature as function of IF
- IN HIFI ONE FREQUENCY Band is working at a time
with 2 mixers - In orthogonal polarisation, also for redundancy.
- One LO band, with 2 sub-bands, match the
corresponding mixer band
21WBO FM with 1.1 MHz resolution and 4GHz bandwidth
22HIFI-HRS (auto-correlator) FM Capabilities
2 HRS FM modules
23HIFI Observing Modes
- Dual Beam Switch with internal copper and
telescope nod - Position Switch efficiency depending on
off-position slew - Frequency Switch with switching LSU
- Optimum AOT depends on stability of
Telescope-Instrument System
24HIFI Band Sensitivities
Band Band Band Band Band Band
1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency Range (GHz) 480-640 640-800 800-960 960-1120 1120-1250 1410-1910
Tsys (K) 160 320 480 730 2000 2500
Flux Limit (5?, 1hr, R104) (Jy) 2.3 4.0 5.5 8.0 20 22
Flux Limit (5?, 1hr, R104) (mK) 5 9 12 17 43 45
Line Flux limit (5?,1hr, 104) (10-18 Wm-2) 1.3 3 5 8 24 34
Beamwidth (arcsec) 39 30 25 21 19 13
Spectral Resolution (MHz) 0.14 0.28 1.00 0.14 0.28 1.00 0.14 0.28 1.00 0.14 0.28 1.00 0.14 0.28 1.00 0.14 0.28 1.00
25Estimating integration times
- Time estimate recipe available on web at
l - overheads not well known until after launch
- slew times large distances, scanning, small
distances (beam-switching) - pointing/focus/calibration times
- re-tuning times within band and changing bands
- data downloads and command uploads
26Updated Herschel Observing Proposal AO Timeline
- AO KP (GT and OT) issue 1/02/2007
- KP GT proposal deadline 5/04/2007
- KP GT result official 5/07/2007
- KP OT proposal deadline 1/11/2007
- KP OT result official 28/02/2008
- AO regular GT cycle 1 issue 28/02/2008
- AO regular GT cycle 1 proposal
deadline 3/04/2008 - GT result official 5/06/2008
- AO OT issue 1/02/2009?
- AO Announcement of Opportunity KP Key
Project - GT Guaranteed Time OT Open Time
27Support for Canadian Astronomers
- Canadian HIFI Steering Committee
- Michel Fich (University of Waterloo)
- Canadian Lead Co-Investigator
- Doug Johnstone (NRC/HIA)
- Peter Martin (University of Toronto)
- Henry Matthews (NRC/HIA/DAO/DRAO)
- Bill McCutcheon (University of British Columbia)
- Rene Plume (University of Calgary)
- Astronomy Co-Investigator - member of the
international HIFI Science Team - Canadian HIFI staff
- members of HIFI Instrument Control Centre (ICC)
- Science support specialist (University of
Waterloo) job available! - Instrument support specialist (SRON) Kevin
28Tools for HIFI
- Observing tool is HSPOT (Herschel adaptation of
Spitzer SPOT tool) - Analysis tool is HICLASS (HIFI adaptation of
CLASS) - Tools based on Linux and Windows platforms but
Canadian contribution is Mac OSX version not
fully functional because database not available
for Macs - may need to learn some Jython (Java/Python
implementation) to write observing scripts, etc.
29- Canadian HIFI strategy is to maximize success
rate on Open Time (OT) Proposals - Canadian staff and Science Team members
available as a resource to all Canadian
astronomers to help with proposals - Canadian HIFI Workshop for potential users in
mid-2009 - observing assistance, data analysis advice and
software support will be available - http//astro.uwaterloo.ca/HIFI
- email hifi_at_astro.uwaterloo.ca