Title: IP and International Trade
1IP and International Trade
- Kazuyuki Motohashi
- Department of Technology Management for
Innovation, University of Tokyo - http//www.mo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
- IP Panorama Chap 9
- TochNGO case trademark issues, contract in case
of production outsourcing - International IP application procedure
- Internationalization of patent applications
- Concluding remarks
3International IP Application
- Territoriality of IP protection
- Domestic application
- Regional application (ex. EPO, OHIM)
- International application
- Paris Convention Keep its domestic application
date as priority date of international
application within 1 year (for patent, utility
models) or 6 month (for trademark and design)
4PCT (Patent Coordination Treaty)
Domestic App.
1 year
PCT App.
30 months
App. to A with translation
App. to B with translation
App. to C with translation
Madrid Protocol Same kind of rule applied for
5Patent application by major countries
6Share of domestic application by country
7US patent Top 10 companies
8Patent application in China by applicants
9Patent application in China by technology and
10Patent application flows
Japanese firms
Chinese (firms Individual academic)
US firms
- What could be done by TochNGO?
- Trade mark and patent search in Tostralia
- Paris convention?
- Appeal for invalidation/revocation?
- No way for stop imitation (needs IP)
- Reality for small firms
- Can you go to court for infringement case?
- Careful consideration of production outsourcing
decision (black box approach, if necessary)