Menghitung Korelasi Bivariat menggunakan SPSS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Menghitung Korelasi Bivariat menggunakan SPSS


Menghitung Korelasi Bivariat menggunakan SPSS Pearson's correlation coefficient, Spearman's rho, and Kendall's tau-b The Bivariate Correlations procedure computes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Menghitung Korelasi Bivariat menggunakan SPSS

MenghitungKorelasi Bivariatmenggunakan SPSS
Pearson's correlation coefficient, Spearman's
rho, and Kendall's tau-b
The Bivariate Correlations
  • procedure computes the pair-wise associations
    for a set of variables and displays the results
    in a matrix. It is useful for determining the
    strength and direction of the association between
    two scale or ordinal variables.

  • Pairwise When computing a measure of association
    between two variables in a larger set, cases are
    included in the computation when the two
    variables have non-missing values, irrespective
    of the values of the other variables in the set.
  • Scale A variable can be treated as scale when
    its values represent ordered categories with a
    meaningful metric, so that distance comparisons
    between values are appropriate.
  • Ordinal A variable can be treated as ordinal
    when its values represent categories with some
    intrinsic ranking for example, levels of service
    satisfaction from highly dissatisfied to highly

  • measure how variables or rank orders are
  • Before calculating a correlation coefficient,
    screen your data for outliers (which can cause
    misleading results) and evidence of a linear

  • Pearson's correlation coefficient is a measure of
    linear association. Two variables can be
    perfectly related, but if the relationship is not
    linear, Pearson's correlation coefficient is not
    an appropriate statistic for measuring their
  • Pearson correlation coefficients assume the data
    are normally distributed.

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To Obtain Bivariate Correlations
  • From the menus choose
  •   Analyze  Correlate  Bivariate...
  •  ? Select two or more numeric variables.

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The following options are also available
  • Correlation Coefficients.
  • For quantitative, normally distributed variables,
    choose the Pearson correlation coefficient.
  • If your data are not normally distributed or have
    ordered categories, choose Kendall's tau-b or
    Spearman, which measure the association between
    rank orders.

The following options are also available
  • Test of Significance.
  • You can select two-tailed or one-tailed
    probabilities. If the direction of association is
    known in advance, select One-tailed. Otherwise,
    select Two-tailed.

The following options are also available
  • Flag significant correlations.
  • Correlation coefficients significant at the 0.05
    level are identified with a single asterisk, and
    those significant at the 0.01 level are
    identified with two asterisks.

Result Pearsons correlation
Result Spearmans rho correlation
  • The correlations table displays Pearson
    correlation coefficients, significance values,
    and the number of cases with non-missing values.

Pearson correlation coefficients
  • The Pearson correlation coefficient is a measure
    of linear association between two variables.
  • The values of the correlation coefficient range
    from 0 to 1.
  • The sign of the correlation coefficient indicates
    the direction of the relationship (positive or

Pearson correlation coefficients
  • The absolute value of the correlation coefficient
    indicates the strength, with larger absolute
    values indicating stronger relationships.
  • The correlation coefficients on the main diagonal
    are always 1.0, because each variable has a
    perfect positive linear relationship with itself.
  • Correlations above the main diagonal are a mirror
    image of those below.

  • In this example, the correlation coefficient for
    Arimatika and Loneliness is 0.837.
  • Since 0.837 is relatively close to 1, this
    indicates that Arimatika and Loneliness are
    positively correlated.

Significance Values
  • The significance level (or p-value) is the
    probability of obtaining results as extreme as
    the one observed.
  • If the significance level is very small (less
    than 0.05) then the correlation is significant
    and the two variables are linearly related.
  • If the significance level is relatively large
    (for example, 0.50) then the correlation is not
    significant and the two variables are not
    linearly related.

  • The significance level or p-value is 0.000 which
    indicates a very low significance.
  • The small significance level indicates that
    Aritmatika and Loneliness are significantly
    positively correlated.

Significance Values
  • The significance level (or p-value) is the
    probability of obtaining results as extreme as
    the one observed.
  • If the significance level is very small (less
    than 0.05) then the correlation is significant
    and the two variables are linearly related.
  • If the significance level is relatively large
    (for example, 0.50) then the correlation is not
    significant and the two variables are not
    linearly related.

Significance Values
  • As Aritmatika increases Loneliness also
    increases. And as Aritmatika decreases,
    Loneliness also decreases.

  • N is the number of cases with non-missing values.
  • In this table, the number of cases with
    non-missing values for both Aritmatika and
    Loneliness is 23.

  • Even if the correlation between two variables is
    not significant, the variables may be correlated
    but the relationship is not linear.
  • So, we use Spearmans rho or Kendall Tau-b
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